Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.
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The fourth Meditation. Of the Life of our blessed LADIE vntill the Incarnation: VVherein is treated of her Natiuitye: her Presen∣tation in the Temple: and her Be∣trothing to S. Ioseph.

The first Pointe.

FIrst, * I am to consider, how the nine Mo∣neths after the Conception of the Virgin beeing accomplished, shee was borne in the house of her Parents to the ioye of the whole Worlde; according to the saying of the Church; Pondering the ioye of the most holy Trinitye in seeing the birth of this his beloued Childe, by whome hee intended to worke things so glo∣rious for his owne Glorye, and our Benefit. And therefore it is to bee beleued, that vpon that day hee communicated to the Angells of heauen, and to the Righteous on earthe, and to the holy Fathers in Limbus a newes of accidentall Alacritye, (allbeit all knewe not the cause there∣of) as a Prognostication of the Ioy that they should receiue by the comming of God into the Worlde, whose Mother that Childe was to bee: as the birth of the Morning causeth a certaine kinde of ioy, and solace in liuing Creatures, because it is a token of the rising of the sun. For if many reioiced at the natiuitye of S. Iohn, * because hee was the Day-starre, and fore-runner of Christe: many more doubtlesse reioiced at the Birth of the blessed VIRGIN, who was to bee his mother. And with this consideration, I will Page  43moue myselfe to affections of Praise, and ioye, giuing the Much good doe it, to the most holy Tri∣nitye, for the birth of this Babe: To the eternall Father, for that there is borne vnto him such a Daughter: To the Sonne of God, for that shee is borne that is to bee his Mother: To the holy Spirit for that there is borne vnto him such a spowse. O most blessed Trinitye, * much good may it doe thee, the Birth of this thy Beloued, share to mee of that ioye which thou giuest to others; because shee was borne also for me.

From hence I am likewise to collect another motiue of greate spirituall ioye: [ 2] * pondering that as the Natiuitye of the Virgin caused Alacritye in the Worlde: for that it was a signe of the comming of the Sauiour to redeeme it: so also when the Deuotion of the Virgin is bredde in the soule, it causeth therein wonderfull ioye: beeing a greate pledge, that allmighty God will come to visite it, and to saue it. Heerevpon saide S. Anselme. * That to bee much deuoted to our blessed LADY is a signe of being predestinated in heauen. For with deuotion to her, enter the effectes of Pre∣destination, shee negotiating them for such as are deuoted vnto her. Shee as a mother sollici∣teth for vs the Inspirations of Heauen; the Vo∣cation of God, the Grace of Iustification, the Victorye of Temptations, the Preseruation from falls, the Augmentation of Merits, the Perse∣ueration in Grace, and the Crowne of Glorye, * as in the discourse of the Meditations ensuing shallbee seene. O sacred, and soueraigne Virgin, who by the Commandement of God, layest deepe rootes in the elected for Heauen, fixe in my soule so deepe Rootes of thy deuotion and Imitation, that they may bee assured pledges of my eternall Predestination.

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The Second Pointe.

SEcondly, * I am to consider, how the Parents of this our blessed Ladye gaue vnto her the Name of MARYE, as is credibly supposed by re∣uelation from God (who also reuealed the name of the Baptiste) and consequently with the name God pretended to declare the Greatenesses of this Childe: * which as they were very many, so also hee chose a name, that in diuerse langua∣ges should haue many significations, because shee was borne for the good of all. * For MARYE in∣terpreted, signifyeth Starre of the sea, or Bitter sea: Ladye, or the Exalted: Illuminated, or Illuminatrice, or Mistresse of People. And all this is founde in the Virgin. Shee is the Starre of the sea, for that shee is the Light, Consolation, and Guide of those, that sayle in the sea of this Worlde, combated with the greate waues, and tempestes of temp∣tations, and Perills of their damnation: who by the Praiers of the blessed VIRGIN, with her examples, and with the fauours that shee doeth them, are cheered, and fortified, and guessing at the right way, arriue at the Porte of Saluation. Shee is a Bitter Sea for diuerse respectes: * a Sea, [ 2] for the Immensenesse of celestial Graces contained within her, communicated by the liberallitye of him that elected her for his Mother. Bitter for the Immensenesse of Bitternesses that shee suf∣fered in the Passion of her Sonne: for God vseth to mete equally the measures of Consolations, and Afflictions and so did hee with this sacred VIRGIN. Shee is a Lady, and Exalted, [ 3] for that shee was supereminently a Lady, and Gouernesse ouer her Faculties, and Appetites; and ouer her Imagination, and senses, commaunding all with Page  45supreame Authority, as already hath beene saide Shee is likewise Ladye of the Angells exalted aboue them all: and is that much, when as after a sorte shee was likewise the Ladye of God himselfe, she commaunding him as hee was Man, and hee obeying her as a sonne, that was subiect vnto his Mother? [ 2] She is the Illuminated, or Illuminatrice, * for that shee receiued from God greate light of ce: lestiall Wisdome: not alone for herselfe, but to illuminate others: and therefore shee was the Mistresse of the Apostles, and of all the faithfull, as heereafter wee shall see.

With these breife considerations I will awake in my soule seuerall Affections of Ioye, and Confidence, and of greate Deuotion to the sa∣cred name of MARIE; beseeching the VIRGIN to doe vnto mee those offices that her name doth signifye. O most sacred VIRGIN, * with much reason I may say, that thy blessed name, like that of thy sonne, is Oyle powred out, for that it illuminateth, cōforteth, * heateth, and reioyceth my hearte. Powre vpon mee, this so pretious Oyle with a liberall hande; and seeing thou art the Starre of the Sea, guide and protect mee in my temptations, and perills: Seeing thou art a Sea of Graces, and Bitternesses, share them also with mee: for it is no lesser a Grace to receiue giftes from Christ, then to bewaile with bitternesse his paines: Bee thou my Mistresse, illuminating my ignorances, ayding mee to bee Master of my Passions, and guide mee in the pathe of Perfection, that with the inuocation of thy holy name, I may arriue to the toppe, and excellencye thereof. Amen.

Heere also may bee considered, * how this blessed Babe, beginning to haue the vse of Reason (whither in the wombe of her mother by speciall priuiledge, like S. Iohn Baptist: or about Page  46three yeares before shee was presented in the Temple) shee presently began with greate fer∣uour to negotiate with those giftes, and Graces which shee had receiued, by those meanes which in the fourth pointe shalbe declared.

The third Pointe.

THirdly, * I am to consider, how the blessed VIRGIN beeing but of small age, (as it is thought of three yeares) by Gods inspiration, was by her Parents presented in the Temple, that shee might there bee dedicated, and occu∣pied in his diuine seruice, with other Damosells that had made the like Profession. Concerning this Presentation, wee are to fixe our eyes vpon three Persons interposed therein.

The first was the Maiestye of God, [ 1] who elected this blessed Childe, and inspired in her this her retiring into the Temple, demonstrating his Fatherly prouidēce towardes her, in drawing her from the noise, and trafficks of the Worlde, and attracting her to his howse, and Temple, for that shee was to bee the House where hee would bee incarnate, and the liuing Temple where hee himselfe would liue. And therefore with greate loue hee saide vnto her Hearte those wordes of the Psalme: * Heare ô Daughter, and see, and incline thyne eare, and forget thy People and the Howse of thy father, and the king will couet thy Beautye. The blessed VIRGIN hearkened to this Voice, and Inspiration of God, shee sawe the fauour that heerein was donne her; shee inclined her Eare speedily to obey what was commanded: shee wholely forgot her People, and renounced the howse of her terrestriall Father, to acco∣modate Page  47herselfe to the good liking of her ce∣lestiall Father, who called her his Daughter. And so much increased her beautye with this newe Obedience, and Humillitye, that the king of Heauen, and of Earthe, cast his Affection vpon her, and reioiced for hauing elected her to bee his mother. From hence will I collect, how greate a fauour God doeth to him, whome hee effectually inspireth, and withdraweth from the Occasions, and Perills of the Worlde, making him to abandon his Countrey, and the House of his Father for his seruice: and how greate Rea∣son wee all haue to bee obedient to such an in∣spiration when wee perceiue it: seeing it is a true signe that God loueth vs, as his well be∣loued Children, * drawing vs like holy Abraham from the fier of the Chaldeans: or like iust Loth from the burning of Sodome.

Secondly, [ 2] may bee pondered the Deuotion of S. Ioachim, and S. Anne the Parents of the blessed VIRGIN: who as holy people not only diuerted not the good desiers of their daughter, but tooke her by the hande, and mooued by the in∣spiration of God himselfe, offered vnto him the only fruite of their wombe, retourning vnto him, what hee had giuen them, esteeming them∣selues happye, that God might bee serued by their daughter, and depriuing themselues of her to giue her vnto him. And this they did with no lesse spirit, * then Anna the mother of Samuell offered her sonne vnto God, because they knewe how acceptable this offering would bee to him. From whence I may also learne to offer vnto God with spirit and feruour, the onlie and best beloued daughter of my soule, which is Libertye: & the principall of her Affections which is Loue, Page  48with de termination to will nothing, but what hee willeth; and to loue only what hee loueth, offering myselfe to giue him what soeuer hee shall aske mee.

Thirdly, I will ponder the Deuotion of the blessed Virgin herselfe in this Presentation, For her parents had no sooner tolde her, that they would carrye her to the Temple but shee was re∣plenished with ioye saying that of the Prophet Dauid. * I reioiced in those things that were saide vnto mee, we shall goe into the House of our Lorde. But in arriuing at the Temple, * shee began to mount the fifteene degrees or steps with greate feruour of spirit, resoluing to ascende by all the degrees of Vertue vnto the highest toppe of Perfection, * full∣filling that of the Prophet Dauid. Blessed is the man whose helpe is from thee: he hath disposed ascensi∣ons & increases in his hearte in the valle of tears, in the place which to this end, he hath appointed. They shall ascende from Vertue to Vertue, the God of Gods shall be seene in Sion.

O manlike; * and blessed Babe, whome God fauoured with his ayde, and to assist whome, hee was earely vp in the morning, what zealous resolutions makest thou in thy Hearte! and how well dost thou dispose the Augmentation of Vertue in this place which thou hast chosen for thy habitation! Ascende now happily by these degrees from Vertue, to vertue: for thou hast an en∣trance by the Contemplation of allmighty God to looke into this holy cittye of Sion. No sooner was the bles∣sed Virgin ascended the Temple, but that prostrate vpon the earthe, shee adored the Diuine Ma∣iestye, and presented, and offered herselfe to his perpetuall seruice: for her Intention was not to offer herselfe for a yeare, or for ten, like other damosells: but for euer, with a resolution (as Page  49much as lay in her) to serue him all her Life in his holy Temple. O how was allmighty God pleased with this Offering! With what pleasure might hee accept it, and what Thankes, and Giftes might hee retourne vnto her! The VIRGIN might say: Beholde mee heere, o Lord, I am come into thy house to bee thy perpetuall slaue: receiue mee into thy seruice: for I desire no other Lot more glorious, then to serue thee: To this our Lord might aunswere within her hearte: Come my Spouse, enter into my garden: * for in thee I will place my Throne: thou shalt bee the Sun where I will assent my habitation, * and issue out of it as the bridegroome from his chamber. Adorne it with the flowers of Vertues: for the time shall speedily come of celebrating therein my ma∣riage.

In Imitation of this blessed LADYE, I am to present myselfe before God, and to offer myselfe to his seruice, as his perpetuall slaue, with a determination neuer to seperate myselfe from him.

The fourth Pointe.

FOurthly, * I will consider the most excelleut Life that this Childe ledde in the Temple: For first, [ 1] as shee grewe in Age, shee grewe in Spirit before God, and before men. And (as S. Ambrose sayeth) shee accompanied euery step of her body with exercice, and augmentation of Vertue, increasing like the Light of the morning, vntill per∣fect day. For the Holy Spirit sollicited her with his Inspirations, and shee cooperated with all the force that shee had; endeuouring (as sayeth the Wiseman) to bee most excellent in all her Page  50Workes, with foure Excellencyes: First, [ 1] that in euery one shee increased in Charitye, and Sanctitye. Secondly, [ 2] that they were all workes replenished with the greatest proofe, & fullnesse of perfection, that was possible for her Strength. Thirdly, [ 3] that in euery worke shee vsed greate Wisdome, and Discretion, with singular Con∣stancye, vntill shee had effected it. Fourthly, [ 4] that with euery one shee mixed much Variety of Affections, and Vertues, to augment iointely in all. For these foure Excellencyes, the Angells admired her, * saying: VVhoe is shee that cometh forth as the morning rysing, faire as the Moone, elect as the Sunne, terrible as the Army of a Campe set in aray? what is this Childe that maketh her Progresse from Vertue to Vertue, increasing like the Light of the morning without staying, or turning backe? beautifull like the full moone with plenty of Graces, without any waning therein? elected as the Sun, that there is none in Earthe to bee her equall? And who is this, that beeing a weake maide by nature, is most firme by Grace, containing within her an armye of all Vertues, ordered with the Order of inuincible Charitye? Thus spake the Angells with Affection of Admiration: and God rejoiced in beholding her Feruour: and men that behelde her were edified, in seeing so greate Sanctity in so tender yeares. But I both admiring, and rejoicing heereat, will withall confound myselfe, considering how farre I am from it thorough my Negligence, and Coldnesse, and desiring to get out of it, to imitate her example.

Then will I ponder, [ 2] how this Childe spent a greate parte of the daye in ascending, and descending that mysticall Ladder of Iacob, * which reached from Earthe vnto Heauen: in whose top Page  51stood the Omnipotent God, * and whose Degrees (as before hath beene saide) are Reading. Medi∣tation, Praier, and Contemplation. One while of the daye shee spent in Reading holy Scriptures, to the greate consolation of her Soule, allmighty God opening vnto her the Sense, that shee might penetrate, and vnderstand them. From hence shee ascended to meditation, conferring with herselfe what shee had reade, searching out newe Veri∣ties that illustrated her Soule, and inflamed it with the fier of Loue, and Deuotion. From hence shee mounted another space by the Degree of Prayer, desiring of God with greate feruencye the giftes of his Grace, not only for herselfe, but for her Companions, and for all the People. And lastly, shee ascended to the Degree of Con∣templation, wherein shee spent very much time, vniting her Soule to God, from whome shee receiued such sweetenesse, and consolation; and such extraordinary abundance of celestiall Giftes, that none can comprehend, or knowe them, but God that gaue them, & shee that receiued them; rejoicing in that hidden Manna, * whose taste none attaineth vnto, but hee that receiueth it. And in these Exercices, shee was visited by the Angells, that garde this Ladder, comforting those that ascende it; but much more this blessed Virgin whose Puritye was greater then theirs: for seeing her mount vp, they spake with Admiration that of the Canticles: VVhat is shee, * that ascendeth by the desert, as a little rodde of smoke of the aroma∣ticall spices of Myrrhe, and frankincense, and of all pouders of the Apothecary? Who is this young Maiden that liueth in the Desert of this Worlde, and in the Solitarinesse of this Temple, and sprowteth vp not like a Rodde, but like a Twigge Page  52that is small, and humble in her owne eyes, but most odoriferous, and gracious in the eyes of God, in the which shee goeth allwayes ascending, and increasing with the Myrrhe of Mortification, with the Incense of Praier, and with the conti∣nuall Exercize of all Vertues?

Finally, in descending this Ladder, [ 3] this blessed LADYE was exercized in working with her handes for the seruice of the Temple, & to the commodity of her Cōpanions, mingling her ex∣teriour workes with Praier: for which it is saide of her, that her Garments smelled of Incense.

O soueraigne VIRGIN, * Rodde that sprungest from the roote of lesse, & ascendedst to thy Beloued, like a most odoriferous Sprigge of Perfume: obtaine for mee, that I also may bee litle in Humillitye, & carefull to mount by the Ladder of Praier, by which thou ascen∣dedst, * vntill I vnite myselfe with allmighty God: descending also to exercize the workes of Mortification in myselfe, & those of Piety towardes my neighbours, increasing in all Vertues, & giuing vnto all men the Odour of good Example: for the which they may glo∣rifye God worlde without ende. Amen.

The fifth Pointe.

FIfthly, * I am to consider, how in this time this Soueraigne VIRGIN made another very newe offer to our Lord God, and a very pleasing, which was the Vowe of perpetuall Virginitye, offering it vnto him by speciall inspi∣ration of the holy Spirit, and with extraordinary Deuotion. For the greatenesse of the Loue that shee bare vnto God, mooued her to desire, to deliuer vnto him her whole Heart, and to take him to her Spouse, occupying herselfe totally in Page  53meditating vpon him, and in pleasing him, without diuiding herselfe in other things, * as those are diuided that are married. And shee knowing that Virginity was more precious with a Vowe, then without it, shee was not conten∣ted with a single Purpose of preseruing it, but shee made a particular Vowe thereof; because shee allwaies desired to doe what was best, most firme, and most secure, and that which was most to the Glorye of God our Lord. Then was fullfilled that which her Spouse sayed of her: My sister spouse is a Garden inclosed a Garden inclosed, a Fountaine sealed vp. * Hee twise calleth her an inclosed Garden, for that shee was per∣fectly chaste both in Soule, and in Bodye, con∣firming it with a perpetuall Vowe, which serued as a Locke for her greater Security: adding for Gardes, Humillity, Modestye, Silence, and Absti∣nence, by reason whereof hee also callet her a Garden: to giue vs to vnderstand, that her Virginity was not barren, but accompanied with many Flowers of Vertues, and with excellent fruites of good Workes: Some that beautified the Soule: Others that adorned the Bodye, that shee might bee, Sancta corpora, & Spiritu: * Holy in Body, and in Spirit O how pleasing was this Gar∣den to the diuine Spouse! hee was recreated with the Vowe, & Odour of the Flowers of her Ver∣tues: hee eate of the sweete fruictes of her good Workes: * hee rejoiced to beholde it so well in∣closed with a Vowe, delighting much in the Locke, & Gardes that it had. And therefore hee watered it with greate abundance of heauenly Consolations, and Giftes; making in them a Fountaine, & Well of the liuing Waters of his Graces, inclosed with his diuine Protection.

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From this Heroicall Example of the sacred VIRGIN, I will collect a hearty Desire of Chastity, offering myselfe to preserue it with the greatest perfection that possibly I may, according to my Estate: taking the blessed VIRGIN for my Patronesse, & Defendresse in this Enterprise, saying vnto her that verse which holy Church singeth: O Virgin singular among all other in meekenesse, and Puritye, deliuer vs from Sinne, and make vs meeke, and chaste. Amen.

And in imitation of her, I will shut vp the Garden of my Bodye, and Soule, if God shall inspire mee therevnto, vnder the locke of a Vowe: and if in this manner I cannot locke it vp, I will place for Garders those Vertues that garde Chastitye.

The Sixt Pointe.

SIxthly, * I am to consider, how the time of the Incarnation approaching very neere, the blessed VIRGIN our LADYE, by reuelation from God, was batrothed to a just man named Ioseph, shee beeing certified that it should bee without perill of her Chastitye: to the which shee readily obeyed. Vpon the which, [ 1] I will ponder the causes why God our Lord would that his mother should bee despoused, wherein hee discouereth the Prouidence hee hath of those that are his. The first was, [ 1] to conceale the mystery of the Incarnation, & the Childe bearing of the VIRGIN vntill the full time: [ 2] Hee had likewise heerein a Care of the Honour of his Mother, that they might not esteeme her as an Adulteresse: [ 3] As also that shee might haue one to sustaine, and serue her in her Afflictions, and Page  55to accompany her in her Peregrinations: [ 4] & that her Sonne might haue a Tutour, or Foster father to bring him vp, [ 5] and prouide for him. And finally to haue occasion to magnifye S. Ioseph, exalting him to such a Dignitye, as to bee the Spouse of the Mother of God, & the Foster father of the Sonne of God.

O most louing Father, * I giue thee thankes for the care thou hast of thy Children, & Seruants, prouiding for their Honour, & for their Ease, and sustentation, preuenting in time the Remedye of what may molest them, and seeking out Occasions to magnifye them. Happy is hee that is vnder thy Wing, and Protection. Prouide for mee, o Lord, that am thy Creature, that I may allwayes bee imployed in seruing thee, seeing thou art allwayes imployed in gouerning mee.

Secondly, [ 2] I am to ponder in the VIRGIN, the greate Faithe, and Confidence that shee had in God, that her Chastitye should not bee indaungered by her Mariage: As also the greate Obedience that shee shewed in accepting this Estate which shee had so earnestly refused, denying her owne will, and resigning it to the Will of God. Wherein, I am to imitate her, according to my Estate, perswading myselfe, that for my Obedience to God, if I trust in him with a liuely Faithe, I shall not loose Vertue, nor Consolation, nor any thing whatsoeuer in reason, I can desier for my Saluation. For God hath both Knowledge, and Power to ioyne Virginity with Wedlocke: Contemplation with Occupa∣tion, and the Beautye of Rachel, with the fruitefullnesse of Lia, without receiuing any harme the one by the other.

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The seuenth Pointe.

SEuenthly, [ 1] * I am to consider the feruent Desires the blessed VIRGIN had of the comming of God into the Worlde, the which so much the more increased, by how much the time of the Incarnation approached neerer, the holy Spirit inspiring them into her, whose pro∣pertye is, when hee will graunt any thing to the elected: to inspire into them liuely desires the∣reof: that with their Desier, & with Praier they may dispose themselues to receiue it.

Besides this, [ 2] * [ 2] the VIRGIN was sollicited by her owne Charitye, with the two most noble Actes thereof: Loue of God, and of our neigh∣bour: zeale of the Glorye of God, and of the Saluation of Soules: for as shee very much loued God, shee desired to see him allreadye made man, the better to knowe his Greatenesses, to beholde his meruailous Workes, and to con∣uerse familiarly with him. Then vsed shee vnto him that of the Canticles: * VVho shall giae to me thee my Brother, sucking the Breastes of my mother, that I may finde thee without, and kisse thee, and now no man dispise mee: I will take holde of thee, and bring thee into my Mothers howse, there thou shallt teache mee, and I will giue thee a cuppe of spiced wine, and new wine of my Pomegranates. O how happy were I, if I might see thee allreadye in humane fleshe, sucking at the breastes of some Woman, and might finde thee out of thy Heauen, conuersing visibly with men vpon Earthe, that I might giue, and receiue of thee the kisse of Peace. Then would I procure to conuerse with thee, and to heare thy Doctrine in this Temple, and to inuite thee to Page  57what thou most of all desirest, giuing thee my whole Loue with many Affections, and Actes of Charitye.

Hereunto was added, [ 3] that her feruent zeale did eate her vp, seeing the offences against God, and the perdition of men: and therefore with many, and greate Gronings, and Praiers, desiring of God to come to their Remedye: shee repeated with greate Affection the praiers of Dauid, and of Isaias which the Church vseth in the Aduent, * saying vnto allmighty God: Raise, o Lord, thy might, and come to saue vs: Shewe vs thy mercye, and giue vs thy Saluation: O that thou wouldest breake the Heauens, and descende: Drop dewe ye Heauens from aboue and let the clowdes raigne the Iust: Be the Earthe opened, and bud forth a Sauiour.

Finally, [ 4] the Praiers of the blessed VIRGIN preuailed so much with God our Lorde, that though the Worlde were so wicked (as soone after wee shall see) and that mankinde no wayes merited this fauour, shee only counterpeised the Demerits of all, and with her merits, and Praiers was a meane that the Sonne of God hastened his Incarnation, without making any accoumpt of the Indignitye of the Worlde. O meruailous efficacye of the Praier of the VIRGIN!

I rejoice, o blessed LADYE, * that thou wast so powerfull with God, as to make him mende his pace, and hasten his comming: beseeche him also to make haste to come to visit mee: and that I may bee worthy of his visitation, Inuocate the Diuine Spirit to inspi∣re mee with feruerous Desires thereof. Amen.