Middle English Dictionary Entry

entrē n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

The act or fact of entering physically; entrance; also fig.; entre and issue, coming and going.
Law The taking possession of lands or tenements by entering the same; writ of entre.
(a) Entrance into office; (b) entrance into or admission to membership in a group, as a guild or a religious order.
The opportunity, right, or power of entering; admittance, access; free entre.
(a) The initiation or beginning of an action, course of action, or condition; (b) the beginning or approach of a period of time; (c) the introduction to a book or subject of discourse.
(a) A place of approach or entrance; the entrance (to a building); the approach (to a country, a harbor, etc.); the mouth (of a river); the mouth or opening of a receptacle; also fig.; (b) fig. a means of entering or attaining to (a certain condition).
The structure about a place of entrance; also, a gate or door.
?A place of residence or business; a hall. (See Oxf.Hist.Soc.94 357.)
An item entered in a list or record, an entry.
Hawk.?The outlet (of a hawk's crop or craw).
(a) in phrase god of ~, a sobriquet for Janus, Roman god of transitions, gates, etc. (therefore comprising many of the senses above); (b) transl. L adytum sanctuary, which is appar. confused with aditus access.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Addition: in sense 2., the phrase writ of entre needs to be glossed and the phrase emended: writ of ~, a writ bringing suit to recover the possession of lands from one who wrongfully withholds possession.--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. entry.