Journal of Muslim Mental Health

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Type Title Author(s) Downloads
Editorial Editor's Introduction Hamid, Hamada PDF (122kb)
Review Article Medical Orientalism and the War on Terror: Depictions of Arabs and Muslims in the Psychodynamic Literature post-9/11 Aggarwal, Neil Krishan PDF (174kb)
Original Article Muslim Chaplain’s Role as Perceived by Directors and Chaplains of New York City Hospitals and Health Care Settings Abu-Ras, Wahiba PDF (352kb)
Original Article Initial Development of the Iranian Religious Coping Scale Aflakseir, Abdulaziz; Coleman, Peter G. PDF (329kb)
Original Article The Multi-Faith Religious Support Scale: Validation with a Sample of Muslim Women Bjorck, Jeffrey P.; Maslim, Audrey A. PDF (550kb)
Original Article Religiosity, Social Support, and Health among the Elderly in Kuwait Al-Kandari, Yagoub Y. PDF (329kb)