To William B. Preston1Jump to section
Secretary of the Navy. Novr. 5. 1849
Dear Sir: Being here in Kentucky on private business,2Jump to section I have learned that the name of Dr. John T. Parker3Jump to section is before you as an applicant for the Hemp Agency of the State. I understand that his name has been presented in accordance with the wish of the hemp-growers, rather than his own. I personally know him to be a gentleman of high character, of excellent general information, and, withal, an experienced hemp grower himself. I disclaim all right of interference as to the offices out of my own state; still I suppose there is no impr[opr]iety in my stating the facts as above; and I will venture to add that I shall be much gratified, if Dr. Parker shall receive the appointment. Your Obt. Servt. A. LINCOLN---