The compleat housewife: or, Accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion: being a collection of several hundred of the most approved receipts, in cookery, pastry, confectionary, preserving, pickles, cakes, creams, jellies, made wines, cordials. And also bills of fare for every month in the year. : To which is added, a collection of near two hundred family receipts of medicines; viz. drinks, syrups, salves, ointments, and many other things of sovereign and approved efficacy in most distempers, pains, aches, wounds, sores, &c. never before made publick in these parts; fit either for private families, or such publick-spirited gentlewomen as would be beneficent to their poor neighbors. / By E. Smith.

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The compleat housewife: or, Accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion: being a collection of several hundred of the most approved receipts, in cookery, pastry, confectionary, preserving, pickles, cakes, creams, jellies, made wines, cordials. And also bills of fare for every month in the year. : To which is added, a collection of near two hundred family receipts of medicines; viz. drinks, syrups, salves, ointments, and many other things of sovereign and approved efficacy in most distempers, pains, aches, wounds, sores, &c. never before made publick in these parts; fit either for private families, or such publick-spirited gentlewomen as would be beneficent to their poor neighbors. / By E. Smith.
Smith, E. (Eliza), d. ca. 1732.
Williamsburg [Va.]: :: Printed and sold by William Parks.,

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Subject terms
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions.
Medicine, Popular.
Booksellers' advertisements -- Virginia -- Williamsburg.
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"The compleat housewife: or, Accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion: being a collection of several hundred of the most approved receipts, in cookery, pastry, confectionary, preserving, pickles, cakes, creams, jellies, made wines, cordials. And also bills of fare for every month in the year. : To which is added, a collection of near two hundred family receipts of medicines; viz. drinks, syrups, salves, ointments, and many other things of sovereign and approved efficacy in most distempers, pains, aches, wounds, sores, &c. never before made publick in these parts; fit either for private families, or such publick-spirited gentlewomen as would be beneficent to their poor neighbors. / By E. Smith." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


A Plumb-Cake.

TAKE six Pounds of Currants, five Pounds of Flour, an Ounce of Cloves and Mace, a little Cinamon, half an Ounce of Nutmegs, half a Pound of pounded and blanched Almonds, half a Pound of Sugar, three quarters of a Pound of sliced Citron, Lemon and Orange peel, half a Pint of Sack, a little Honey-water, and a Quart of Ale-yeast, a Quart of Cream, a Pound and half of Butter melted and poured into the middle thereof; then strew a little Flour thereon, and let it lie to rise; then work it well together and lay it before the Fire to rise, then work it up 'til 'tis very smooth; then put it in an Hoop with a Paper floured at the Bottom.

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