The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.

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The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.
English Church (Geneva, Switzerland)
Imprinted at Geneua :: By Iohn Crespin,
M.D.LVI. [1556]

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Prayers -- Early works to 1800.
Catechisms, English -- Early works to 1800.
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"The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Benedic anima. Psal. CIII. Th. St.

¶ This is a psalme moste excellent, wherin the prophete doth prouoke men and Angells, and

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all creatures to praise the Lord for his fatherly mercies, and deliuerance of his people from all euells, for his prouidence ouer all thinges, and the preseruation of his faithfull.

〈♫〉〈♫〉MY soul geue laude vn∣to the lord, my spirit shall do the same: and all the secretes of my heart, prayse ye hys holy name. geue thankes to god for all his gyftes, shew not thy self vnkynd: and suf∣fer

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〈♫〉〈♫〉not hys benefites to slip out of thy mynde.

[verse 3] 3 That gaue the pardon for thy fautes and thee restored agayne: For all thy weake and frayle disease, and healed thee of thy payne.
[verse 4] 4 That did redeme thy life from death, from which thou couldst not flee: His mercy and compassion both, he did extende to thee.
[verse 5] 5 That filled with goodnes thy desire, and did prolonge thy youth: Lyke as the Egle casteth her byll, where by her age renueth.
[verse 6] 6 The lorde with iustice doth repaye, all suche as be oppreste: So that their suffrings and their wronges are turned to the best.
[verse 7] 7 His wayes and his commaundementes to Moses he did showe: His counsels and his valiant actes, the Israelites did knowe.
[verse 8] 8 The lorde is kinde and mercifull,

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when synners do hym greue: The slowest to conceiue a wrath, and redyest to forgeue.
[verse 9] 9 He chydeth not vs continually, thogh we be full of stryfe: Nor kepeth oure fautes in memorie, for all oure synnefull lyfe.
[verse 10] 10 Nor yet accordyng to oure synnes, the lorde doth vs regarde: Nor after our iniquities, he doth not vs rewarde.
[verse 11] 11 But as the space is wonderous greate twixte earth and heauen aboue: So is his goodnes much more large to them that do hym loue.
12 He doth remoue our synnes from vs and our offences all: As farre as is the sunne rising, full distante from hys fall.
[verse 13] 13 And looke what pitie parentes dere vnto their children beare: Lyke pitie beareth the lorde to suche as worship hym in feare.
14 The lorde that made vs knoweth oure shape our mould and fashion iuste: How weake and fraile our nature is and howe we be but dust.
[verse 15] 15 And howe the tyme of mortall men is lyke the wythering hay: Or lyke the sloure ryght faire in fielde

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that fadeth full soone a waye.
[verse 16] 16 Whose glosse and beautie stormy windes do vtterlye dysgrace: And make that after their assautes suche blossomes haue no place.
[verse 17] 17 But yet the goodnes of the Lorde, with his shall euer stande: Their childrens children doe receyue, his rightuousenes at hande.
[verse 18] 18 I meane which kepe his couuenant with all their whole desire: And not forget to do the thing, that he doth them require,
[verse 19] 19 The heauens hie are made the seat and footestole of the lorde: And by hys power imperiall, he gouerneth all the worlde.
[verse 20] 20 Ye Angels which are great in power praise ye and blesse the Lorde. which to obey and do his will. immediatly accorde.
[verse 21] 21 Ye noble host and ministers, ceasse not to laude him still: which ready are to execute: hys pleasure and hys will.
[verse 22] 22 Ye all hys woorkes in euery place, praise ye his holy name: My hearte my minde and eke my soule, praise ye also the same.


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