Middle English Dictionary Entry
ablā̆tī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
Entry Info
Forms | ablā̆tī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n. |
Etymology | L & OF |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) The ablative (case) of Latin; a noun or adjective in the ablative case; (b) in a pun (with ref. to L ablātiō a taking away & ablāt-um taken away, stolen): carried off, stolen; ~ cas, the state of living on stolen goods.
Associated quotations
- (c1434) Drury Wks.(CmbAdd 2830)81/92,105 : With an ablatif, vt: Pater meus est diues auro..With an ablative case.
- a1450(a1397) WBible(2) GProl.(Hrl 1666)p.7 : In translating into English, manie resolucions moun make the sentence open, as an ablatif case absolute may be resoluid into these thre wordis, with couenable verbe: the while, for, if.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)98 : By an ablatyf case absolute.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)102 : What case wyll the comparatyf degre haue after hym? An ablatyf case of eyther noumbre wyth oute a preposicion.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)105 : How many case hastowe? Sixe: the nominatyf, genitif, datyf, accusatyf, vocatyf, & ablatyf.
- a1500 Donatus (1) (StJ-C F.26)1020 : Þe synes of ablatyf.
- a1500 Donatus (1) (StJ-C F.26)1021 : Þe ablatyf schal endyn in o.
- a1500 Donatus(2) (Dc 103)1029 : How knowyst the ablatyfe case? By my synes? Wyche byn they? Yn & wyth, throȝe, fro & by, & aftur a comparatyf degre ys the synes of the ablatyfe case.
- ?a1500 My lefe (Sln 1210)14 : The ablatyfe case thou hafe in mynd, That he be saved in hys kynd.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Add 9066)418 : The vjt. case is ablatif case, and are they that stelyn and leuyn on oþer mennes goodes.
- c1500 PFulham (Rwl C.86)364 : Their purches [Trin-C: purses] be called ablatif; They haue their iȝen vocatif.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1414 Lin-C.Informacio (Lin-C 88)105/1.4 : In how mone maners shal þu begynne to make a Latyn an to construe? In foure. Qweche foure? First be a vocatif case, by a nominatif case, or sumqwat set in þo stede of a nominatif case, be an ablatif case absolute, an be a verbe inpersonil.
- c1450 Peniarth Accedence(1) (Pen 356B)2/71 : How knos þu þe ablatiue case?
- c1450 Peniarth Accedence(1) (Pen 356B)2/75 : 'In' wtout 'to' ys þe syne of þe ablatiue case.
- a1500 Add.37075 Accedence (Add 37075)46/60 : How know ye þe ablatyff case?
- a1475 Peniarth Informacio(1) (Pen 356B)98/272 : In how mony manerys schall the ablatyue case absolute be expowned?
Note: Additional quote(s)