Historical collections of the Indians in New England. Of their several nations, numbers, customs, manners, religion and government, before the English planted there. : Also a true and faithful account of the present state and condition of the praying Indians ... : Together with a brief mention of the instruments and means, that God hath been pleased to use for their civilizing and conversion ... : Also suggesting some expedients for their further civilizing and propagating the Christian faith among them. / By Daniel Gookin, gentleman. One of the magistrates of Massachusetts colony in New England, who hath been for sundry years past, and is at present, betrusted and employed for the civil government and conduct of the Indians in Massachusetts Colony, by order of the General Court there. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts] ; Now first printed from the original manuscript.

Historical collections of the Indians in New England. Of their several nations, numbers, customs, manners, religion and government, before the English planted there. : Also a true and faithful account of the present state and condition of the praying Indians ... : Together with a brief mention of the instruments and means, that God hath been pleased to use for their civilizing and conversion ... : Also suggesting some expedients for their further civilizing and propagating the Christian faith among them. / By Daniel Gookin, gentleman. One of the magistrates of Massachusetts colony in New England, who hath been for sundry years past, and is at present, betrusted and employed for the civil government and conduct of the Indians in Massachusetts Colony, by order of the General Court there. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts] ; Now first printed from the original manuscript.
Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687.
[Boston] :: At the Apollo Press, in Boston, by Belknap and Hall.,
MDCCXCII. [1792]

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Subject terms
Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687.
Indians of North America -- New England.
Indians of North America -- History.
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"Historical collections of the Indians in New England. Of their several nations, numbers, customs, manners, religion and government, before the English planted there. : Also a true and faithful account of the present state and condition of the praying Indians ... : Together with a brief mention of the instruments and means, that God hath been pleased to use for their civilizing and conversion ... : Also suggesting some expedients for their further civilizing and propagating the Christian faith among them. / By Daniel Gookin, gentleman. One of the magistrates of Massachusetts colony in New England, who hath been for sundry years past, and is at present, betrusted and employed for the civil government and conduct of the Indians in Massachusetts Colony, by order of the General Court there. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts] ; Now first printed from the original manuscript." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/N18748.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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