Middle English Dictionary Entry

distressen v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To press upon or harass (sb.); also, attack (an enemy); (b) ?to take (sb.) prisoner; (c) to pillage (an estate).
Law To distrain (a person or his goods).
(a) To torment or torture (sb.); afflict (the flesh); (b) ppl. distressed, troubled or in distress.
To restrain or control (oneself).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1400 Treat.Penit.Job (Pep 2125)192/331 : Thei shal come al abowte þe and þei shal distressy þe in euer-syde.
Note: Additional quot., sense 1.(a) (or 3.(a)); new spelling (infinitive in -y) added to form section.