A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London.

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A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London.
Adams, Eliphalet, 1677-1753.
N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.], :: Printed & sold by T. Green,,

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Subject terms
Murder -- Connecticut
Infanticide -- Connecticut
Indians of North America -- Crime.
Executions and executioners -- Connecticut
Criminals -- Connecticut
Execution sermons -- 1738.
Garrett, Katherine, -- d. 1738.
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"A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection Online Demo. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evansdemo/R11260.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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Mr. Adams's SERMON Preached on the occasion of the Execution of Katherine Garret.

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