present a brief introduction to the modal TFD as it forms the basis for our new frequency-dependent computation. Cohen's class of bilinear TFD's can be written as2 [2]: C(t,; 4 2 = fs* (u - /2) s(u + /2) 472 (1) x (,x0)e-jOt-jo+jOU dudxdO The input signal is s(t) and the function (O6, T) is called the kernel, described here in the (0, x) ambiguity domain. (The (0, ) ambiguity domain is related to the (t, o) time-frequency domain by a two-dimensional Fourier transform (see Figure 1).) As developed by Cohen, the kernel completely determines the properties of the time-frequency representation. Temporal Correlation Domain (t,T) Time-Frequency% % Z Domain (t o)) (O, Co) Spectral Correlation Domain Ambiguity Domain is the time-smoothed local autocorrelation function. The notation f\_m indicates the Fourier transform from the x -dimension to the ao -dimension. We have dropped the scaling by 4n2 and, for brevity, will similarly drop all scaling factors in the sequel. For suppression of crossterms, the low-pass cutoff frequency ofHT (0) (or its Fourier dual, hT (t) as in (4) above) must be chosen to be smaller than the smallest frequency separation of components in the sum-ofsinusoids signal. The cutoff frequency should, however, be as large as possible in order to preserve temporal detail. For a single musical note of known pitch, the cutoff frequency is usually chosen to be slightly less than the fundamental frequency. The modal kernel has been used in this fashion for high-resolution analysis of piano notes [3]. When the input signal is polyphonic, however, the cutoff frequency must be chosen arbitrarily as the minimum separation of partials in frequency is an unknown quantity. Even if we had knowledge regarding the tuning used in the music, we could only infer a minimum partial frequency spacing as a function of frequency. For example, if we knew that the music was based on the Western 12-tone scale, then in the frequency region of 115 Hz we could expect partials at 110 Hz (A2) and 116.5 Hz (A#2). The cutoff frequency in this region could be chosen to be 6 Hz. In the neighborhood of 900 Hz we could expect partials at 880 Hz (A5) and 932.3 Hz (A#5). The cutoff frequency in this region would be 52 Hz and we would preserve more temporal detail due to a smaller degree of smoothing. Unfortunately, we cannot effect a varying degree of smoothing since the cutoff frequency enters as a parameter in the computation of (4) which occurs prior to the Fourier transform in (3). We could compute several TFD's, each with a different cutoff frequency, and then combine the results (as proposed in [4] for the constantQ modal TFD), but this approach is computationally demanding and unnecessary as we shall see. 3 Derivation The modal TFD in (3) is computed by forming the smoothed autocorrelation in the temporal correlation domain and then taking the Fourier transform to enter the time-frequency domain (see Figure 1). An alternative approach is to form the smoothed autocorrelation in the spectral correlation domain and then compute a Fourier transform to once again end up in the time-frequency domain. We show that this approach gives us the desired frequency-dependent computation for the modal TFD. We can rewrite equation (1) in an equivalent form that introduces computation in the spectral correlation domain [1]: Figure 1: TFD's have equivalent representations in four domains. The domains are related by Fourier transforms (single arrows) or double Fourier transforms (double arrows). The modal TFD is characterized by the modal kernel [4], which is given by: ýMK(O,)= hF(x)HT(O) (2) where HT (0) is a low-pass filter in the Fourier domain (with corresponding time-domain impulse response hT (t)). The function hF (T) is a time-domain window function that truncates the infinite summation in (1) to allow for realizable implementations. It is the low-pass filter HT (0) that is of interest, however, as it effects the temporal smoothing necessary to suppress cross-terms. Substituting the modal kernel into (1) we have: CMK(to) =F (ohF(T) R(t,; hT (t)) (3) where R(t,T; hT (t)) JhT(t-u)s(u+l)s*(u--)du (4) 2 Unless otherwise noted, all integrals are definite integrals over the entire real line. 0
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