ï~~A Framework for Developing Signal Processing and Synthesis Algorithms for the Motorola 56001 Kurt J. Hebel Symbolic Sound Corporation, P. O. Box 2530, Champaign, IL 61825-2530 Tel: (217) 328-6645 Electronic Mail: symbolic.snd@applelink.apple.com The developer's version of the Kyma System provides an object-oriented framework for interactively developing and testing digital signal processing and synthesis algorithms written in the assembly language of the Motorola 56001 digital signal processor. There are several advantages to developing code within this framework. The framework handles memory allocation, input and output functions, and task scheduling; the programmer develops short code segments accomplishing a single function and plugs them into the framework to test them. The multiprocessor hardware (the Capybara) provides the computational power to develop and test these segments interactively. The large set of code segments already contained within the framework allows the programmer to quickly test a new algorithm on a variety of input signals and in a variety of contexts. Introduction The Kyma System is a highly flexible, open-ended environment for sound computation. Among its strengths are its direct manipulation user interface, and real-time software (direct) synthesis capabilities [1, 2, 3, 5]. The Kyma System is composed of software - the Kyma language - and hardware - the Capybara. The Kyma language combines software synthesis, digital recordings, real-time processing of A/D inputs, MIDI, and algorithmic composition in one environment. The Capybara is a high performance parallel processor containing from two to nine Motorola 56001 digital signal processors. The Kyma language is based on objects called Sounds that represent streams of digital audio samples. Sounds are analogous to functions - all Sounds are either 0-ary functions (and are therefore called atomic Sounds), or are functions of one or more other Sounds (therefore called composite Sounds). Because of their functional nature, Sounds can be combined or shared with other Sounds to construct complex networks that can describe any level of detail from signal processing to compositional processes [6]. This functional representation also makes it possible to partition the sample stream computations for execution on the multiple processors of the Capybara. The generality of Sounds allows them to represent any stream of digital audio samples including entire compositions [4]. Every Sound object is an instance of a specific class. The class defines the structure and behavior shared by all of its instances; the structure contains the parameters of the Sound, and the behavior describes, among other things, how a Sound of that class produces its stream of samples. One can create new classes of Sounds from a combination of other Sounds. In this manner, signal processing and generation algorithms can be defined in terms of pre-existing Sounds [7]. There are times, however, when one would like to develop algorithms directly in the DSP assembly language: Combinations of small general purpose Sounds are not as efficient as a highly specialized monolithic Sound, and it may not always be possible to construct an arbitrary algorithm out of the built-in Sounds. This paper describes extensions to Kyma that provide an object-oriented framework for interactively developing and testing digital signal processing and synthesis algorithms written in the assembly language of the Motorola 56001. The Kyma Virtual Machine In the Kyma language, the signal processor is treated as a virtual machine, that is, a computer whose "machine language" consists of digital signal processing and synthesis algorithms (e.g. Sum, Product, Oscillator, SecondOrderFilter, etc.). When a Sound is played on the Capybara, it is compiled into a program consisting of sequences of these machine language instructions. ICMC 509 0
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