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GOVERNOR WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. Anno Domini, 1630. March 29th, Monday.
RIDING at the Cowes, near the Isle of Wight,* 1.1 in the Arabella, a ship of 350 tons,* 1.2 whereof Captain Peter Milburne was Master, being manned with 52 seamen and 28 pieces of ordnance. The wind coming to the N. by W. the evening before; in the morning there came aboard us, Mr, Cradock, the late Governor, and the Master of his two ships. Captain John Love, Master of the Ambrose, and Mr. Nicho∣las Thurlston, Master of the Jewel, and Mr. Thomas Beacher, Master of the Talbot, which three ships rode then by us; the Charles, the May-flower, the William and Francis, the Hope∣well, the Whale, the Success, the Trial, being at Hampton and not ready. When, upon conference, it was agreed, that in regard it was uncertain when the rest of the fleet would be ready, four ships should consort together; the Arabella to be Admiral, the Talbot Vice-Admiral▪ the Ambrose, Rear-Ad∣miral, and the Jewel a Captain; And accordingly articles of consortship were drawn between the said Captain and Master; whereupon Mr. Cradock took leave of us, and our Captain gave him a farewell with four or five shot.
About ten of the clock we weighed anchor and set sail, with the wind at N. and came to an anchor again over against Yar∣mouth, and the Talbot weighed likewise, and came and anchored by us. There we met with a ship of Hampton, call∣ed the Plantation, newly come from Virginia, the Captain saluted them, and he us again; and the Master, one Mr. Guerns, came on board the ship, and stayed with us about two or three hours, and in the mean time their ship came to an anchor by us.