Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

The fifth Pointe.

FIfthly, * I am to consider, how in this time this Soueraigne VIRGIN made another very newe offer to our Lord God, and a very pleasing, which was the Vowe of perpetuall Virginitye, offering it vnto him by speciall inspi∣ration of the holy Spirit, and with extraordinary Deuotion. For the greatenesse of the Loue that shee bare vnto God, mooued her to desire, to deliuer vnto him her whole Heart, and to take him to her Spouse, occupying herselfe totally in Page  53meditating vpon him, and in pleasing him, without diuiding herselfe in other things, * as those are diuided that are married. And shee knowing that Virginity was more precious with a Vowe, then without it, shee was not conten∣ted with a single Purpose of preseruing it, but shee made a particular Vowe thereof; because shee allwaies desired to doe what was best, most firme, and most secure, and that which was most to the Glorye of God our Lord. Then was fullfilled that which her Spouse sayed of her: My sister spouse is a Garden inclosed a Garden inclosed, a Fountaine sealed vp. * Hee twise calleth her an inclosed Garden, for that shee was per∣fectly chaste both in Soule, and in Bodye, con∣firming it with a perpetuall Vowe, which serued as a Locke for her greater Security: adding for Gardes, Humillity, Modestye, Silence, and Absti∣nence, by reason whereof hee also callet her a Garden: to giue vs to vnderstand, that her Virginity was not barren, but accompanied with many Flowers of Vertues, and with excellent fruites of good Workes: Some that beautified the Soule: Others that adorned the Bodye, that shee might bee, Sancta corpora, & Spiritu: * Holy in Body, and in Spirit O how pleasing was this Gar∣den to the diuine Spouse! hee was recreated with the Vowe, & Odour of the Flowers of her Ver∣tues: hee eate of the sweete fruictes of her good Workes: * hee rejoiced to beholde it so well in∣closed with a Vowe, delighting much in the Locke, & Gardes that it had. And therefore hee watered it with greate abundance of heauenly Consolations, and Giftes; making in them a Fountaine, & Well of the liuing Waters of his Graces, inclosed with his diuine Protection.

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From this Heroicall Example of the sacred VIRGIN, I will collect a hearty Desire of Chastity, offering myselfe to preserue it with the greatest perfection that possibly I may, according to my Estate: taking the blessed VIRGIN for my Patronesse, & Defendresse in this Enterprise, saying vnto her that verse which holy Church singeth: O Virgin singular among all other in meekenesse, and Puritye, deliuer vs from Sinne, and make vs meeke, and chaste. Amen.

And in imitation of her, I will shut vp the Garden of my Bodye, and Soule, if God shall inspire mee therevnto, vnder the locke of a Vowe: and if in this manner I cannot locke it vp, I will place for Garders those Vertues that garde Chastitye.