Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Ely in the first visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God Matthevv, Lord Bishop of Ely.

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Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Ely in the first visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God Matthevv, Lord Bishop of Ely.
Church of England. Diocese of Ely. Bishop (1638-1667 : Wren)
Printed at London :: By Richard Badger,

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Wren, Matthew, -- 1585-1667.
Church of England. -- Diocese of Ely.
Visitations, Ecclesiastical -- England.
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"Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Ely in the first visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God Matthevv, Lord Bishop of Ely." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Page [unnumbered]

Chap. 8. Concerning Schoole-masters, Physitians, Chirurgions, Midwives, Parish-clarks, and Sextons.

HAue you any Schoole master in your Parish, that teacheth publikely or in any pri∣vate houses? And if so, what is his name, and how long hath he béene there? Is there any teaching of Schollers to read or write in the Chancell, or in any part of the Church? Doth any Papist kéep a Schoole-master in his house, who commeth not to Church to heare diuine Seruice, and to receiue the holy Communion? What is his name, and how long hath he taught there or elsewhere? Doth your Schoole-master teach any Papists or Sectaries children, that come not to Church? Doth hée bring his schollers to Church, and duly instruct them all to learne the Catechisme in the Book of Common Prayer, at the least once euery wéeke; or what other Catechisme doth hée teach? Is he of honest and sincere life, and religion, and conversation? Is he a Gradu∣ate, and sufficient to teach, and diligent in teaching and bringing up of youth?

2 Is any thing withholden or otherwise imployed, that hath béene giuen to the vse of a schoole in your parish? What is it? by whom is it imbezelled?

3 What Physition or Chirurgion haue you in your parish, who not being a Doctor of Physick, or otherwise sufficiently licenced in either of the Vniuersities, doth not∣withstanding practise physick? what other persons haue you among you, either male or female, who take upon them to professe or practise physick or chirurgery? And who be Midwiues in your parish?

4 Haue you a fit Parish-clark (aged 20. yéeres at least) and a Sexton? Is your Clark or Sexton of honest life, able to read and write? Are his and the Sextons wa∣ges duly paid without fraud or diminution, according to the ancient custome of your parish? What are the said wages by the yeare? By whom are the said Clark or Sex∣ton chosen? Are both or either of them diligent in his office, and seruiceable to the Mi∣nister? Doth he kéepe the Church cleane and the doores locked? Is there any thing lost or spoyled through his default?

5 Doth your Clark or Sexton take upon him to haue, or suffer any superstitious or any unseasonable ringing of the Bels at any time, or any ringing without good cause, such as the Minister and Church-wardens haue not allowed? When notice is given of any Christian passing out of this life, within the parish, doth he neglect to toll a passing-bell, or to ring presently after the departure?

6 Doth your parish Clark or Sexton or any other of your parish exact or require more then the ordinary and accustomed Fée for any seruice done by him or them, in or at mariages christenings and burials; or for any thing else concerning the same? or haue they refused to do their duties therein, untill they haue receiued what they de∣manded?

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