Middle English Dictionary Entry

crẹ̄l n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

A large wicker basket, a creel.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (1367) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1422 : Ordinatum est per Custodes ville Beverlaci..omnes portitores et crelemen Beverlaci..quod eorum quilibet caperet pro onere sive summagio unius equi De Torrente usque ad Monasterium et Estgate, unum obolum.
  • (1377) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1422 : Ordinatum est per Custodes ville Beverlaci..quod si quis portitorum sive crelemen aliter capiat pro labore suo in cariagio faciendo quam ut ordinatum est supra, quod ipse..solvat..quadraginta denarios.
  • Note: Gloss: in cpd.: ~ man, one who transports goods in creels.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Revised form section: Also crel(l)e; pl. creles, etc. & crel.--per MLL