~Proceedings ICMCISMCI2014 14-20 September 2014, Athens, Greece action. In SWARMED [3], the authors developed a framework for audience interaction during an installation accessing a website on captive portal. The novelty of using a captive portal is interesting on the aim of focusing user's Internet access only to the performance application during the presentation. On the other hand, the author notice that each participant would like to hear its contribution to the performance, but all the sounds are reproduced only on the central performer, and it is hard to give this feedback if lots of people is participating. On NEXUS [4] project, that is related to distributed performance, authors attempt that a cross-platform application can really be conceived using dynamic web page, allowing server side web application to do the hard work while the participants interact using an interface placed into a browser on its own device. Even if both works use Ruby on Rails, NEXUS leaves the application on line for distribution and scalability facilities aiming a large number of participants from different places. On the other hand, we have urMus [5], an environment for mobile application development. This is a directly related work that has an event-handling for mobile sensor events, with lots of features that permits easy musical application development. It is possible to load scripts and also share code between users over the network in some applications developed with urMus [6]. The only limitation for musicians is that Lua isn't used as Csound and Pure Data. Another related work uses Csound as main patch language [7]. The users loads Csound orchestras and scores on mobile devices and uses interface options and some sensor events for interaction. This approach was a motivation for this work, and we also notice some advantages of a similar project, PdDroidParty i as inspiring for a new way of musical interaction using a common language for musicians and some transparent information presented below. 3. TRANSPARENT INFORMATION There are lots of transparent information that can be used on mobile applications, and we are going just to cite some of them briefly: " Available WiFi networks can be found everywhere, and the users are living the Always-On Era; " The cost for send and receive short informations from web servers is becoming unimportant bearing in mind the price of 3G plans on most part of the world; " Push notifications are being used by the most of the applications installed on mobile devices, aiming to keep the user updated, but always consuming users Internet connection as much as possible; " The use of hot-spot informations to facilitate localization has been a used first with robots, but also by general systems like Google Maps. Thinking about those premises we can conclude that we can extrapolate the usual limits of performances on a theater, with lots of mobile users, for example, considering 1 PdDroidParty: http: //droidparty.net "transparency" in the user point of view. Of course the user need to know that we are using those information, but it does not need to be explicitly during the performance. 4. SENSORS2PD The integration of PD with Android application became possible with libpd, a library that grant loading patches and exchange messages using senders and receivers on applications. One of the drawbacks of this integration is a slight need of Java programming experience intended for Android application development. Apart from that situation, some native applications have been developed to smooth the way for non (Java) programmers use its own patch on Android devices. The most famous application with this concept is PdDroidParty. This application searches internal storage for patches and permits interaction using some interface options. Although it is a great solution, it does not facilitate the use of sensors with patches. Android devices possess lots of sensible sensors that have been used on many situations. We notice that the quantity of sensors and its range vary based on device and also Android API, resulting in some restrictions during mobile performances if you want to use specific sensors or have different devices. Our approach try to solve these problems and presents other sensor's information that can be used. 4.1 Using sensors on Pure Data patches Sensors2PD is an application that makes possible the use of all Android sensors and even more useful data from device functionalities. The application uses libpd 2 to load the patch that users can seek and select from mobile storage. Receivers for any sensor value can be used on the patch following the specification found on the guide. Depending on the sensor id (ID) and variable number (#), you need to configure the receiver like that: [r sensorlDv#] If you want to use Accelerometer, which has ID=1 and 3 variables, you can receive the sensor values using: [r sensoriv0] [r sensorv] [r sensorv2] This is a reasonable approach considering that the application will be listening for any sensor variation and might send its updated value to the patch as fast as possible. Android sensors can be listened at four different rates, varying from 0 to 200ms. The fast you retrieve values the fast you drain the battery on mobile application, but during some tests we've found out that it is not a problem to use the fastest mode if the normal time of a performance or instal lation won't be more than one hour. Despite the fact that not all the sensors are supported on all devices, it is not a 2libpd: http://libpd.cc - 745 - 0
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