The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.

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The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.
English Church (Geneva, Switzerland)
Imprinted at Geneua :: By Iohn Crespin,
M.D.LVI. [1556]

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Prayers -- Early works to 1800.
Catechisms, English -- Early works to 1800.
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"The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Exurgat Deus. Psal. LXVIII. Th. St.

¶ In this Psalme Dauid settith forthe as in a glasse the wonderfull mercies of god to∣wardes his people, who by all meanes and mo∣ste strange sortes declared hym selff to theym. And therfore gods churche by reason of his promyses, graces, and victories, dothe excell withowte comparison all worldelie thynges, he exhorteth therfore all men to prayse god foreuer.

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〈♫〉〈♫〉LEt god arise, and then his foes will turne them selues to flyght: his enmyes then wyll runne abroade and scater out of syght. And as the fyre dothe melt the waxe, and wynde blowe smoke away: so in the presence of the lorde the wyc∣ked

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〈♫〉〈♫〉shall decaye.

[verse 3] 3 But rightuous men before the lorde shall hartelie reioyse: They shalbe glad and mery all, and cherefull in theire voyce.
[verse 4] 4 Synge prayse, synge prayse vnto the lorde, who rideth on the skie: Extolle this name of Iah our god and hym do magnifie.
[verse 5] 5 That same is he that is aboue, within his holy place: That father is of fatherles, and iudge of widdowes case.
[verse 6] 6 Howses he geueth and issue bothe vnto the comfortlesse: He bryngeth bondmen owte of thrall, and rebelles to distresse.
[verse 7] 7 When thou didst marche before thy fol∣ke the gyptians from emonge: And broght them throgh the wildernes which was bothe wide and longe:
[verse 8] 8 The earth did quake, the rayne powred down hearde were great clappes of thūder the mont Sinay shoke in such sort as it wolde cleaue a sonder.
[verse 9] 9 Thyne heritage with dropes of rayne

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abundantly was washt and if perchance it baran waxt. by thee it was refresht.
[verse 10] 10 Thy chosen fllocke dothe there remayne, thou haste prepard that place: and for the poore thou doeste prouide of thyne especiall grace.
[verse 11] 11 God will gyue “ wemen causes iuste to magnifie his name: when as his people triomphes make, and purchase brute and fame.
[verse 12] 12 For puissāt kynges for all their power, shall flee and take the foyle: and wemen which remayne at home, shall help to parte the spoyle.
[verse 13] 13 And thogh you were as blacke as pottes your hewe should passe the doue: whose wynges and fethers seme to haue syluer and golde aboue.
[verse 14] 14 When in this land god shall triumphe ouer kynges bothe high and lowe: then shall it be lyke Salmon hill, as whit as any snowe.
[verse 15] 15 Thogh Basan be a frutefull hill, and in height others passe: yet Zion godes moste holie hill dothe farre excell in grace.
[verse 16] 16 Why bragge ye thus, ye hils moste high and leape for pride to gether? this hill of zion god dothe loue,

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and there will dwell for euer.
[verse 17] 17 Gods armie is two millions of warriours good and stronge: the lorde also in Sinai is present theym amonge.
18 Thou didst ò lorde ascend on high, and captiues led theym all: who in tymes paste thy chosen flocke in prison kept and thrall.
Thou madst theym tribute for to paye, and suche as did repyne: thou didest subdewe that they might dwell, in thy temple dyuyne.
[verse 19] 19 Now praysed be the lorde for that he powrth on vs suche grace: from day, to day he is the god of owre health and solas.
[verse 20] 20 He is the God from whome alone, saluacion cummeth playne: He is the God by whome we scape, all dangers, death, and payne.
[verse 21] 21 Thus God will wound his enmies head, and breake the heary scalpe, Of those that in theyr wickednes, continually do walke.
[verse 22] 22 From Basan wil I bring sayd he, my people and my shepe: And al myne owne as I haue doone, from daunger of the depe.
[verse 23] 23 And make them dippe theyr feete in bloode

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of those that hare my name: And dogges shall haue theyr tōges embrewed with licking of the same.
[verse 24] 24 All men may see how thou, O God, thyne enmies dost deface: And howe thou goest as God and king, into thy holy place.
[verse 25] 25 The syngers goe before with ioye, the minstress folow after: And in the middes the damsels playe with timbrel and with taber.
[verse 26] 26 Now in thy congregacions, O Israel prayse the lorde: And Iacobs whole posteritie, geue thankes with one accorde.
[verse 27] 27 Theyr chief was litle Beniamin, but Iuda made their hoste: with Zabulon, and Neptalim, which dwelld abowte their coste.
[verse 28] 28 As God hath geuen power to thee, so lord make firme and sure: The thing that thou hast wroght in vs, for euer to endure.
[verse 29] 29 And in thy temple giftes will we giue vnto thee ò lord: for thine (vnto hierusalem) sure promesse made by woord.
Yea, and strange kyngs to vs subdued shall do like in those days: I meane to thee they shall present

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their giftes of laude and praise.
[verse 30] 30 He shall destroye the speremens rācks these calues and bulles of might: and cause them tribute paye, and daunt all such as loue to fight.
[verse 31] 31 Then shall the lords of Aegypt come, and presents with them bringe: The Mores moste blacke shall stretche their hands vnto their lord and kynge.
[verse 32] 32 Therfore ye kyngdomes of the earth giue praise vnto the lorde: singe psalmes to god with one consent: therto let all accorde.
33 Who thogh he ride and euer hath aboue the heauens bright, yet by the fearfull thunderclappes, men may well knowe his might.
[verse 34] 34 Therfore the strength of Israel, ascribe to God on hye: whose might & power doth farre extend aboue the cloudy skye.
[verse 35] 35 O god thy holynes and power is drad for euermore: the god of Israell giuth vs strength, praysed be god therfore.


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