Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848].

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Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848].
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press

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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


To Garland B. Shelledy1Jump to section

G. B. Shelody: Esqr. Springfield, Ills., Feby. 16- 1842-

Yours of the 10th. is duly received. Judge Logan2Jump to section & myself are doing business together now and we are willing to attend to your cases as you propose. As to the terms, we are willing to attend each case you prepare and send us for $10---(when there shall be no opposition,) to be sent in advance, or you to know that it is safe. It takes $5.75 of cost to start upon, that is, $1.75 to clerk, and $2--- to each of two publishers of papers. Judge Logan thinks it will take the ballance of $20 to carry a case through. This must be advanced from time to time as the services are performed, as the officers will not act without. I do not know whether you can be admitted an attorney of the Federal court in your absence or not; nor is it material, as the business can be done in our names.

Thinking it may aid you a little, I send you one of our blank forms of Petitions. It, you will see, is framed to be sworn to before the Federal court clerk, and, in your cases, will have [to] be so far changed, as to be sworn to before the clerk of your circuit court; and his certificate must be accompanied with his official seal. The schedules too, must be attended to. Be sure that they contain the creditors names, their residences, the amounts due each, the debtors names, their residences, and the amounts they owe, also all property and where located.

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Also be sure that the Schedules are signed by the applicants as well as the Petition.

Publication will have to be made here in one paper, and in one nearest the residence of the applicant. Write us in each case where this last advertisement is to be sent---whether to you or to what paper.

I believe I have now said every thing that can be of any advantage. Your friend, as ever A. LINCOLN


[1]   ALS, owned by Garland B. Shelledy, Paris, Illinois.

[2]   According to William H. Herndon, Lincoln's partnership with John T. Stuart ended on April 14, 1841, and Lincoln became the junior partner of Stephen T. Logan, who was nine years his senior and an outstanding member of the bar. Logan and Lincoln were associated perhaps a few weeks earlier than the date given, since they appeared together in the case of Webb v. Parrin on March 23 and in several other cases in this spring term of court.

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