Proceedings of the Congress at New-York.

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Proceedings of the Congress at New-York.
Stamp Act Congress
Annapolis: :: Printed by Jonas Green, printer to the province.,
MDCCLXVI. [1766]

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"Proceedings of the Congress at New-York." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


In Consequence of the foregoing circular Letter, the following Gentlemen met at New-York, in the Province of New-York, on Monday the Seventh Day of October 1765, viz.

From the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay,

  • JAMES OTIS, Esquire.
Who produced their Appointment as follows, viz.

To James Otis, Oliver Patridge, and Timothy Ruggles, Esquires.


THE House of Representatives of this Province, have appointed you a Committee, to meet at New-York, on the first Tuesday of October next▪ such Committees as the other Houses of Representatives, or Burgesses, in the several Colonies on this Continent may think fit to appoint, to con|sult together, on the present Circumstances of the Colonies, and the Dif|ficulties to which they are, and must be reduced, by the Operation of the late Acts of Parliament. By this Choice, the House has reposed in you a Trust of singular Importance, and has just Reason to expect you will give your utmost Attention to it. In case you should receive Advice that the Houses of Representatives or Burgesses of the other Colonies, or any of them, agree to send Committees to join you in this Interesting Affair, you are directed to repair to New-York, at the Time appointed▪ and endeavour to unite with them in Sentiment, and agree upon such Representations as may tend to preserve our Rights and Privileges; and it is the Opinion of this House, that no Address or Representation, shall be esteemed the Act of this House, unless it is agreed to, and signed by the major Part of their Committee.

If it should be said that we are in any Manner represented in Parliament▪ you must by no Means concede to it, as it is an Opinion, which this House cannot see the least Reason to adopt; further, the House think that such a Representation of the Colonies, as British Subjects are entitled to, and enjoy, would be attended with the greatest Difficulty, if it is not absolutely impracticable, and therefore you are not to urge or consent to any Proposal for a Representation, if such be made in the Congress.

It is the Expectation of the House, that a most loyal and dutiful Address to his Majesty and his Parliament will be prepared by the Congress, pray|ing as well for the Removal of the Grievances the Colonies labour under at present, as for the preventing Others for the future, which Petitions, if

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drawn up, as far as you shall be able to Judge agreeable to the Mind of this House, you are impowered to sign and forward, and you are to lay a Copy of the same before this House, and make Report of your Proceedings upon your Return.

It is the hearty Prayer of this House, that the Congress may be endued with that Wisdom, which is from above; and that their Councils and De|terminations may be attended with the Divine Blessing.


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