Epitome ugaiainonton logon, or, A taste of the truth as it is in Jesus consisting of ten questions and answers, and a brief exposition upon the same : whereunto are added ten generall directions ... intended chiefly for the benefit of my countreymen, kindred, and acquaintance in Lancashire / composed by John Jackson, M.A.

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Epitome ugaiainonton logon, or, A taste of the truth as it is in Jesus consisting of ten questions and answers, and a brief exposition upon the same : whereunto are added ten generall directions ... intended chiefly for the benefit of my countreymen, kindred, and acquaintance in Lancashire / composed by John Jackson, M.A.
Jackson, John.
London :: Printed by A.M. for Christopher Meredith ...,

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"Epitome ugaiainonton logon, or, A taste of the truth as it is in Jesus consisting of ten questions and answers, and a brief exposition upon the same : whereunto are added ten generall directions ... intended chiefly for the benefit of my countreymen, kindred, and acquaintance in Lancashire / composed by John Jackson, M.A." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/B24904.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


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The third Direction shews how Gover∣nours of Families are to worship God in the extraordinary duties of Fasting and thanksgiving both in their houses and in the publike Congre∣gation.

THirdly, When you are called upon any so∣lemn occasion to keep a family Fast (a) Endeavour (having called upon God for a blessing) not only to prepare your self but your family also: By minding them of it the evening before (if not sooner) and of the occasion thereof: By shewing them their in∣iquities (b) transgressions and sins, and the severall aggravations thereof, as namely, how they have been against knowledge, against vows and promises, against protestations and covenants (for which they should repent ei- that they have taken them if they be not warranted by the Scripture, (c) or that they have broken them, if they be according to the word, (d) and against such and such persons, at such and such times, or the like: By min∣ding them also of the abominations and sins of those persons, and places (if the day be kept in the behalf of others) that makes them, or those you fast for, worthy of such

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and such a judgement felt or feared, and un∣worthy of such and such a blessing expected and desired as the occasion of the Fast is, whether it be in the behalf of your own family, or in the behalf of others.

By speaking of the greatnesse and graci∣ousnesse of God unto them, By calling upon them to prepare for it, and to keep it unto the Lord as they are directed to do as private Christians. Inlarging your self in your eve∣ning praiers according to the occasion of the Fast: Intreating the Lord with all fervency and importunity (when you want time to prepare your self and people so as I have now directed you) to minde you of those duties and so perswade and inable you through Christ to perform them, that he requires of you, concerning your preparation for, and your keeping of an acceptable fast unto him.

And after you have sought the Lord in the morning as a private Christian, and orde∣red the businesses of your house: Seriously call to remembrance the by-past and present sins, of your self and family, and of those you are to seek God for: by reason of which God might withhold that mercy from you (whe∣ther it be the obtaining of a blessing, or the keeping off, or the removall of a calamity felt, feared or deserved) that you are intended to seek him for by prayer and fasting: And the Scriptures, or Sermon notes, you are in∣tended to read, open, or speak of unto them that are sutable to the businesse of the day; Beginning the day with praier (as you do

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other mornings) but with some inlargements that God would so begin, go on, and finish the day, and duties thereof with you as that he may be exalted; and you abased and hum∣bled before him; Reading afterward those Scriptures, and opening them unto them, or repeating those Sermon notes you had meditated upon for them; Examining them about their sinnes, and the sinnes of those that they are humbled for, that they may be convinced of them, and that they may mourn inwardly in their souls for them as you confesse and bewail them in outward expressions; As for example, (b) say to one that is book-learned shew me a Scripture that proves security is a sinne (c) that ignorance is a sinne, (d) that hy∣pocrisie is a sinne (e) naming after this manner the sins of your family; And say to the unlearned, doth not this Scripture prove that swearing is a sin, (f) that lying is a sin? (g) Naming then the words of Scripture that prove swearing and lying to be sins; Renew∣ing again your prayers in a fervent, impor∣tune manner for a sight of, for humiliation for sin, for pardon of, and power against sin. More particularly for the removall of the miseries, and the obtaining of the mercies you wait upon God for. Exhorting your family in the close of the day to lay aside their sins, to draw near to God, and to put forth new acts of Faith, on Jesus Christ, that they may receive remission of them, and power to break them off with righteousnesse, (h) that no good thing may be withholden from them because

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of them, (i) calling upon them to use all means to bring the wickednesse of those to an end (if the day have been set apart in the behalf of others) that they have mourned for; And so conclude the day (after you have re∣viewed it in your thoughts) by praier, con∣fession, and thanks-giving. Beleeving that you shall have what you seek God for, so far as it is for Gods glory and your good: And yet using all means for the procuring of what you beleeve and pray for: Devoting your selves then and for ever unto the Lord, Giving or determining so much for the poor, as the food came unto you denied your selves in (k) .

And if your family fast be kept after such a manner as that you give notice of it certain daies before to your Pastour, and to neighbour Christians about you: Then procure your Mi∣nister and some of them to perform for you these or the like duties that I have advised you unto, ordering the day and the duties thereof as you think good, so as that all things be done to edifying and in an humble manner to the glorifying of God.

In like manner when you are called by the Church or publique Authority (l) to keep a publike fast in a publike Assembly: So prepare your self and family for it, and so, begin and end the day, as you were even now advised in your keeping of a Family fast; Catechizing them about their sins, and the abominations of those they are to mourn for (as I have shew∣ed) either the evening before the Fast, or in the morning before the publike worship began; Behaving your selves so in your early going

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to the Congregation, in your abiding at it, in your return from it, in your exercises betwixt and after Sermons, and in all the duties of the day: As that you may approve your selves unto God to be upright in your keeping of the day unto him.

And when God shall call you (by giving you what you sought him for by praier and fasting) To keep a day of thanks-giving unto him; Minde your Family of it (having called upon God for a blessing upon the exercise) the evening, or two, or three daies before, and of the occasion thereof: Shewing them their iniquities, and the sins of those (if the day be kept in respect of others) that make them unworthy of any mercy: Telling them how, and after what manner they are to prepare for, and to keep the day as private Christians: In∣larging your self in your evening praiers accor∣ding to the occasion of your thanks-giving; Beseeching the Lord more particularly when you have no opportunity for these duties of preparation) to prepare your hearts for the duties of the approaching day, and to enable you through Christ to perform them to his praise, and your comfort.

And after you have sought the Lord in your closet and ordered your family affairs: Call to minde the sins of your family, and of those you are to give thanks to God for, that makes you and them lesse then the least of Gods mer∣cies: The riches of Gods goodnesse that ei∣ther you, yours, or any of Gods people have, do, or hope to partake of: particularly the mercies for which you set the day apart to give

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thanks to God: The Scriptures or Sermon-notes you are intended to read, open, or speak of unto them.

Begin the day with praier (as you do at other times) but with inlarged petitions for the preparation of your hearts (m) to return thanks unto God in some sincere measure an∣swerable unto his mercies; Reading after∣ward or opening some part of the word, or re∣peating some Sermon unto them, that you had afore thought upon: or examining them about Gods mercies after this manner, saying to them that can read, Shew me a Scripture that proves that you have your life, being, and moving from God: (n) That all you are, and have is bestowed upon you, and continued unto you by the goodnesse, and grace of God, (o) and that you are to give thanks unto God for the same, (p) Naming on this wise the particular mercies for which you would have them to praise God.

Catechizing the unlearned after this, or the like manner upon such an occasion as this, or at any other time when you see it needfull, saying, Do not these Scriptures prove that God made you, (q) That God hath preserved you, and provided for you ever since you were made; (r) That you have what you have, and are what you are in regard of your naturall, ci∣vill and spirituall being of grace (if any you have) by the riches of Gods goodnesse and free grace (s) and that you are to blesse God for the sums; Speaking then the words of Scripture that proves the particulars afore∣menioned; Renewing again with all zeal

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and fervencie your praises and thanksgivings for all mercies, above all for Christ, particu∣larly for the mercies that are the occasion of your thanksgiving; Making intercession for all men, for our King and for all in Authority, and for what ever you want, especially for grace to improve Gods mercies for his glory; Admonishing one another in Psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto the Lord: Finishing all in due time that you may refresh your selves with the fat, and sweet of the creature more then at other times; Allowing your self and familie liberty to visit your kinred, friends, and poor neighbours that they may praise God with you, and magnifie the Lord on your be∣half; Blessing God in and with your food, raiment, libertie, livelihood, and in and with all that you are and have: Making it appear (if God have made you a giver, and not a re∣ceiver) by distributing unto the poor: if not, by telling to Gods praise how the Lord hath stirred up others to distribute unto your ne∣cessities; exhorting your people in the close of the day to get into Christ, and to abide in him (t) that they may bring forth much fruit to Gods glorie; concluding the day (after you have premeditated how you have behaved your selves towards God the day past, and how the Lord hath manifested himself unto you) by thanksgiving, confession, praier, and a pro∣mise to God to endeavour to manifest your thankfulnesse unto him for all his mercies vouchsafed unto you, yours, or any of his by your godly conversation. And if your Minister

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and neighbour Christians join with you in keeping a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord in your familie: procure your Pastor, or some of them to help you to perform the duties thereof so as I have shewed, or any other way as you please, so as that all things be done in such a holie manner as may make most for Gods praise.

And when you are called by the Magistrate, or the Church of which you are a member to keep a day of thanks giving in a publique con∣gregation: (u) prepare your self, and house for it, and begin, and end it in like manner as you have been advised to prepare for, and to enter upon, and end a private day of thanksgi∣ving in your familie: Examining them about the mercies of God vouchsafed unto them (as you have been shewed) either the evening be∣fore, or the morning before the beginning of the publique worship; Ordering your self and house in such a manner in your going unto the meeting of the Saints, in your abiding among them, in your going from them, and in all the duties of the day: as that you may ap∣prove your selves unto God and man that you are upright, and sincere in your thanks∣giving.

But you may object and say, I cannot pray through the weaknesse of my memory either as a private Christian, or as a Governour of a familie without the use of a book of praier.

First, That reverend Man of God Doctor Sibbs answers you in his Epitomie of the Seven Treatises, pag. 689. and tells you, that

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you may make use of a book if need he, and with∣all he saith, that it is many waies better to get forms of praier by heart, then to use a book in the time of praying.

Secondly I answer, You may pray as a pri∣vate Christian, and as a Governour of a fami∣lie (if God have given you to beleeve, and have given you utterance to pray with a book) through the help of the spirit by these Directi∣ons without the use of a book of praier in the time of praying; For the spirit that helps us to beleeve, helps us to pray, and in some weak measure to cry Abba Father; (x) And if after your premeditation you want words to expresse your minde with, doe but commit some pro∣mises, and phrases of Scripture-praiers to me∣morie, and you will be therewith in due time furnished with sutable expressions, and as it were with the language of the holy Ghost, whereby you may pray with understanding to your self and others. And (if I may give my judgement) you can neither pray, nor worship God sincerely (being helped by the spirit, and gifted to pray otherwise) by set forms of praier, I mean so as to tie your self unto them, that is, neither to pray for more mercies in your closet and familie, nor to confesse more sins, nor to praise God for more blessings then are set down in such and such formes of praier appointed for morning, noontime, evening, or the like; First because you have new mercies every time you are solemnly to make your re∣quests to God by praier, and supplication with thanksgiving, to blesse God for, new sins to confesse and bewail, and new wants to make

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known to God which are not particularly set down in any form of praier (y) whatsoever; Secondly, Because it is not onely your spiritu∣all liberty, but also your Christian dutie to poure out your spirit before the Lord (z) in giving him thanks for every mercie, (a) in confessing every sin with godly sorrow, (b) in asking everie thing you want in Christs name, (c) and that particularly as farre as you can, generally where you cannot in particu∣lar. (d) Yea, and to act faith on the promise for the help of Gods spirit (e) in the time of praying.


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