The declaration, dying warning and advice of Rebekah Chamblit. A young woman aged near twenty-seven years, executed at Boston September 27th. 1733. according to the sentence pass'd upon her at the Superiour Court holden there for the county of Suffolk, in August last, being then found guilty of felony, in concealing the birth of her spurious male infant, of which she was delivered when alone the eighth day of May last, and was afterwards found dead, as will more fully appear by the following declaration, which was carefully taken from her own mouth.



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The declaration, dying warning and advice of Rebekah Chamblit. A young woman aged near twenty-seven years, executed at Boston September 27th. 1733. according to the sentence pass'd upon her at the Superiour Court holden there for the county of Suffolk, in August last, being then found guilty of felony, in concealing the birth of her spurious male infant, of which she was delivered when alone the eighth day of May last, and was afterwards found dead, as will more fully appear by the following declaration, which was carefully taken from her own mouth.
Chamblit, Rebekah, ca. 1706-1733.
Page #2
Boston: :: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queen-Street.,
Subject terms
Infanticide -- Massachusetts.
Murder -- Massachusetts.
Criminals -- Massachusetts.
Executions and executioners -- Massachusetts
Crime -- Massachusetts.
Chamblit, Rebekah, -- ca. 1706-1733.

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"The declaration, dying warning and advice of Rebekah Chamblit. A young woman aged near twenty-seven years, executed at Boston September 27th. 1733. according to the sentence pass'd upon her at the Superiour Court holden there for the county of Suffolk, in August last, being then found guilty of felony, in concealing the birth of her spurious male infant, of which she was delivered when alone the eighth day of May last, and was afterwards found dead, as will more fully appear by the following declaration, which was carefully taken from her own mouth." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection Online Demo. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.
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