~Proceedings ICMCISMCI2014 14-20 September 2014, Athens, Greece A Protocol for creating Multiagent Systems in Ensemble with Pure Data Pedro Bruel Universidade de So Paulo pedro.bruel@gmail.com ABSTRACT This work presents a protocol for integration of two software platforms, the Ensemble framework for musical multiagent systems and the Pure Data programming environment. Ensemble is written in Java and requires knowledge of this language in order to access high-level features of the framework, such as creating customized agent reasonings, new event servers for non-supported data-types, or new physical models for the virtual world. On the other hand, Pure Data (Pd) is a very popular programming environment for real-time audio processing (among other things) and has an ever-growing community of users interested in sound and music applications. The protocol described here allows Pd users with no knowledge of Java to create musical multiagent applications in Ensemble with a high degree of flexibility, including configuration of parameters defining the virtual world, creation of agents and agent components (sensors, actuators, memories and knowledge base) and the definition of agent reasonings, which control agent behaviour and agent interactions in the virtual world, all from within Pd patches. 1. INTRODUCTION The interest in multiagent systems in music started about fifteen years ago, and several such applications have appeared in the literature, which included distributed artificial intelligence concepts such as autonomous agents, virtual world modelling and collaborative agent interactions, in musical environments dealing with composition, improvisation and performance [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Many of these applications [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] presented a whole conception of the virtual world and its laws, and of agents with specific cognitive and musical functions, following determined algorithms. A few exceptions to this rule are systems designed to aid the development of general musical multiagent applications, such as MAMA [4], ISO [5] and Ensemble [6, 8]. MAMA focused in agents which exchanged and produced exclusively MIDI information; ISO is oriented towards the idea of a swarm orchestra, where agents in a swarm are controlled by complex collective behaviours. Ensemble on the other hand concentrates on the idea of autonomous agents, and has tackled from its inception both symbolic Copyright: 2014 Pedro Bruel et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the u n r.s, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Marcelo Queiroz Universidade de So Paulo mqz@ime.usp.br exchange (MIDI, text, musical data and algorithms) and audio communication between agents immersed in a virtual world, which required physical modelling of sound propagation in various virtual realities (including, but not restricted to, realistic 3D spherical sound propagation). The Ensemble framework has been written in Java, to allow some degree of platform-independence, uses the JADE multiagent middleware and depends on a sound engine, such as Java Sound (over the native OS sound server), PortAudio or JACK. Although many existing components in Java may be combined and assembled through XML configuration files to produce a number of musical multiagent applications, the high degree of flexibility that the framework offers is only available to a Java-literate user, who is thus able to design new components, new reasonings, new event types and event servers, and ultimately new virtual realities. Unfortunately for Ensemble, a number of potentially interested users are not Java programmers and their interest wane before the perspective of having to dive into Java code. libpd [17] is a project which allows programmers to access and control Pure Data objects, patches and the whole DSP engine from within other applications. The libpd API is written in C and has language bindings for Java, which allows Ensemble to benefit from this infrastructure, allowing parts of the framework, that were originally meant to be written in Java, to be defined in Pd and accessed through libpd's API. On one hand, this possibility requires not only the incorporation (in Ensemble) of mechanisms for accessing and controlling Pd patches and the data that flows between Ensemble and these patches, but also defining a complete protocol for accessing Ensemble agent structures, such as sensors, actuators, memories and its knowledge base, from within Pd patches. On the other hand, this integration provides the user with the ability of completely defining high level agent processes through Pd patches, and unleashes Ensemble from its requirement of Java-literacy (on the part of the user). This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the structures in Ensemble dealing with agent reasoning, including components that exchange information with a reasoning, such as sensors and actuators, memories and knowledge bases. Section 3 describes libpd and the functions that allow control of Pd patches from within Ensemble. Section 4 describes the implemented Pd-Ensemble protocol, which allow access to Ensemble structures from within a Pd patch. Section 5 shows examples of how to use the protocol to configure and control Ensemble applications. To conclude, section 6 evaluates the contributions - 1512 - 0
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