Middle English Dictionary Entry

aloft(e adv.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. loft.
(a) Up in the sky or air; high above, at or to a height; high ~; (b) on top, atop; above, upstairs; also, on (a surface); lenden ~, go up (to sb.); (c) upward; liften, heven ~, lift up, raise; striden ~, mount.
In or to heaven, on high.
Upright, erect; holden, raisen, stonden ~, hold, raise, stand up.
With voice raised; aloud, loudly.
Of high rank; in or to a stronger or more favorable position, on top; grouen up ~, grow up; holden up herte ~, buoy up the spirit.
(a) ben ~, be in the air, be present, be around, be going on; holden ~, carry on (sth.); (b) maken, raisen ~, start (sth.).