Middle English Dictionary Entry

dēfēten v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To ruin (sth.); (b) defeted, p.ppl., overcome with sorrow or hunger; (c) to cut up (a game animal), butcher, dress.
Law To nullify (an entail, a grant, statute, etc.), make null and void.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Correction: in sense (b), change 'deffeted' in the first quot.--?a1425(c1380)--to 'desfeted'.
Note: Add "p.ppl. desfeted" to form section. (Since the etymon of this verb is dēfēt ppl., which itself is derived from OF desfait, deffet, ppl. of desfaire, the form in the quot. is probably not an error.)--per MLL