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Supreme Court: THURSDAY, 25th JUNE.
PRESENT The Second and Third Justices.
The KING, against Jamaica, a Negro, and Sarah Hughson.
ORDERED, That the Execution of these two Criminals be respited 'til To-morrow Seven-night.
The KING, against
- Emanuel, WENDOVER's
- Patrick, ENGLISH's
- Br••sh, JAY's
- Jack, BREASTED's
- Will, alias Bill, VAARCK's
- Will, LUSH's
THE Prisoners having been indicted for conspiring, &c. to burn the whole Town and City of New-York, and to kill and destroy the Inhabitants thereof, were arraigned, and pleaded Not Guilty.
The KING against
- York, PECK's.
- Prince, DUANE's
- Scipio, VAN BORSOM's
- Tony, LATHAM's
- Will, WARD's
THE Prisoners having been arraigned on the same Indictment, York, Scipio and Will pleaded Guilty, and Prince, Low and Tony pleaded Not Guilty.
The Court adjourned 'til To morrow Morning Nine o'Clock.
DEPOSITION of MARY BURTON, Taken before one of the Judges.
MARY BURTON being duly Sworn, deposed,
1. That the Person Yesterday shewn to her in Prison, lately taken into Custody on Suspicion of being a Roman Catholick Priest, is the same Person she has often seen at the House of John Hughson: That to the best of her Remembrance she saw him there first, some time about Christmass last; and that then for a Fortnight together he used to come there almost every Night, and sometimes used to lie there, but was always gone in the Morning before she the Deponent got up; but she well remembers he used to go by different Names, but whether by the Name of JURY or URY, or DOYLE, she cannot now depose positively; but to the best of her Remem|brance, some of his Names consisted only of one Syllable, and believes she has heard him called by all the said three Names.
2. That after the said Fortnight, she believes the said Person did not come to Hughson's for about a Week; that then he used to come again frequently almost every Night, until the Time of the Stealing of Hogg's Goods: He used to strip himself and go to Bed, as if he was to lie there all Night; but was always gone in the Morning when this Deponent got out of Bed.
3. That when he came to Hughson's, he always went up Stairs in the Company of Hughson, his Wife and Daughter, and Peggy, with whom the Negroes used to be at the same Time consulting about the Plot; and that she has often heard Hughson, the rest of the white People, and the Negroes, talk in the Presence of the said Jury, about setting fire to the Houses, and killing the white People of this City; and has often, when such Conversation was going on, seen the said Jury, alias Ury, whispering to Hughson, his Wife, &c. and the Negroes, which she understood to be joining in the Conspiracy with them; she thought it looked very like it; tho' she cannot say she ever heard him speak out; but said, she esteemed his Actions and Behaviour to signify his Approbation and Consent to what was carrying on by the Company, touching this Conspiracy; and this not one Time in particular, but a great many.
4. That the Conspirators before mentioned generally went into a Room above Stairs to hold their Consulta|tions, and the Deponent (being a Servant in the House) used often to go into that Room to carry such Things as they wanted; and often came in upon them at such Seasons, when (as she believes) they would rather have excused her Appearance; for she has observed, that her coming in has sometimes made Jury uneasy; that they used generally to call up Mary Hughson the Daughter, to bring what they wanted; but when she was out of the Way, the Deponent used to go up: She believes