Plutarch's morals. Part 2. translated from the Greek by several hands.
Plutarch., Midgley, Robert, 1655?-1723.
Page  478

Question IX. Why the flesh of Sheep bitten by Wolves is sweeter than that of others, and the Wooll more apt to breed Worms?

AFter the former Discourse, mention was made of those Sheep that Wolves have bitten, for 'tis commonly said of them, that their Flesh is very sweet, and their Wool breeds Worms: My Son-in-law Patroclias seem'd to be pretty happy in his reasoning upon the first part; saying, That the beast by biting it did mollify the Flesh; for Wolves Spirits are so hot and fiery, that they soften and digest the hardest Bones; and for the same reason things bitten by Wolves rot sooner than others: but concerning the Wooll we could not agree being not fully resolv'd, whether it breeds those Worms, or only opens a passage for them, separating the Flesh by it's fretting rough∣ness, or proper warmth; and that this power proceeded from the Spirits of the biting Wolf, which alter even the very Hair of the Creature that it kills: And this some particular instances seem to confirm, for we know some Huntsmen and Cooks will kill a Beast with one stroak, so that it never breaths after, whilst others re∣peat their blows and scarce do it with a great deal of trouble: But what is more strange, some as they kill it infuse such a quality that the Flesh rots presently, and cannot be kept sweet above a day; yet others that dispatch it as soon find no such alteration, but the Flesh will keep sweet a long while: And that by the manner of killing, a great alteration is made even in the Skins, Nails, Page  479 and Hair of a Beast, Homer seems to witness when speaking of a good Hide, he says,

An Oxes Hide that fell by violent blows;
For not those that fall by a Disease or old Age, but by a violent death leave us tough and strong Hides; but those that are bitte by Wild-beasts, their Hoofs grow black, their Hair falls, their Skins putrify, and are good for nothing.