Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 8 [ Sept. 12, 1864-Apr. 14, 1865, undated, appendices].

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Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 8 [ Sept. 12, 1864-Apr. 14, 1865, undated, appendices].
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press

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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 8 [ Sept. 12, 1864-Apr. 14, 1865, undated, appendices]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


To Ulysses S. Grant1Jump to section

``Cypher'' Office U.S. Military Telegraph,
Lieut. Genl. Grant War Department,
City-Point, Va. Washington, D.C., March 8. 1865

Your two despatches to the Secretary of War---one relating to supplies for the enemy going by the Blackwater, and the other to Gen. Singleton and Judge Hughes---have been laid before me by him. As to Singleton and Hughes, I think they are not in Richmond by any authority, unless it be from you. I remember nothing from me which could aid them in getting there except a letter to you as follows, towit:

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``Lieut. Genl. Grant Executive Mansion

City-Point, Va. Washington City Feb. 7. 1865

Gen. Singleton who bears you this, claims that, he already has arrangements made, if you consent, to bring a large amount of Southern produce through your lines. For it's bearing on our finances, I would be glad for this to be done, if it can be, without injuriously disturbing your military operations, or supplying the enemy. I wish you to be judge and master on these points. Please see and hear him fully; and decide whether anything & if anything, what can be done in the premises. Yours truly


I believe I gave Hughes a card putting him with Singleton, on the same letter.

However this may be I now authorize you to get Singleton and Hughes away from Richmond, if you choose, and can. I also authorize you, by an order, or in what form you choose, to suspend all operations on the Treasury-trade-permits, in all places South Eastward of the Alleghenies. If you make such order, notify me of it, giving a copy, so that I can give corresponding direction to the Navy. A LINCOLN


[1]   ALS, DNA WR RG 107, Presidential Telegrams, I, 364-66. On March 8, Grant telegraphed Stanton at 11:30 A.M.:

``We have got supplies going out by Norfolk to the rebel army stopped, but information received shows that large amounts still go by way of the Black-water. They no doubt go on the Treasury permits heretofore given under Act of Congress regulating trade with states in insurrection

``I would respectfully recommend that orders be sent to the Army and Navy everywhere, to stop supplies going to the interior and annulling all permits for such trade heretofore given'' (DLC-RTL).

A second telegram from Grant to Stanton is as follows:

``I believe Genl [James W.] Singleton should be ordered to return from Richmond and all permits he may have should be revoked. Our friends in Richmond . . . send word that Tobacco is being exchanged on the Potomac for Bacon, and they believe Singleton to be at the bottom of it.

``I am also of the opinion that all permits issued to Judge [James] Hughes should be cancelled. I think the same of all other permits heretofore granted, but in the case of Singleton and Judge Hughes, I believe there is a deep laid plan for making millions and they will sacrifice every interest of the country to succeed. I do not know Hughes personally never having seen him but once, but the conviction here expressed is forced upon me'' (ibid.).

On March 10, Grant issued his Special Orders No. 48:

``The operations on all Treasury Trade Permits, and all other trade permits and licenses to trade, by whomsoever granted, within the State of Virginia, except that portion known as the Eastern Shore, and the States of North Carolina and South Carolina, and that portion of the State of Georgia immediately bordering on the Atlantic, including the city of Savannah, are hereby suspended until further orders. All contracts and agreements made under or by virtue of any trade permit or license within any of said States or parts of States, during the existence of this order, will be deemed void, and the subject of such contracts or agreements will be seized by the military authorities for the benefit of the

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Government, whether the same is at the time of such contracts or agreements within their reach or at any time thereafter comes within their reach, either by the operations of war or the acts of the contracting parties or their agents. The delivery of all goods contracted for and not delivered before the publication of this order is prohibited.

``Supplies of all kinds are prohibited from passing into any of said States or parts of States, except such as are absolutely necessary for the wants of those living within the lines of actual military occupation, and under no circumstances will military commanders allow them to pass beyond the lines they actually hold.''

See further, Lincoln's telegram to Grant, March 13, infra.

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