Middle English Dictionary Entry
dēfens(e n.
Entry Info
Forms | dēfens(e n. Also defence, diffence, diffens(e. |
Etymology | OF defens & defense. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Act of defending oneself (or sb. else) by fighting, defense; comen to ~, to come to someone's defense; don ~, maken ~, stonden at ~, to defend oneself; also, to fight; for (in) ~ of, for the defense of (sth.); with gret ~, with a stubborn defense, with hard fighting; (b) fig. spiritual or intellectual defense; defense (against Fortune, temptation, vice, etc.); (c) oral or written defense; support (for an opinion); argument to justify (a sin); (d) resistance; feren with ~, to resist, proceed defensively.
Associated quotations
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)4055 : Wanne hii vorsoke is [þis londe] & uorslewede & to none defense ne come, þo we þoru chiualerie out of hor poer is nome.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)9107 : Þai..made swiche defense & sleiȝt Þat y no may telle it ariȝt.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2709 : Now sece we..of þe douȝthi defens of wieȝes þer wiþ-inne.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)3264 : Þay ne beo hardy..defense aȝen hem to make.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert)B.2723,2727 : The defense [vr. defens] is doon anon..Ye maken no defense as now for to defende yow, but for to venge yow.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)6.1687 : With his scharpe speres hed He makth defence.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Cl.(Manly-Rickert)E.1195 : Ye archewyues, stondeth at defense [Lnsd: þe fense].
- (a1402) Trev.Dial.MC (Hrl 1900)33/10,11 : Þei schul be vnder charge..ȝif hit nediþ for defens of þe comynte; for hem nediþ þe comyn defens as alle oþer nediþ.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.8193 : And Grekis þan cruelly be-gynne Ageyn her foon to stonden at diffence.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.1040 : Agamenoun, þat was so noble..He myȝt nat make no diffence.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)6277 : Who myght defense ayens hem make?
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)606 : Hym roughte nat in armes for to sterve In the defence of hyre and of hire ryght.
- (1435) RParl.4.486b : Every persone seisid of Maners..of the yerely value of c s. overe the reprises and charges, paye unto yow our soverain Lord, for the defense aforseyd, ii s. vi d.
- (1449) RParl.5.142a : We youre pouere Communes..graunten..for the defence of this youre saide Roialme, half a Quinsime.
- a1450 Where-of is mad (Dgb 102)138 : But þou make deffens o ferre, Leg or arm may take þe fro.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)6/30 : Me aght to councell you..that no man be putt to dethe, bot if he stonde at defence.
- (1455) Doc.in Nicholl Ironmongers27 : The said Craft..to [bear] the said armes..in honor and defence of the said citie of London.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)33b : Defence, vbi defending.
- a1500(?c1440) Lydg.HGS (Lnsd 699)241 : Rome bi his foon was take, The Capitoile kept with gret deffence.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Phil.1.16 : I am putt in the defence [L defensionem] of the gospel.
- c1390 Whon Men beoþ (Vrn)162-3 : Wiþ siker defence beo ay redye; For siker defence in þis batayle Is clene lyf.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)6.1612 : For whom fortune wole assaile, Ther mai be non such resistence Which mihte make a man defence.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.2559 : Þe scheld of Pallas..Signified..by manly hiȝe diffence Ageyns vices to maken resistence.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.287 : Thus am I lost; ther helpeth no diffence.
- ?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16)211/9 : And I beseche almyghty god..to fullfylle hire soules with inspiracioun of the holy gost, in makynge defence of all hire gostly enemyes.
- a1450 Who þat wole knowe (Dgb 102)125 : Withstonde temptacions, make defence.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)92/29 : Summe ben goddis wiþdrawingis..of his goostly diffence and forþeraunce.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)1 : Oure strengthes..may nought with-holde hym, nor again hym stonde in no diffence.
- c1400 Ilka man (Tbr E.7)607 : And als of wordes faire polising, to mak þam soth þat es lesing, and in oure sinyng fals defens.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.pr.3.40 : Everych of hem wolde drawen to the deffense of his opinyoun the wordes of Socrates.
- c1450 How mankinde dooþ (Lamb 853)63 : Bi waar of richelees, for he wole make diffence.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)3/4 : Þei ben dressid into þe seid vij maters..with certein defensis aȝens hem whiche wolen inpugne..þe deuise of þis book.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.467 : In womman vynolent is no defence -- This knowen lechours by experience.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1282 : Ay þe lady let lyk a hym loued mych; þe freke ferde with defence & feted ful fayre.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.3410 : Iason gan to wende Vn-to þe Ram..In whiche he fonde no power nor diffence.
- c1460(?c1400) Beryn (Nthld 55)1981 : My warant is so large, And þowe make eny diffence, to by-nym thy lyff.
(a) arm of ~, wepen of (to) ~, a warlike weapon; doublet of ~, a soldier's doublet; folk of ~, peple of ~, fighting men; freke of ~, man of ~, a warrior; gin of ~, an engine of war; jakke of ~, a coat or jacket of a soldier; knight of ~, a warlike knight; ship of ~, a warship; of gret ~, strong or skillful in fighting, very warlike; (b) arraien to ~, to prepare (oneself) to fight; ful of ~, great capacity for fighting; in his (our) ~, to defend himself (ourselves), in self-defense.
Associated quotations
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)2611 : Hij shulden senden..alle þat hadden powers To beren wepen of defense [LinI: to defence].
- (1418) EEWills37/3 : A Doubeled of defence couered with red Leþer.
- (1441) Indent.Retain.in Archaeol.17215 : And all the seid archers specially to have good Jakks of defence, salades, swerdes, and sheves of xl arwes.
- (1444) Will Daubeney in Som.RS 19342 : Item, to John Roller y ordeyne..a doublet of defens.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)35.36 : A knyht..is Iclepid Sire Nasciens A worthy man & of gret defens.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)102b : The plute is a gyn of defence made like to þe side of an hous.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)6910 : He hath folke of many londes..Ffull eger knyghtes of [vr. and of gret] defens.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1740 : We haue..Folke of defence, and to fight able.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)9563 : In the Citie..no soudiour is leuit, Ne no freke of defense.
- c1450(c1430) Brut-1430 (Glb E.8:Kingsf.)306 : That was a stronge toune and well wallid and welle stuffid with ffrensshe pepull of defence.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)184/895i : Sirr pollex and sir Talamon..Brought good sheppis of defense.
- a1500 When nettuls (BodPoet e.1)p.269 : And sprates ber sperys in armys of defens.
- c1500(?a1475) Ass.Gods (Trin-C R.3.19)817 : He semyd a lorde of ryght gret excellence..he was of gret dyffence.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.1806 : Thus forth he geth..With the Romeins in his defence Ayein the Greks that ben comende.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)290a/b : Þe leoun..arrayeþ himself to defens [L ad defensionem] and renneþ out.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.1956 : We mote resisten..In oure defence.
- a1425 Cursor (Glb E.9)29388 : In his defens if þat it be..þis þan es þe sext case.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)2128 : We full of defense, & no faute, haue.
(a) Sheltering from enemies, protecting; fortification; (b) of gret (noble) ~, affording great (noble) protection, strongly fortified; of (at) no ~, affording no protection; ?transparent [quot.: c1430]; abbeie (cite, stede, tour) of ~, a fortified abbey (city, place, tower).
Associated quotations
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.111 : In þe top of mont Syon was a real toure for feiren[e]s and defens [Higd.(2): defence].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)167b/b : Couenable places for defence and strengþe [L loca munitionibus] ben y-founded on cragges.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.635 : And with-Inne..was..gret barreys..With huge cheynes forged for diffence.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)SSol.4.4 : Thi necke is as the tour of Dauid, which is bildid with strengthis maad bifore for defense [L cum propugnaculis].
- c1330 Orfeo (Auch)6/48 : Þis king soiournd in Traciens, Þat was a cite of noble defens [Ashm: grete defence].
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.2607 : His myȝti stronge armure -- Ageyn his stroke it was at [vr. of] no diffence.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)5364 : Na sted of defens [L locus defensionis] þar sal be.
- c1430(c1380) Chaucer PF (Benson-Robinson)273 : The remenaunt [of Venus] was wel kevered..with a subtyl coverchef of Valence; Ther nas no thikkere cloth of no defense.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1151 : Þe cite..was a huge wondire, Tildid full of turestis & toures of defence [Dub: towrez of defencez].
- c1450(c1430) Brut-1430 (Glb E.8:Kingsf.)307 : The kynge..conquerid alle the tounys..and alle the abbeyis of deffence, castellis, and pilis.
(a) A fortified place, fortification; refuge, stronghold; (b) a shield, covering; (c) a weapon, means of defense; (d) fig. a defense (against criticism, death, spiritual enemies, etc.); the assurance provided by a seal; (e) custody, guardianship; care, keeping; taken in (into) ~, to become guardian or patron of (sb.); (f) ?a fence [cp. fens n., 3.(a)].
Associated quotations
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)4359 : He..is dragon arerd of golde As in stude of is baner, & þanne ȝif eni wolde Come as to defense, þat vorwounded were.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)5a/b : Antemurale: defens by fore þe wal.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)43a/a : Munimem: Shildyng, warnynge, or defense.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)115 : Defence:..munimen, munimentum.
- (1447-8) Shillingford88 : With owte the procyncte..there ys the moste costelew defence and moste stately towre of alle the City.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)42b/b : Þe forhede is þe tour & þe defens [L defensaculum] of al þe synewes.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)268a/a : Þerfore þey putteþ forþ al þe body for defense of þe heed.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.5381 : Except his platis, þer was no diffence, Ageyn þe strok to make resistence.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)88.42 : Þou dest oway þe helpe of his defens [L gladii ejus].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)264a/a : It is not semeliche þat kynde schulde ȝiue þe defendour of þe flokk wiþoute wepene or defens [L armis defensionis].
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)89b : In þe oost aȝenst þese bestes, Dyuers diffens and wiþ-stondinge was ordeyned of armes.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.21 : I write..sentens of olde men, þe auctores þat..I take for schelde and defens [L pro clypeo], me for to saue..aȝenst enemyes þat me wolde despise.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.6953 : Cruelly anon ȝe schulde deye But for þe offis of embassatrie Ageyns deth is fully ȝour diffence.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.5600 : A merueillous ymage..was wrouȝt..þer tabide..For a diffence and saluacioun.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)581/27 : He strengthed hit [his confirmation of a charter] with the defence and suerte of his sele.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.A.2444 : Deith..all lyffelie thyng asseileth..Ayenst whos stroke no diffence availeth.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)146/26 : I counsell þat we do reuerence..to þe cros, for oþyr defence haue we not aȝeyne oure gostly enmys.
- (1446) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.25 : Ye seid Robert..also beryng the charge of suytes and othour labures that belongeth in defence of the seid manere.
- (1461) in Lyte Hist.Eton61 : We Edward by ye grace of god of Englande..have..taken..the Provoste and felaship of ye Collage..into our defense and saveguard.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)182/8 : Reynolde fitz petur..toke þe goodys, londys & possessions of the foreseyde abbas..in hys defense & proteccion for euyr.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)670/27 : Henry kyng of Englond..toke into his proteccion and defence his abbesse and mynchons of Godestow.
- (1466-68) Acc.St.Andrew Hubbard in BMag.31401 : To John Motte, carpenter, for makyng & stuffe of a defence ayeinst the chirches walle..; item to a laborer to dyg ij holes to set in the postes.
(a) One who protects, a defender; -- also coll.: defenders; withouten ~, without defender(s, defenseless; (b) in proverb.
Associated quotations
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)5063 : Þat lond, ȝe mowe hit finde nouþe Al bar wiþoute defence, binorþe & eke bisouþe.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.3637 : Gedeon..assembled hath a route, With thritti thousend of defence To fihte and make resistence.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.3296 : Achilles is slayn, Þat whilom was..Ȝoure diffence and proteccioun.
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)3345 : No had beo oure Tiriens, Þou haddest leye þer wiþ oute defence.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)77a : Þis warde schulde be rescous, socour and defence to alle þe oost.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)104a : In þe ouerstage he haþ scheteres, casteres, slyngeres & alle manere diffence þe whiche, for þei ben ouer þe hedes of hem þat ben on þe walles..þei sleeþ or beteþ awey fro þe walles alle þat stondeþ vnder hem.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert)B.2351 : A trewe freend is a strong defense [vrr. defence, defens, deffense].
(a) A forbidding, a prohibition; a law or commandment that forbids; ayen(es ~, against (someone's) orders; breken ~, to disobey (someone's) prohibition; (b) a prohibited thing; (c) an offense; don ~ (to), to commit an offense, offend (sb.).
Associated quotations
- ?c1335 Nou ihc for þi (Hrl 913)29 : God commandid to Ysay..to ssow ham god-is defens, Boþe to ȝung and olde, Of þe X commandemens.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.1026 : Phebus, which syh..How Pheton ayein his defence His charr hath drive out of the weie, Ordeigneth that he fell aweie.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.1710 : Adam ek in Paradis..Ayein the god brak his defence.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)11097 : Þe sekesteyn, for alle þat defense, Ȝyt he ȝaue þe body ensense.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)18.193 : Adam afterward, aȝeines his defence, Frette of that fruit.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)3.1299 : N'y wol nat, certein, breken youre defence.
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)5957 : He..sent ȝou..defence [Ld: defyaunce] by oure hond And bad ȝou remeue out of his lond.
- (1425) RParl.4.277a : Hit is thoght necessarie and behooffull..to receyve and take ye said debate into ye Kyngs hand, and to make expresse deffense and inhibition to ye said parties.
- (1433) RParl.4.451b : It was ordined yat every man of his Reaume myght make as wele Clothes of Kerseys, as other Clothes..ony Estatuit, Ordenaunce, Proclamation or Defence to the contrarie made natwithstondyng.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)131 : They shal defendyn the tennaunt..that he make non destruccioun..And ȝif the tenaunt doo a-ȝeyns the defence of the ballyves and the axand, that than the axand recure the tenement.
- c1450 Pilgr.LM (Cmb Ff.5.30)78 : The kyng made defence that non took scrippe ne that noon bere it with him.
- a1475(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Vit C.13)10775 : Thogh they somtyme wer dyffendyd, That dyffence ys now wythdrawe.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)245 : Þe defence watz þe fryt þat þe freke towched, And þe dom is þe deþe þat drepez uus alle.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)17.88 : I have sein..Of Alle Manere of wykkednesse the defens.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Merlin (Corp-C 80)722 : But thou hast broken thin obedyence, and aȝens me don ful gret defense.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)2692 : What defense has þou done to our dere goddes?
- c1450 Lydg.SPuer(1) (Lamb 853)51 : Of curtesie it is aȝen þe lawe, With dishoneste, sone, for to do difence [vr. offence].
(a) Warding off, preventing; in ~ of, to ward off (sb.); (b) law defense against a suit or an accusation; withouten ~, without an opportunity to defend oneself, without a hearing; (c) med. & surg. a preventive measure against disease; also, a protective medicine or ointment.
Associated quotations
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)4715 : In defense of hor fos..Wenton out wightly wale men of armys.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.pr.4.267 : I am withoute deffense dampnyd to proscripcion and to the deth.
- (c1426) Paston2.18 : The seyd William was with the prior..of counseille in hese trewe defence ageyn the entent of the seyd Walter in a sute that he [Walter] made ageyn the seyd priour.
- c1450(a1422) *Assem.Bk.1 Gild St.Geo.Norwich (Nrw-CMus) : Also the king hatz graunted to the same brether'n and suster'n for to haue a comown seale in all sutes and defences and in all other causes.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)167/11 : Aftur mani respites of deliberacion grauntid, moni excepcioun & defensis & replicasions I-purposid..þei submittid hem to þe ordinans.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)270/22 : Þer ben manie men..þat knowen not þe maner of þe sijknes ne þe diffence þerof.
- ?a1450 Lanfranc (Add 12056)55/21 : Ordeyne hym a couenable dyotynge..& leye a defens [Ashm: defensif] aboute þe wounde.
Associated quotations
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)29489 : Þe first cursing..Reuis man godd and has in comune Of hali kirk and sacrementes -- His part es done him in defens.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Ecclus.48.7 : Who may haue glorie in lijk maner with thee..Which herdist dom in Syna, and in Oreb domes of defence?
withouten (ani) ~, without denial or hindrance; ?undoubtedly, assuredly.
Associated quotations
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)3229 : Þer schal we sone se what þat his Jugement schal be, with-owtyn any deffens.
- c1450(c1386) Chaucer LGW Prol.(1) (Benson-Robinson)279 : I hadde ben ded, withouten any defence.
- c1450 How mankinde dooþ (Lamb 853)263 : Glotenie coostiþ, wiþouten diffence, Boþe in diuerse drinkis and meete.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. defense.