of other Provisions failing, that being more cer|tain, and will lie four or five Years in the Ground, and still improve, and therefore to be depended on. Your Casavy Pieces should be near the Plan|tain Walk, that one Watch may look after both. Observe for a Rule, that as you dig the Casavy, constantly to plant the Land again, by which Means you'l never want.
69. There must be Care taken to plant all the Land you can, with Corn, without which neither Horses or Cattle will be able to perform their Work; and when there is no Want of Corn, every Thing in the Plantation will be fat, it be|ing very good Food for the Negroes.
70. Whenever you plant Corn among Canes, observe to plant the Rows at double Distance, especially if you plant Guinea Corn among Canes, in which Case you must always take Care to thin it, and not to suffer above two or three Stalks at most to grow from one Hole, otherwise it will much prejudice the Canes.
71. There are some Pieces in the Out-skirts of the Plantation rocky, barren, and fit for little, but Guinea Corn, which after the Corn is gathered affords good Pasture, and therefore should be planted if you have Time yearly, but for Want of your being able to do it yearly, you must take the best Care of it, for second Crop, as Guinea Corn produces a good second Crop.