Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.

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Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
[Cologne :: N. Bohmberg,

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"Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A72941.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The seconde Chap.

An Expressing and Declaration, who are the Lordes People that loue hym / and who {reversed ;}on the other side; contēne hym - and how the Goodwilling to the Righteousnes / be∣com nourtered and sustayned by the Lawe and Commaun¦dementes of God and lead eauenso {reversed ;}vnder the Obedience of the Lowe of the Lorde / and the Beleef of Iesu Christ, in to the true Beeing of Christ and his Loue. [ A]

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O Erelie / all Such now as obserue and keepe these Com̄aundementes / Lawes / and Statutes of the supreame God {reversed ;}in the Spirit / and according to all Trueth; / and lyne therin: and turne not aside / nethera to the Right-hand nor to the Leaft. but are grounded or established with vpright Heartes {reversed ;}vnder the Obediēce of the Loue; ther-in: and eauenso {reversed ;}out of their Disposition and Nature; lust-for nor desyre any other thinge / but to beare the Wordes / Commaundementes / and Testi∣monies of the true God / b in their Heartes / and to bec obedient thervnto / Those are {reversed ;}douties; They which loue God / d also are borne of him / and are his Childrē.

2. BVt all such as keepe Noe these Wordes / Commaundementes / and Lawes of the Most-highest / nor liue ther-in: nether-yet will learne {reversed ;}in the Seruice of Loue; to obserue those-same / nor doo therafter / nor lyue therin: nor yet likewise will in∣deuour themselues {reversed ;}through the Doctrine and Be∣leef of Iesu Christ; to their Purginge from the Sin̄e (To thend that they {reversed ;}through thee Bloud of Iesu Christ; mought becom wasshed and purged from their Synnes and vnpure Consciences) / Those are verely They whichf loue not God. but are such as hate Him / contemne his Lawe and Worde / account the Bloud of our Lorde Iesu Christ {reversed ;}that clenseth and faneth our Soules;g for vnpure / and dis dayne His Salna∣tion.

3. For such peruerse Heartes {reversed ;}which areh Allauntes to the Citizenshly of Israell / and also Straungers to the mercifull Loue of Iesu Christ / and walke ea∣uenso without the Loue and her Seruice; do playnly expresse with their wicked and apostaeed Will,i whose

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Children they are / and wherto they haue tourned their Heartes / Mindes / and Thoughtes. For such on adoulterousk Generation / are the Childrenl of the Deuell / and the wicked Seed of the peruers or corrunt. World / which will not at all / geeue themselues to the Cleansing of the Heart / and Sanctification in Iesu, Christ: nor-yet submit them / vnder the Obedience of the Lawe of the Lorde. nor vnder the Obedience of the Faith of Iesu Christ. nor vnder the Obedience of the Loue of the holy Spirit.

4. [ B] BEholde / heere-by now it becometh knowne / which are the Childrenm of the Deuell 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of the wicked World; / and which {reversed ;}on the other-side are the Children of God {reversed ;}or the Good-willingons a the Righteousnes;.

5. For all what is of God,n loueth God: ando keepeth his Woord. And all what is departed and estraunged from God / {reversed ;}if-so-be that it haue a lust 〈◊〉〈◊〉 God and his Righteousnes; That cometh again {reversed ;}through the Loue / or through the Voyce or Calling of the Spirit of Loue; vnto God: and indeuoured Itself {reversed ;}in the Comunialtie of the Loue; to lyue and walke in allp vpright Righteousnes and Holynes.

6. THese Children of God / together with all f•••• as {reversed ;}with humble Heartes; haue aq Lust to doo the Will of the Lorde / becom all iustified •••• made-safe {reversed ;}vnder the Obedience of the Loue; •••• God {reversed ;}through his Christ; from all theirr Sinnes. a•••• eauenso / through the Woord / s with the Woord / and in thet Woorde of Life {reversed ;}the which is Iesus Christ himself;v lead and brought-in to the true Beeing Iesu Christ: And hee ؛the same Christ{punctel} insying them with his holye Spirit of Loue / andy geeuer

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them the euerlastinge Life.

7. [ C] HOw-be-it / whilst that this Woorde of Life / nor his Loue / was not {reversed ;}in tymes-••••assed;z renealed among the Generacions of Abra∣ham nor-yet com vnto them {reversed ;}as a true Light; in true Knowledg / Go could not this holye Lawe of Life ؛the Commaundementes of their Lorde and God{punctel} becom rightlie ministred nor lyued {reversed ;}according to the heauenlie Trueth; among the Children of Men.

8. For that cause now / it became All set-fourth before them {reversed ;}to aa Conseruation of them / till vnto the Comminge of Christ / and till vnto the Manifest∣ing of his Resurrection;b in Images / Figures / Shadowes / c parabolous Woordes / and Written-letters: wherwith ther was required of them / the good Will to God / and to his Woorde / d for to be obedient goodwillinglie / vnto the Lorde their God / and to lyue in his Righteousnes / To thend that the Most-best / and thee purest Bewtye of the Cicernes of Christ / should com eauenso vnto them / in the Spirit and accordinge to the Trueth / and so they to becom vnto: porated {reversed ;}f in all Loue; to the louelie Beeinge of God.

9. [ D] VNder thissame fore-goingeg and figu∣ratiue God-seruice {reversed ;} which was wit∣nessing vpon a More-effectuall and Cleerer; God hathh many-tymes sent his Propheates vnto the Fathers of Israell: wherthrough God {reversed ;}in ma∣ny-maner-of-wise; witnessed vnto them / of thei Cleernes of Christ that was for to com / of the Riches of the most-pure Bewtyfulnes of God / k and of the louelye and vpright Righteousnes / which should becom brought vnto them: and how

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that they in the last tymes {reversed ;}vnder the Obedience of •••• Loue; should lyue therin for euer.

10. BVt whenas now thissame gratious Ti•••• was come / wherof God hadl spoken be•••• fore. and like as heem promised to Abraham and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Seede / and wherin hee (like-as ther was prophecy therof / by Moyses in then Lawe / and by all the Pro∣pheates of God) wolde accomplish all hys Worke, to the Blessing of all the Generations of the Earth So hath God {reversed ;}to theo Lighting of the Heathē / and to the Renowne of his People Israell; sentfourth from Hymp his Angell Gabriell / into a Citie in Gall•••• {reversed ;}which is called Nazareth; to a Virgin which was betrothed to a Man {reversed ;}q named Ioseph; of ther Howse of Dauid. And the Virgin was called / Marie.

11. [ E] And the Angell Gabriell went ins vnto her and saluted her: saying to her / that shee should com ceaue in her Wombe / and beare a Sonne / and call his Name / Iesus ort Sauiour.

12. For through Thesame / God woldev saue and blesse the manlye Generation / accordinge to his Promises: to thend that they {reversed ;}with vpright and pure Heartes {reversed ;}should lyue alwayes andy for euer / in his Lawe and vpright Righteousnes. and inherit eauen∣so, the heauenlie Treasures / and Riches of God.


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