ï~~A Cognitive Model in Design of Musical Interfaces Anna Sofie Christiansen University of Copenhagen anna@cnmat.berkeley.edu Abstract Computer music interfaces present the performer/user with new options for controlling computer-generated sounds. Design of real-time music interfaces or electronic instruments has previously often be carried out as a secondary feature subordinated to the capabilities of thesound-processing software or the sound producing system. In my paper I will suggest a model for instrumental interfaces in accordance with research in virtual reality, cognition and dynamic theory to be applied in design of musical interfaces, in order to ensure to the performer a sufficiently differentiated sound control to ensure that he can rely on the expressive means, enhancing the performer's options for giving an individual and intuitive interpretation. 1 Background In interactive computer music the field of sound synthesis has often been given preference to that of sound control. The consequences for the performance of interactive computer music might be more severe than we think. Standard interactive systems based on MIDI are, till now, far from allowing us take full advantage of sophisticated synthesis techniques for real-time purposes. The crucial point in design of interfaces is the mapping between human actions on to the domain of computer generated response. In this paper I will take my point of departure in the direct gestural modeling of sound. Human interaction with traditional instruments shows that musical expression is performed across several parameters of sound [see, e.g., Rowe 1993]. Traditionally, parameters such as dynamics, duration and pitch have been computer-controllable, but expressiveness requires also taking advantage of, e.g., differentiated timbral variations within the single tone. Norman and Laurel described the importance of relying on inter-human concepts creating a computational metaphorical approach in design of the link between action and response in the computer/human interaction. Thus, the mapping could be conceptualized as a propositional communication between human beings, the user and the designer [B dker 1991]. The task to be accomplished in the communication can be considered as how to make explicit "that which has been left implicit" [Schank & Abelson 1977]. The prevailing model of interfaces has relied on the assumption that coordination between the human gesture and the computer's response can be represented as a solely conceptual model. The nature of interaction has thus focused on mental tasks, ignoring totally the differentiated sensing of the human body. [Johnson, 1987] emphasized the significance of a non-propositional component in human cognition, a component closely connected to the human body. 2 Representing Direct Physical Action In the following I will outline the representational level of interfaces. The act of playing music on an instrument involves a combination of cognitive as well as physical actions. The act of sound production is thus represented to the performer in several domains, involving notation, style and physical action. The interface involves the domain of physical action in that it constitutes: " A physical representation to a performer of agencies that enables him to act upon a soundgenerating computer application. The performer's actions are gleaned by a sensing mechanism, and the software maps the performer's physical and/or sonic gestures to cause events generated by the computer. The correspondence between the performer's physical actions and the resulting sound thus requires a conceptualization between cause and effect: ICMC Proceedings 1996 259 Christiansen 0
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