~ICMC 2015 - Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 2015 - CEMI, University of North Texas tion of Peabody with Johns Hopkins in 1977 gave the conservatory access to the computers and expertise available at the University and made possible the Conservatory's entrance into computer music. Under the direction of Geoffrey Wright and with the gracious assistance of Leland Smith, SCORE and MUS10 was installed on the Johns Hopkins DEC PDP10. Barry Vercoe provided Music 11, which was run on a Johns Hopkins PDP-11/45 computer in the Chemical Engineering Department. Later, F. Richard Moore and Gareth Loy provided Cmusic to Peabody. Ultimately Csound became our primary computer music langauage during this period. Initially, DAC systems were not allowed on the shared mainframe university computers, so Dexter Morrill at Colgate kindly converted our sample files to audio. Finally, with the department-sized DEC PDP-11/45, DAC/ADC systems were attached. Visiting professor Vladimir Ussachevsky donated a commercial DAC/ADC system for our exclusive use. McGregor Boyle arrived at Peabody in 1982. The studio bought its first computer that year, an IBM PC-XT. Although too slow to make sound, the computer was harnessed to generate triggers and continuous control voltage signals through a specially designed DAC/ADC to control the Moog synthesizers in real-time and in polyphony. This hybrid system worked well, but when MIDI came out in 1983 the "pmusic" control language written by doctoral student Rob Mari was converted to process MIDI as well. Wright and Boyle founded the Computer Music Consort in 1983. This professional performing ensemble has appeared at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C, and at Symphony Space in New York City, among other places. A gift allowed Peabody to create a lecture series, the Friedberg Lectures, which has featured speakers such as Roger Reynolds, Paul Lansky, Stephen McAdams and Max Matthews. Wright also founded the Combined Laboratory for Audio Interdisciplinary Research (CLAIR) in 1984. CLAIR has overseen research in Brain-Generated Music, among other topics. Peabody added a second studio, now known as Production Studio 312, in 1991. Both studios at that time were primarily MIDI studios, with the familiar racks of MIDI gear filling the space. Over the years the department has continued to expand, and now occupies a suite of five rooms on the third floor of the Conservatory. The original studio is now known as the Teaching Studio 314, and it is where most classes are held. The other two studios are the Digital Performance Studio 309, which is the home of our Yamaha MIDI grand piano, and the Digital Arts Studio 307, a collaborative learning environment for our students. In 1989, Peabody joined its Electronic and Computer Music Studios into the Peabody Computer Music Department (PCM) and began offering degrees with the creation of the Master of Music in Computer Music degree. We were assisted by Hopkins Computer Science students, one of whom was Daniel Barrett. The PCM faculty has at times included technology specialists Edmund Pirali, Ichiro Fujinaga, and Craig Sapp. Over subsequent years Peabody graduates have had an enormous impact on the Computer Music community. Our alumni can be found all over the world in music production and teaching institutions. A Bachelor's degree in Computer Music began in 2004, and now there is an optimal balance between undergraduate and graduate students. Being situated in a conservatory has had a considerable influence on Peabody Computer Music. There are over a thousand concerts a year at the conservatory, so many composers tend to focus on writing music that combines computer music with live performance. We find that there is an increase in young, skilled performers who are technically experienced. In addition to our own concerts and those of the Composition Department, we are also called on to assist the Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Opera Departments when they have technical needs. We also assist our sister institution, the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory in Singapore, which we helped to found and with whom we have an ongoing relationship. Exchange students can study in a joint degree program at both institutions. Today Peabody students can be found participating in the ICMC and SEAMUS Conferences, as well as being awarded international prizes. Last year, for example there were four Peabody students performed at ICMC, and this year we will have four presenting their work at SEAMUS. Some notable Peabody alumni include Michael Hedges, an extraordinary guitarist who released several recordings for Wyndham Hill records and performed all over the world; Richard Dudas, who worked at IRCAM and Cycling74 and now is on the faculty at Hanyang University in Seoul; Seongah Shin is on the faculty at Keimyung University (South Korea); Matthew Burtner, now Associate Professor of music at the University of Virginia; Elizabeth Anderson, a successful composer now based in Europe; Lynn Kowal, Darren Otero, and Bijan Olia, all successful film composers based in Hollywood; Chris Mandra, who created the original website for National Public Radio; Michael Straus, now Assistant Dean for Facilities and Technology at Oberlin Conservatory; Margaret Schedel, Asssociate Professor of Music at Stonybrook University; Juha Ojala, who teaches at the University of Oulu in Finland; Griffin Cohen, composer and sound designer for video games at Firaxis; and Yiyi Cui, now teaching at Dailan University in China. 2. LOOKING FORWARD 2.1 International Collaborations Peabody Computer Music collaborates with studios and colleges worldwide, and in recent years especially with Asian institutions. In April 2014 PCM participated in the Handmade Project with Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre [7] (Taipei) and Keimyung University (South Korea)[8]. Handmade was hosted primarily by PCM alumna Sandra Wuan-Chin Li, who is music director of Guling Street AvantGarde Theatre. Handmade featured music from musicians and students in Baltimore, Seoul, and Taipei. Five pieces from Peabody Computer Music students were presented in concert, including (Scribble by Robby Neubauer, Mirage by Sunhuimei Xia, Beijing Impression by Yiyi Cui, Papi Flu -159 - 0
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