Evans Early American Imprint Collection


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Evans Early American Imprints Online contains books, pamphlets, broadsides and periodicals published in America from 1639-1800, based on Charles Evans' comprehensive American Bibliography and enhanced by Roger Bristol's Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography.

Evans-TCP, a partnership among the TCP, the Readex division of NewsBank, and the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), created 5,000 accurately keyed and fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the 40,000 titles available in the online Evans Early American Imprints collection (series I).

Visit the demonstration Evans Early American Imprint Collection Online Demo collection, which contains nine volumes open without restriction.

View more information about the Evans Early American Imprints Text Creation Partnership

Rights and Permissions

The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. These materials are in the public domain. There is no restriction on your use of the transcribed texts. As to the scanned images, you may print and download insubstantial portions for temporary storage, per our license with NewsBank.

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