consists of one or more Systems, each of which consists of a two dimensional grid where beat positions (within measures) form the x-axis and staves (or to be more precise - location relative to the staves) form the y-axis. All images which appear in foreground layers are linked to the background by two associations: every image has at least one beat position in a measure, and every image is located some distance from at least one staff in the system. These associations are essential for changing page or system layout and for cutting and pasting within documents and between documents. While some images have only one beat position and staff assocation, others (eg. crescendo marks) have two and some (eg. slurs) have three. When the underlying muisc structure is altered (by manual or automatic adjustment of the beat or staff positions), the surface images are re-aligned to their associated staff and redrawn at their corresponding beat positions. The figure below shows a collection of music images along with their main associations. Although the positions of the Measures, Beats and Staves are different in the two music examples, the image data (and their associations) remain the same. 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 = 69 Delicately 8 P v I I I |,. senmpre! 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 = 69 Delicately -------- ----, "m t I I i i / -------.-.-. --------..---...... --......... --........... --- I - ------ Pp~l~e Image GraceNote (16th) Slur GraceNote (16th) PPP GraceNote (16th) GraceNote (16th) Text (q = 69...) Piano Half note P Half note Measure StaffAssociation: BeatPos 1: 0.219 1: 0.241 1:0.369 1:0.045 1:0.549 1:0.695 1: 0.886 1: 1.034 1: 1.0 2:0.884 2:1.0: StepsFromStaff 1:1 1:0 1:6 1:-5 1:7 1:10 1:18 1:14 1:7 1:-5 1:7 Image TS Graphic Text (sempre) Pedal QuarterRest QuarterRest Line (arrow) QuarterNote PP LVBelow QuarterRest EighthRest Measure: BeatPos 1: -0.36 1: 0.755 1: 0.406 1: 1.0 1: 2.0 1: 0.755 1: 3.0 1: 3.029 1: 3.19 2: 1.0 2: 2.0 StaffAssociation: StepsFromStaff 2:-3 2:-15 2:-12 2:4 2:4 2:-13 2:0 2:-7 2:-3 2:4 2:4 Figure. - Music Images with Beat Positions and StaffAssociations (Hamel - "I remember...") 4. Graphical Flexibility In order to accommodate the diverse notational requirements of composers, NoteAbility has been designed to be as flexible as possible. Any music image can be any size, any colour, and most of its attributes can be easily altered. The size and attributes of an image are independent of any images (i.e. a staff or other notes in a chord) that it is associated with or connected to. (Lent et grave) 30 pp N:--vTV 4 ff p e -. - qj ip --I Figure. 2. Graphical Flexibility of Music Images (Ravel -" Le Jardin feerique") 0
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