The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX, kings of France and one of the best astronomers that ever were a work full of curiosity and learning / translated and commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres ...

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The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX, kings of France and one of the best astronomers that ever were a work full of curiosity and learning / translated and commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres ...
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.
London :: Printed and are to be sold by John Salusbury ...,

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"The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX, kings of France and one of the best astronomers that ever were a work full of curiosity and learning / translated and commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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I. French.
VErs Aquitaine par insults Britanniques, De par eux mesmes grandes incursions, Pluyes, Celees, feront terroirs iniques, Port Selyn fortes fera invasions,
Towards Gascony by English assaults, By the same shall be made great incursions, Rains, Frosts, shall marre the ground, Port Selyn shall make strong Invasions.


THree Prophecies are contained in this Stanza, the first that the English shall make an incursion in Gascony; the second, that there shall be a great dearth by Rains and Forsts; the third, that the Turks shall make great Incursion.

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II. French.
La teste glue fera la teste blanche, Autant de mal que France a fait leur bien, Mort a l'Anthene, grand pendu sus la branche, Quand prins des siens, le Roy dira combien.
The Glue-head shall do the white head As much harm, as France hath done it good, Dead at the Sails yard, a great one hang'd on a Tree, When a King taken by his own, shall say, how much?


I did never find that word of Glue-head before in any Author, and I believe if Cotgrave were alive again, it would puzzle him to give the interpretation thereof.

The third and fourth signifie, that one shall be hanged on the Sails-yard, and an∣other on a Tree, when a King shall be taken by his own Men, and shall say how much? that is, how much money shall l give you to set me free.

III. French.
Par la chaleur Solaire sur la Mer, De Negrepont, les Poissons demy cuits, Les Habitans les viendront entamer, Quand Rhode & Genes leur faudra le Biscuit.
By the heat of the Sun upon the Sea Of Negrepont, the Fishes shall be half broiled, The Inhabitants shall come to cut them up, When Rhodes and Genoa shall want Biscake.


Negrepont is an Island of the Archipelago near Morea, anciently called Eubaea. Rhodes is another Island, and Genoa a City in Italy, by the Sea side. The rest is plain.

IV. French.
Depuis Monac jusqu'aupres de Sicile, Toute la plage demoura desolée, Il ny aura Fauxbourgs, Cité, ne Ville, Que par Barbares pillée foit & volée.

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From Monaco as far as Sicily, All the Sea coast shall be left desolate, There shall not be Suburbs, Cities, nor Towns, Which shall not be pillaged and plundred by Barbarians.


Monaco is a Town seated by the Sea-side in Italy, between Provence and Genoa. This Prophecy hath been once already fulfilled, when the famous Pyrate Barbarossa, being sent by the grand Seignor, to help the French King against the Emperour Charles the V. in his return home, plundered all that Coast, and carried away an in∣numerable multitude of people into slavery.

V. French.
Quand dans Poisson, Fer & Lettre enfermée, Hors sortira qui puis fera la Guerre, Aura par Mer sa classe bien ramée, Aparoissant pres de Latine Terre.
When in a Fish, Iron and a Letter shall be shut up, He shall go out, that afterwards shall make War, He shall have his Fleet by Sea well provided, Appearing by the Roman Land.


The words and the sense are plain.

VI. French.
Aupres des Portes & dedans deux Citez, Seront deux Fleaux & onc n'aperceu un tel, Faim, dedans Peste, de Fer hors gens boutez, Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.
Near the Gates and within two Cities, Shall be two Scourges, I never saw the like, Famine, within Plague, people thrust out by the Sword, Shall cry for help to the great God immortal.

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This needeth no Interpretation.

VII. French.
Entre plusieurs aux Isles deportez, L'un estre nay a deux dens en la gorge, Mourront de Faim, les Arbres esbroutez, Pour eux neuf Roy, nouvel Edict leur forge.
Among many that shall be transported into the Islands, One shall be born with two Teeth in his mouth, They shall die of hunger, the Trees shall be eaten, They shall have a new King, who shall make new Laws for them.


This is so plain, that it needeth no explication.

VIII. French.
Temples Sacrez, prime facon Romaine, Rejetteront les goffes Fondemens, Prenant leurs Loix premieres & humaines, Chassants non tout, de Saints le cultement.
Churches Consecrated, and the ancient Roman way, Shall reject the tottering Foundations, Sticking to their first humane Laws, Expelling, but not altogether the worshipping of Saints.


This Prophecy, is concerning the beginning of the Reformed Religion, when the Roman Church rejected it, yet nevertheless, for shame they left off many of their fopperies, for ever since they never appeared so great Worshippers of Saints as before.

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IX. French.
Neuf ans le Regne le maigre en paix tiendra, Puis il cherra en soif fi sanguinaire, Pour luy grand peuple sans Foy & Loy mourra, Tué par un beaucoup plus debonaire.
Nine years shall the lean one keep the Kingdom in Peace, Then he will fall into such a bloody thirst, That a great people shall die without Faith or Law, He shall be killed by one milder than himself.


It is a lean man that shall keep in Peace the Kingdom, for the space of nine years, and then shall become cruel; so that he shall put to death many people without Law, or regard of his promise.

X. French.
Avant long temps le tout sera rangé, Nous esperons un siecle bien senestre, L'Estat des masques & des sculs bien changé, Peu trouveront qui a son rang vueille estre.
Before it be long, all shall be set in order, We look for a sinister Age, The state of the Visards and of the alone shall be changed, They shall find few that will keep their ranks,


All the difficulty of this consisteth in what he meaneth by the Visard and alone, for my part, I believe he aimeth at the Popish Clergy and Monks; the first by rea∣son of their Hypocrisy, the other by reason of their solitariness. The rest is plain.

XI. French.
Le prochain, fils de l'Aisnier parviendra, Tant eslevé jusqu'au au Regne des fors, Son aspre gloire un chasun la craindra, Mais les enfans du Regne jettez hors.

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The eldest Son of l'Aisnier shall prosper, Being raised to the degree of the great ones, Every one shall fear his high glory, But his children shall be cast out.


This is an Horoscope, for the Interpretation of which we are beholding to, Mr. Mannessier of Amiens, who saith that the Father of the Lords l'Aisniers writ to Nostradamus his friend, to know his childrens fortune, who sent him those four Verses for an answer, by which it is evident that the eldest should be an eminent Man, as it fell out, being one of the chiefest men in the Province of Anjou, and one of the chiefest instruments to make Peace between Louis the XIII. and his Mother Mary of Medicis, after the Battle of Pont de Cé.

The fourth Verse saith, that some of his other Children should be expelled the Kingdom, as it happened by reason of a false report raised against one of them, which compelled him to retire into Portugal till the truth was known, as it was afterwards to his great repute and honour.

XII. French.
Yeux clos ouverts d'antique faitaisie, L'habit des seuls sera mis a neant, Le grand Monarque chastiera leur frenesie, Ravir des Temples le Thresor par devant.
Eyes shut, shall be open by an antick fancy, The cloths of the alone shall be brought to nothing. The great Monarck shall punish their frenzy, For having ravished the Treasure of the Temple before.


I can fasten this upon no body, but upon some Monks, which are called here The alone, because of their solitary life, who shall be punished by a King, for having robbed the Church.

XIII. French.
Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice, Jour de la mort mis en Nativité. L'Esprit Divin fera l'ame foelice, Voiant le Verbe en son Eternité.

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The body without the soul shall be no more admitted in Sacrifice, The day of the death shall be put for the Birth-day, The Divine Spirit shall make the Soul happy, By seeing the Word in its Eternity.


The first Verse seemed to Prophecy the Reformation of Religion, and the change of opinion concerning the Lords Supper, which should be no more a Sacrifice (as the Roman Church calleth the Mass) of a body without a soul, but only a commemora∣tion of the Lords death, as the second Verse confirmeth, saying, The day of the death shall be put for the Birth-day, seeing, that by the commemoration of that death, we are renewed into a newness of life, and as it were born again. The last two Verse are easie.

XIV. French.
A Tours, Gien, Gargeau, seront yeux penetrans, Descouvriront le long de la grande Sereine, Elle & sa Suite au Port seront entrans, Combat poussez Puissance Souveraine.
At Tours, Gien, Gergeau, shall be piercing eyes, Who shall discover along the great Syren, She and her Attendans shall enter into the Port, By a fight shall be thrust out the Soveraign Power.


Tours, Gien, and Gergeau are Cities upon the River of Loire, which is called here the great Syren, because of the length of its course, the meaning then is, that those Cities shall be watchful, and stand upon their guard, and shall fight against a King, which if it hath already come to pass in the Civil Wars, or shall happen hereafter, I cannot affirm.

XV. French.
Un peu devant Monarque trucidé, Castor, Pollux, en nef astre crinite, L'Airain public, par Terre & Mer vuidé, Pisa, Ast, Ferrare, Turin Terre interdite.

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A little before a Monarch be killed, Castor, and Pollux shall appear, and a Comet in the Ship; The publick brass, by Land and Sea shall be emptyed, Pisa, Ast, Ferrare, Turin, Countreys forbidden.


The meaning of this is, that a little before a Monarck be killed, Castor and Pollux two Meteores so called, as also a Comet in that constellation of the Heavens, called the Ship of Argos, and the Publick Brass, that is, the Canons by Land and Sea shall be emptied, and these Towns of Italy, viz. Pisa, Ast, Ferrare, Turin, shall be excom∣municated by the Pope.

XVI. French.
Naples, Palerme, Sicile, Syracuse, Nouveaux Tyrants, fulgures, feu Coelestes, Force de Londres, Gand, Bruxelles, & Sufe, Grand Hecatombe, Triomphe, faire Festes.
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracusa, New Tyrants, Lightnings, Celestial fires, Army from London, Ghent, Bruxelles, and Suse, A great Hecatomb, Triumphs, and Feasts.


There is nothing difficult but the word Hecatomb, which is a Greek word signi∣fying a Sacrifice of an hundred Oxen.

XVII. French.
Le Camp du Temple de la Vierge Vestale, Non esloigné d'Ethene & Monts Pyrenées, Le grand conduit est chassée dans la Male, North gettez Fleuves, & Vignes mastinées.
The Camp of the Temple of the Vestal Virgin, Not far from Ethene and the Pyrenean Mountains, The great Conduit is driven in the Clock-bag, Rivers overflown in the North, and the Vines spoiled.

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There is so many faults in the impression of this, and so hard to be rectified, that I had rather leave it to the liberty of the judicious Reader, then make my self ridicu∣lous in not giving him satisfaction.

XVIII. French.
Nouvelle Pluie, subite, impetueuse, Empeschera subit deux excercites, Pierre, Ciel, Feux, faire la Mer pierreuse, La mort de sept, Terre & Marin subites.
A new Rain, sudden, impetuous, Shall suddenly hinder two Armies, Stone, Heaven, fire, shall make the Sea stony, The death of seven shall be sudden upon Land and Sea.


The first two Verses signifie, that a sudden and impetuous Rain shall hinder two Armies from fighting.

The two last Verses foretell several Prodigies, the which happening, seven per∣sons shall suddenly die upon the Sea and Land.

XIX. French.
Nouveaux venus, lieu basty sans defence, Occuper place pour lors inhabitable, Prez, Maisons, Champs, Villes prendre a plaisance, Faim, Peste, Guerre, arpent long labourable.
New comers shall build a place without fence, And shall occupy a place that was not then habitable, They shall at their pleasure take Fields, Houses and Towns. There shall be Famine, Plague, War, and a long arable field.


This is so plain, that it needeth no Interpretation.

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XX. French.
Freres & Soeurs en divers lieux captifs, Se trouveront passer pres du Monarque, Les contempler ses deux yeux ententifs, Des plaisant vont, Menton, Front, Nez les marques.
Brothers and Sisters shall be made slaves in divers places, And shall pass before the Monarck, Who shall look upon them with attentive eyes, They shall go in heaviness, witness their Chin, Forehead and Nose.


This is obvious to the meanest capacity.

XXI. French.
L'Ambassadeur envoié par Biremes, A my chemin incogneus repoulsez, De Sel renfort viendront quatre triremes, Cordes & Chaines en Negrepont troussez.
The Embassadour that was sent in Biremes, In the midleway shall be repulsed by unknown Men, From the Salt to his succours shall come four triremes, Ropes and Chains shall be carried to Negrepont.


Bireme is a Galley that hath two ranges of Oares, Trireme, is one that hath three ranges. The meaning then of this is, that an Embassadour shall be sent in a Galley with two ranges of Oares, and that he shall be met in his way by unknown men, that is, Pyrates; there shall come to his succours from the Salt, that is, from the French four Triremes, that is four Galleys, every one having three ranges of Oares, but they shall all be carried to Negrepont, an Island belonging to the Turk.

XXII. French.
Le Camp Ascop d'Europe partira, Sadioignant proche de l'Isle submergee, D'Arton classe Phalange partira, Nombril du Monde plus grand voix subrogée.

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The Camp Ascop shall go from Europe, And shall come near the drowned Island; From Arton shall go an Army by Sea and Land, By the Navel of the World a greater vice shall be substituted.


The Author hath darkned this Stanza with so many barbarous words, as Camp Ascop, drowned Island, Darton, Navel of the World, that it is very like either he did not understand himself, or would not be understood by others.

XXIII. French.
Palaces Oiseaux, par Oiseau dechassé, Bien tost apres le Prince parvenu, Combien qu'hors Fleuve ennemy repoulsé, Dehors saisy, trait d'Oiseau soustenu,
Palais Birds, driven away by a Bird, Soon after that, the Prince is come to his own; Although the enemy be driven beyond the River, He shall be seased upon without, by the trick of the Bird.


The meaning of this is, that many Courtiers (called here Palace Birds) shall be justled out of favour by another principal Bird, that is a great Courtier, as soon as the Prince shall come to his own.

The two last Verses seem to foretell that the said principal Courtier shall seize upon the Prince, notwithstanding that some succour shall come to his help, which shall be beaten back beyond the River.

XXIV. French.
Bestes farouches de faim Fleuves traner, Plus part du Champ encontre Ister sera, En Cage de Fer le grand fera traisner. Quand rien enfant de Germain n'observera.

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Wild Beasts for hunger shall swim over Rivers, Most part of the field shall be near Ister, Into an Iron Cage he shall cause the great one to be draw When the Child of German shall observe nothing.


Ister is a River, German is a proper name of some considerable person, whose Son shall not observe or take notice when that eminent person mentioned here, shall be drawn into an Iron Cage.

XXV. French.
La Garde estrange trahira Forteresse, Espoir & umbre de plus haut mariage, Garde deceüe Fort prins dedans la presse, Loire, Saone, Rhosne, Gar, a Mort outrage.
The Garrison of strangers shall betray the Fort, Under the hope and shadow of a higher Match, The Garrison shall be deceived, and the Fort taken in the crowd, Loire, Saone, Rhosne, Gar, shall do harm to Death.


There is no difficulty but in the last Verse, where you must observe that Loire, Saone, Rhosne, and Gardon, which for the Verses sake is contracted into Gar; are Rivers of France, which are threatned here of overflowing, and causing the death of many people.

XXVI. French.
Pour la faveur que la Cité fera, Au grand qui to st perdra Camp de Bataille, Le sang d'ans Pau le Thesin versera, De fang feux, mors, noyez de coup de taille.
Because of the favour the City shall shew, To the great one, who soon after shall loose the Battle, The Thesin shall pour blood into the Pau, Of blood, fire, dead, drowned, by Edgeling.

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This is plain, if you observe that the Thesin is a River of Italy, and the Pau another, into the which the Thesin runneth.

XXVII. French.
Le Divin Verbe sera du ciel frappé Qui ne pourra proceder plus avant, Du refferrant le secret estoupé Quon marchera par dessus & devant.
The Divine Word shall be struck by Heaven, So that he shall proceed no further, The secret of the close Keeper, shall be so closed up, That people shall tread upon, and before it.


By the Divine Word, you must not understand the second person of the Trinity, or else all this Stanza would be absurd; but you must understand a Divine or Theo∣logian, called in Greek 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifieth a Divine Word. The meaning therefore of it, is, that a Theologian shall be struck by Heaven; that is, shall die, so that he shall proceed no further in his work, which I suppose by the two last Verses, was the Philosophers stone; for in the two last Verses he saith, that the secret of the close keeper, that is, of him that wrought secretly, shall (by his death) be so closed up, that people shall tread on, and before it.

XXVIII. French.
Le penultiesine de Surnom de Prophete, Prendra Diane pour son jour & repos Loing vaguera par Frenetique teste, Et delivrant un grand peuple d'Impos
The last, but one of the Sirname of the Prophe, Shall take Diana for his day and his rest, He shall wander far by reason of his Frenetick head, Delivering a great people from impositions.


This is concerning a false Prophet, which is called here the last but one of that Surname, who shall make Diana (that is Monday which is dedicated to Diona) his Sunday or Sabbath day, and so wandring to and fro in a Frenctick manner, shall per∣swade many people to pay no Taxes.

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XXIX. French.
L'Oriental sortira de son Siege, Passer les Monts Apennins, voir la Gaule Transpassera le Ciel, les Eaux & Neige, Et un chacun frappera de sa Gaule.
The Oriental shall come out of his Seat, Shall pass over the Apennine Mountains, and see France, Shall go over the Air, the Waters and Snow, And shall strike every one with his Rod.


It is an Eastern Prince, who leaving his Countrey, shall come over the Apennine Mountains, which divide Italy, and come as far as France, destroying all before him.

XXX. French.
Un qui les Dieux d'Annibal infernaux, Fera renaistre, effrayeur des Humains, Onc plus d'horreur ne plus dire journaux, Qu'avint viendra par Babel aux Romains.
One that shall cause the infernal Gods of Hannibal To live again, the terror of Mankind, There was never more horror, not to say ill dayes, Did happen, or shall, to the Romans by Babel.


This Prophecy was concerning Charles V. Emperour, who sacked Rome, took the Pope Prisoner, and filled it with more horror and slaughter than Hannibal did, though a Heathen.

XXXI. French.
En Campanie le Cassilin fera tant, Quon ne verra que d'Aux les Champs couvers, Devant apres la pluye de long temps, Hormis les arbres rien lon verra de verts.

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In Campania the Cassilin shall so behave himself, That nothing shall be seen but Fields covered with Garlick, Before, and after it, shall not Rain for a good while, Except the Trees, no Green shall be seen.


This hath a dependance upon the foregoing Stanza; for Campania is the Province wherein Rome is seated, and Cassilin, called Campania di Roma, is the same as Ca∣stillan, because Charles V. was not only Emperour, but also King of Spain, the chief Province of which is Castilia: therefore the Author describeth here the misery and devastation of Campania di Roma, by the Castilian, who left nothing in the ground, but Garlick, which is their most delicate food, and nothing Green but the Trees.

XXXII. French.
Lait Sang, Grenovilles, escouldre en Dalmatie Conflit donné, peste pres de Balene, Cry sera grand par toute Esclavonie, Lors naistra Monstre pres & dedans Ravenne.
Milk, Blood, Frogs shall reign in Dalmatia, A Battle fought, the Plague near Balene, A great cry shall be through all Sclavonia, Then shall be born a Monster, near and within Ravenna.


Dalmatia and Selavonia, are Countreys joyning to the Adriatick Sea, belonging to the Venetians. Ravenna is a City in Italy, the rest needeth no interpretation.

XXXIII. French.
Dans le torrent qui descend de Verone, Par lors qu'au Pau guidera son entrée, Vn grand Naufrage, & non moins en Garonne, Quand ceux de Genes Marcheront leur contrée.

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In the torrent which cometh down from Verona, About the place where it falleth into the Pau, A great Shipwrack, and no less in Garonna, When those of Genoa shall go into their Countrey.


Verona is a City in Italy, belonging to the Venetians, through the middle of which runneth a River called Adde, which falleth into the River Pau, about which place there shall be a great Shipwrak; as also another in the River of Garonna, which pas∣seth at Bordeaux, the time that the Author marketh, is when those of Genoa shall go into their Countrey, that is to say, when some Ships of Genoa shall come to Bordeaux.

XXXIV. French.
L'Ire insensée du Combat furieux, Fera a Table par Freres le Fer luire, Les departir, blesse, curieux, Le fier duel viendra en France nuire.
The mad anger of the furious fight, Shall cause by Brothers the Iron to glister at the Table, To part them one wounded, curious, The fierce Duel shall do harm after in France.


It is the short History of two Brothers, who fought at the Table, whereby one that was curious to part them was wounded, they afterwards fought a Duel, in whose imitation many since have been fought, to the great harm of the French Gentry.

XXXV. French.
Dans deux Logis de nuit le feu prendra, Plusieurs dedans estoufez & rostis, Pres de deux Fleuves pour seur il adviendra, Sol, l'Arc, & Caper, tous seront amortis.

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The fire shall take by night in two Houses, Many shall be stifled and burnt in it; Near two Rivers it shall for certain happen Sun, Arc, Caper, they shall all be mortified.


By Sun, Arc, Caper, he meaneth the Sun being in the Signs of Sagitarius and Ca∣pricornus.

This Prophecy was fulfilled about 90. years ago in the City of Lion, seated upon two Rivers, viz. the Rhosne and the Saone, for about that time several Merchants coming to the Fair, some went to lodge at the Silver Head, in the street de la Grenete, where being in an upper room, as they were talking of their businesses, and passing the time merrily, the fire took in the Kitchen where was abundance of Oil, which did burn so suddenly and so violently, that the lower part of the House was presently consumed. Those Merchants that were in the upper room towards the street, begun to look for their Clock-bags, that were lockt up in a Trunk; but while they were busie about opening the Trunk, the Stair-case fell, and the fire got into their Room, then begun they to cry for help through the Windows. They would willingly have thrown themselves down the Windows, but they were barred with Iron, so that they could not save themselves, the House being a fire on all sides; Moreover, the neighbours taking more care of their own Houses, then of those Stran∣gers, did run every one to his own concerns, so that they all miserably perished. Parradin in his 3. Book of the History of Lyon, Chap. 22.

XXXVI. French.
Du grand Prophete les Lettres seront prinses, Entre les Mains du Tyran deviendront, Frauder son Roy seront ses entreprinses, Mais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront.
The Letters of the great Prophet shall be intercepted, They shall fall into the hands of the Tyrant, His undertakings shall be to deceive his King, But his extortions shall trouble him soon.


It is some eminent Churchman, whose Letters shall be intercepted, by which he intended to betray his King, therefore his actions shall be called in question, and being found guilty of extortion, he shall suffer for it.

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XXXVII. French.
De ce grand nombre que l'on envoiera, Pour secourir dans le fort assiegez, Peste & Famine tous les devorera, Horsmis septante qui seront profligez.
Of that great number which shall be sent, To succour the besieged in the Fort, Plague and Famine shall devour them all, Except seventy that shall be beaten.


This is so plain, that it needeth no explication.

XXXVIII. French.
Des Condamnez sera fait un grand nombre, Quand les Monarques seront conciliez, Mais l'un deux viendra si mal encombre, Que guere ensemble ne seront raliez.
There shall be a great number of condemned men, When the Monarchs shall be reconciled, But one of them shall come to such misfortune, That their reconciliation shall not last long.


The words and sense of this are easie to be understood.

XXXIX. French.
Un an devant le conflict Italique, Germains, Gaulois, Espagnols pour le Fort, Cherra l'Escole maison de republique, Ou horsmis peu, seront suffoquez morts.

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One year before the Italian fight, Germans, French, Spaniards for the Fort, The School-house of the Common-wealth shall fall, Where, except few, they shall be suffocated, and dead.


It seemeth there should be a Battle between the Italians, Germans, French, Spa∣niards for a Fort, which I suspect to have been that of Serizoles, wherein all those Nations were engaged, and that one year before that Battle, the publick house of a Common-wealth should fall, and kill abundance of people; But of this I could find no∣thing in History.

XL. French.
Un peu apres non point long intervalle, Par Mer & Terre sera fait grand tumulte, Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne Navalle, Feu, Animaux, qui plus feront d'Insulte.
A little while after, without any great distance of time, By Sea and Land shall a great tumult be made, The Sea fight shall be much greater, Fire and Beasts which shall make greater insult.


This hath a Relation to a foregoing Stanza, and likewise is not hard to be under∣stood.

XLI. French.
La grand Estoile par sept jours bruslera, Nuce fera deux Soleils apparoir, Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera, Quand grand Pontife changera de terroir.
The great Star shall burn for the space of seven days, A Cloud shall make two Suns appear, The big Mastif shall houl all night, When the great Pope shall change his Countrey.

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The meaning of this is, that those three Prodigies, contained in the first three Verses, shall appear when a Pope changeth his Countrey.

XLII: French.
Coq, Chiens, & Chats de sang seront repeus, Et de la playe du Tyran trouvé Mort, Au lict d'un autre, Jambes & Bras rompus, Qui n'avoit peu mourir de cruel Mort.
A Cock, Dogs, and Cats shall be fed with Blood, And with the wound of the Tyrant found dead In the bed of another, with Legs and Arms broken, Who could not die before by a cruel Death.


These words signifie, that a great man or Tyrant shall be found dead in another mans Bed, having his Legs and Arms broken, the body of which shall be devoured by these three kinds of Creatures, a Cock, a Dog, and a Cat. The last Verse signifieth that this Tyrant had escaped a cruel Death.

XLIII. French.
Durant l'estoile cheuelue apparente, Les trois grand Princes seront faits ennemis, Frappez du Ciel, Paix, Terre tremulente, Arne, Tibre, undans Serpent sur le bord mis.
During the hairy apparent Star, The three great Princes shall be made Enemies, Struck from Heaven, Peace, quaking Earth, Arne, Tyber, full of Surges, Serpent cast upon the Shore.


In the year 1556. upon the first day of March appeared a blazing Star which lasted three Months, and in that year the three great Princes were made Enemies, viz. Paul IV. Pope, Henry II. King of France, and Philip II. King of Spain, about the breaking of the Truce by Henry II.

The Affairs not succeeding according to the Pope's, and the King of France's de∣sire, they made Peace with the Spaniard the 14th of October 1557. and because it

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was an effect of Gods Providence, which moved the Pope's, and the Kings hearts; the Author saith, they were struck from Heaven.

After this Peace the Author mentions an Earth-quake, which is very likely con∣sidering the overflowing of the Tyber, which followed immediately.

The night after, that Peace was proclaimed at Rome, on a Tuesday the Tyber did so overflow his Banks, that the inundation was thought the greatest that ever was, yea greater than that which happened in the year 1530. under Clement VII.

There were ten or twelve Mills carried away, all the Vine-yards along the Tyber, from Pontemole to St. Peters Church, were buried under the Sands, that the water carried.

Abundance of Houses fell to the ground. In Rome many Gardens and houses of pleasure were destroyed, the loss of the Wines, Hay, Wood, and Corn could not be valued.

In Florence the River of Arne did more mischief than the Tyber at Rome. the History of the Genealogy of the house of Medicis, made by Peter de Boissat, men∣tioneth, that in some places of the City of Florence, the water overflowed to the heigth of eight Fathoms, and covered all the valley of Arne.

The damage was yet greater at Empoly, a Town in Tuscany, where, of three thou∣sand people, there escaped but eighteen.

But to return to Tyber, its waters being retired into their Channel, left so much mud, where it had overflowed, that no body could walk upon it, and upon that mud near the Tyber, was a Serpent seen of a prodigious bigness, which was killed by the Countrey people.

This is the Authors meaning in the last Verse, Arne, Tyber, full of Surges, Serpent cast upon the Shore.

In the third Verse he saith, those three Princes were struck or moved from Hea∣ven to make Peace, that is, from God; every one considering that this War was only for their mutual destruction.

The Vulgar impression putteth in the fourth Verse, Pan, Tyber, in stead of Arne, Tyber, which is a visible fault; for the History mentioneth only the inundation of those two Rivers in Italy, it may be that the likeness of those words, Pau and Arne, is the cause of the mistake; as also because the name of Pau, which is the biggest Ri∣ver in Italy, is more famous in History than that of Arne, which is the River that passeth through Florence.

XLIV. French.
L'Aigles poussée entour de Pavillons. Par autre oiseaux d'Entour sera chassée, Quand bruit de Timbres, Tubes, & Sonaillons, Rendront le sens de la Dame insensee.
The Eagle flying among the Tents, By other Birds shall be driven away, When noise of Cymbals, Trumpets, and Bells, Shall render the sense to the Lady that was without it.

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It is an Eagle driven from the Tents by other Birds, when a mad Lady shall reco∣ver her senses by the noise of Cymbals, Trumpets, and Bells.

XLV. French.
Trop le Ciel pleure l'Androgyn procrée, Pres de Ciel sang humain respandu, Par mort trop tard grand peuple recrée, Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.
The Heaven bemoanoth too much the Androgyn born, Near Heaven humane blood shall be split, By death too late a great people shall be refreshed, Late and soon cometh the succours expected.


Androgyn, is one that is Male and Female, from the Greek word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifieth a Male, and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifieth a Female; the meaning then of the first Verse is, that some great persons, suppose a King and Queen, which he calleth Hea∣ven, by reason of their exaltation above the common sort of people, shall bemoan too long one of their Children, that was, or shall be born Male and Female.

The second Verse is easie to be understood, if you take Heaven in the same sense that we have said. The last two Verses are plain.

XLVI. French.
Apres grand troche humain, plus grand sapreste, Le grand Moteur les siecles renouvelle, Pluye, Sang, Lait, Famine, Fer & Peste, Au Ciel veu feu courant longue estincelle.
After a great humane change, another greater is nigh at hand, The great Motor reneweth the Ages, Rain, Blood, Milk, Famine, Sword, Plague, In the Heaven shall be seen a running fire with long sparks.


Troche in Greek is a Pulley, the meaning therefore of the Author, that after a great mutation, God shall renew the Ages, and according to his promise shall create a new Heaven, and a new Earth.

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By those prodigies related in the two last Verses, it seemeth the Author intendeth to speak of the last day, and of the fore-runners of it.

XLVII. French.
L'Ennemy grand viel, deult, meurt de poison, Les Souverains par infinis subjugues, Pierres pleuvoir cache soubs la Toison, Par mort Articles en vain sont alleguez.
The great and old Enemy grieveth, dieth by Poison, An infinite number of Soveraign's conquered, It shall rain stones, they shall hide under Rocks, In vain shall death alledge Articles.


This hath a relation to the foregoing Stanza, and is as it were the second part of it. For as the foremost speaketh of the last day, so doth this of Dooms-day.

First, he saith that the great and old Enemy grieveth and dieth by Poison, that's the Devil who shall be cast into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone. The second Verse signfieth, that all the Kings of the Earth shall be subdued by him that is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The third Verse expresseth, the anguish of the reprobate, when they shall cry to the Rocks, hide us, and to the Mountains, fall upon us. And the fourth Verse saith, that Death shall alledge in vain, the Articles she made with the Devil, and his Angels.

XLVIII. French.
La grand Copie qui passera les Monts, Saturne, Aries, tournant au Poisson Mars, Venins cachez sous testes de Moutons, Leur chef pendu a fil de Polemars.
The great Army that shall pass over the Mountains, Saturn, Aries, Mars, turning to the Fishes, Poisons hidden in Sheeps heads, Their Captain hang'd with a thred of Polemars.


Paradin relateth in his History, that after the Duke of Alba had relieved Vulpian with Victuals, which was done from the 22, of July to the first of August, a Captain of the Emperors Army named la Trinité, went out of Valfrenieres the same first day of August, to plunder the Countrey of Piemont.

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He had 400 Horses, and 500 Foot: The news being brought to the Marshal of Brissac, he sent out a great number of Horses, who did utterly destroy their Foot, so that but thirty escaped, to carry the news to Valfrenieres.

The Spanish Horse, seeing the French in such a fury, ran away, and got some to Ast, some to Alexandria.

After that, the Spaniards seeking to revenge themselves, took a Castle three miles from Cazal, called Frezene, or Frcinet du Pau, where they hanged up the Captain, put to the sword all the Italians, and sent all the French to the Galleys.

This proceeding being not according to the Laws of Arms, we may believe, that the victorious discovered a malitious craft of the vanquished, who had left some Sheeps-heads poisoned, to revenge themselves of the victorious, which obliged the Spaniards to serve so the Captain, the Italians and the French; and because the French were not so ill used, as the Italians, we may judge that the Italians were the chief contrivers of this business.

Therefore the Author foreseeing this, saith, that the great Army of the French, which shall go over the Mountains, shall come to this mischief, because of the poison that was hidden in the Sheeps heads.

The Vulgar impression erreth much in putting Salmons, for Muttons; for every body knoweth that the Salmons do not come into the Mountains of Montferrat, and that in the Month of August it is not a meat fit for Souldiers, therefore in stead of Salmons, we have put Muttons, or Sheep.

The Captain was hanged with a thread of Polemars, that is, with a Match, of which, I am perswaded, that one certain Polemars was the Inventor.

The Author saith in the second Verse, that the time when this accident happened, was, when Saturn was in Aries, the Vulgar impression putteth Are in stead of Aries, but that's false, therefore set down Aries. Saturn was in that Sign in the year 1555. from the 20th of February, to the 14th of July, where from the 12th degree and four Minutes, he began to retrograde in the same Sign of Aries. till the 18th of Novem∣ber, so that Saturn was almost all that year in Aries.

He saith also that Mars was going back to Pisces; because in that same year, Mars that was gone out of the Sign of Pisoes from the 19 of March 1554. was retrograding to come back again into it upon the 20th of January 1556.

Thus the Author meaneth, that this accident should happen in the year that Sa∣turn should be in Aries, and Mars should be near the Sign of Pisces.

And to say truth, in the Month of August, Mars was in the Sign of Scorpio; upon the 23 of September, he entred into that of Sagitarius; the third of November, into that of Capricornus; the 12th of December into that of Aquarius; and the year fol∣lowing, viz. 1556. into that of Pisces; so that Mars was returning into Pisces, which is the end of its particular motion.

By this Astrological and Historical discourse we correct the Vulgar impression, which putteth turning from Pisces, Mars, instead of which, we put, turning to Pisces, Mars, which we do by changing only from, into to, and sheweth us how careful we ought to be in the explication of these Stanza's, when the time is prefixed to us by Astronomical calculations.

The Authors Phrase doth confirm us in this correction, when he useth this word turning, which signifieth the motion that tendeth towards its end, and not the mo∣tion that cometh from its end.

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XLIX. French.
Les conseillers du premier Monopole, Les Conquerans seduits par la Melite, Rhodes, Bisance pour leur exposant pole, Terre faudra les pour-suivans de fuite.
The advisers of the first Monopoly, The Conquerors seduced by the Melite, Rhodes, Bizance, for exposing their Pole, The ground shall fail the followers of runaways.


All the difficulty of this lieth in the signification of the word Pole, which in Greek signifieth a City. The word Monopoly is Vulgar, and signifieth when one or few would engross all the Trade of a Town. The rest is so obscure, that I had rather leave it to the liberty of the Reader, than break my Brains about it, considering chief∣ly that I am going to bed, the precedent Stanza having exhausted all my Spirits, and so farewell till to morrow.

L. French.
Quand ceux d'Hainault, de Gand, & de Bruxelles, Verront a Langres le Siege devant mis, Derrier leur flancs seront guerres cruelles, La playe antique sera pis qu' Ennemis.
When these of Hainault, of Gand, and of Bruxelles, Shall see the Stege laid before Langres, Behind their sides shall be cruel Wars, The old wound shal be worse then Enemies.


Hainault is a Province of the Low-Countries, and Gand the chief Town in Flan∣ders, and Bruxelles the chief Town of the Dukedome of Brabant.

Langres is a City in France, in the Province of Champagne, which is called the Maiden Town; because it was never besieged. The rest is easie.

LI. French.
Le sang du juste a Londres fera faute, Bruslez par feu, de vingt & trois, les Six La Dame antique cherra de place haute, De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

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The blood of the just shall be wanting in London, Burnt by fire of three and twenty, the Six, The antient Dame shall fall from her high place, Of the same Sect many shall be killed.


Leaving unto the impartial Reader his liberty to judge of this Prophecy, we for our part understand by it the impious and execrable murder, committed upon the person of our last most gracious Sovereign King Charles I of blessed memory, to whose expiation it seemeth our Author attributeth the conflagration of London. By that proportion of three and twenty, the Six, is to be understood the number of Hou∣ses and Buildings that were burnt, which is about the proportion of three in four, and cometh near to the computation, as also by that three twenties and Six, may be understood the year 66. By the antient Dame that shall fall from the high place, is un∣derstood the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, which in the time of Paganism was de∣dicated to Diana, meant here by the title of an antient Dame, the fall from her high place, hath relation both to the sumptuousness and height of her building, as also to her situation, which is in the most eminent place of the City.

By this Verse, Of the same Sect many shall be killed, is signified the great number of other Churches even the number of 87 (which he intimateth here by the name of the same Sect, that should be involved in the same woful conflagration.

LII. French.
Dans plusieurs nuits la Terre tremblera, Sur le printemps deux efforts feront suitte, Corinthe, Ephese aux deux Mers nagera, Guerre sesmeut par deux vaillants de Luitte.
During many nights the Earth shall quake, About the Spring two great Earth-quakes shall follow one another, Corinth, Ephesus shall swim in the two Seas, War shall be moved by two great Wrestlers.


Corinth is a City of Grecia, and Ephesus one of Asia; the rest is plain.

LIII. French.
Le grande Peste de cité maritime, Ne cessera que Mort ne soit vengée, Du juste sang par prix damné fans crime, De la grande Dame par feinte noutragée,

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The great Plague of the Maritime City, Shall not cease till the death be revenged Of the just blood by price condemned without crime, Of the great Dame not fainedly abused.


This is a confirmation of the LI. Stanza and foretelleth the great Plague we have had here in the year 1665. which he saith shall not cease till the death of the Just blood, meaning King Charles the I. be avenged who was as is here expressed, con∣demned without crime, and sold for a Price.

By the great Dame unfainedly abused, he meaneth the sumptuous Cathedralof St. Paul, which was polluted and made a Stable by those prophane wretches.

LIV. French.
Par gent estrange & Nation lomtaine, Leur grand Cité, apres eau fort troublée, Fille sans trop different de domaine, Prins chef, serreure, navoir esté riblée.
By a strange people and remote Nation, The great City near the water shall be much troubled, The Girl without great difference for a portion, Shall take the Captain, the Lock having not been pick.


In the explication of this mystical Stanza, I believe every body may be as wise as I.

LV. French.
Dans le conflit le grand qui peu valoit, A son dernier fera cas merveilleux, Pendant qu'Adrie verra ce qu'il failloit, Dans le Banquet poignarde l'orgueilleux.
In the fight the great one who was but little worth, At his last endeavour shall do a wonderful thing. While Adria shall see what was wanting, In the Banquet he shall stabb the proud one.

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This is concerning some eminent person, who having shewed no great valour in a Battle, shall nevertheless in a Banquet be so bold as to stab a person of quality, that was proud.

This accident must happen somewhere about Venice, because he saith that Adria, which is taken for Venice shall look on.

LVI. French.
Que Peste & Glaive n'a sceu definer, Mort dans les pluies, sommet du Ciel frappé, L'Abbé mourra quand verra ruiner, Ceux du Naufrage, l'Escueil voulant graper.
He whom neither Plague, nor Sword could destroy, Shall die in the Rain being stricken with Thunder, The Abbot shall die when he shall see ruined, Those in the Shipwrack, striving to catch hold of the Rock,


There is two accidents contained in this Stanza, the first is in the two first Verses, where he saith that some considerable person, who had escaped the Sword, and the Plague shall be strucken by the Thunder, and die in a great showr of Rain.

The second is, in the two last Verses, where he saith, an Abbot shall perish by Shipwrack, thinking to save himself by holding the Rock.

LVII. French.
Avant conflit le grand tombera, Le grand a mort trop subite & plainte, Nay miparfait, la plus part nagera, Aupres du Fleuve, de sang la Terre teinte.
Before the Battle the great one shall fall, The great one to death too sudden and bewailed; One shall be born half perfect, the most part shall swim, Near the River the Earth shall be dyed with blood.


The words are plain enough, but of the sease every one may think what he pleaseth.

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LVIII. French.
Sans pied ne main, dent aigue, & forte, Par Globe au fort de Port & laisne nay, Pres du portail, desloial le transporte, Seline luit, petit grand emmené.
Without foot or hand, sharp and strong tooth, By a Globe, in the middle of the Port, and the first born, Near the Gate shall be transported by a Traitor, Seline shineth, the little great one carried away.


The sense of the whole is this, that an Infant begot by some person of quality shall be exposed in the night time, the Moon shining, which he calleth Seline, from the Greek word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifieth the Moon.

LIX. French.
Classe Gauloise par appuy de grand Garde, Du grand Neptune & ses tridens Soldats, Ronger Provence pour soustenir grand bande, Plus Mars, Narbon, par Javelots & Dards.
The French Fleet by the help of the great Guard, Of great Neptune and his Tridemary Soldiers, Shall gnaw Provence by keeping great company, Besides, Mars shall plague Narbon by Javelins and Darts.


Here be two things designed in this Stanza one is concerning Provence, which shall be eaten up by Soldiers, and the other concerning the City of Narbon, which shall be Besieged, or the Citizens fall out among themselves.

LX. French.
La foy Punique en Orient rompue, Grand Jud. & Rhosne, Loire & Tag changeront, Quand du Mulet la faim sera repeue, Classe espargie, Sang & Corps nageront.

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The punick faith broken in the East, Great Jud. and Rhosne, Loire and Tag. shall be changed, When the Mules hunger shall be satisfied, The Fleet scattered, Blood and Bodies shall swim.


The Punick Faith in Latine Punica fides, a false Faith, was so called from the Car∣thaginians, called in Latine Paeni, which was an unfaithful Nation.

I do not know what he meaneth by great Jud. as for Rhosne, Loire and Tag, they are three Rivers, the two fist in France, the last is the River of Lisbone, called in La∣tine Tagus. The rest is easie.

LXI. French.
Agen, Tonneins, Gironde & la Rochelle, O sang Troien mort au Port de la fleche, Derrier le Fleuve au Fort mise leschelle, Pointes, feu, grand meurtre sur la bresche.
Agen, Tonneins, Gironde and Rochelle, O Trojan blood death is at the barbour of the Arrow, Beyond the River the Ladder shall be raised against the Fort, Points, fire, great murder upon the breach.


Agen and Tonneins are two Towns in Gascony, Gironde is a River that passeth in that Countrey, the sense therefore of the whole is, that there shall be great Wars, and fightings in those Towns, as also upon that River, which happened in the time of the civil Wars in France, as every body may read in the Annals, and also in the Commentaries of the Lord of Monluck.

LXII. French.
Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra, Des gens & bestes un horrible desfaite, Puis tout a coup la vengeance on verra, Sang, Main, Soif, Faim, quand courra la Comete,
Mabus shall come, and soon after shall die, Of people and beasts shall be an horrible destruction, Then on a sudden the vengeance shall be seen, Blood, Hand, Thirst, Famine, when the Comet shall run.

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Here is nothing hard but who should be this Mabus, at last I found by transposi∣tion of Letters that he meaneth Ambus, which was the name of the Heades man that be headed the Duke of Montmorency at Thoulouse, how miraculous therefore ap∣peareth our Author, who did not only foretell general things, but also particular ac∣cidents, even the names of the persons that were to be born a hundred years after.

LXIII. French.
Gaulois, Ausone bien peu subiuguera, Pau, Marne & Seine fera Perme l'Urie, Qui le grand Mur contre eux dressera, Du moindre au Mur le grand perdra la vie.
The French shall a little subdue Ausonne, Pau, Marne, and Seine shall make Perme l'Urie, Which shall raise a great Wall against them, From the less to the Wall the great one shall loose his life.


Ausonne is always taken by the Author for the City of Bordeaux, because Auso∣nius a famous Latine Poet was born there, the rest is so obscure, and the text so cor∣rupted, that I had rather leave it to the liberty of the Reader, then to become ridicu∣lous, by not acknowledging my ignorance.

LXIV. French.
Seicher de faim, de soif, gent Genevoise, Espoir prochain viendra au defaillir, Sur point tremblant sera Loy Gebenoise, Classe au grand Port ne se peut accueillir.
Those of Geneva shall be dried up with hunger and thirst, A near hope shall come when they shall be fainting, The Gebenna Law shall be upon a quaking point, The Navy shall not be capable to come into the Port.


Here you must observe that Gebenna in Latine signifieth Geneva, and therefore this whole Stanza is concerning the City of Geneva.

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LXV. French.
Le park enclin grande calamité, Par l'Hesperie & Insubre sera, Le Feu en Nef, Peste, & Captivité, Mercure en l'Ar, Saturn fenera.
The Park enclineth to great calamity, Which shall be through Hesperia and Insubria, The Fire in the Ship, Plague, and Captivity, Mercury in Aries, Saturn shall wither.


Though the words be plain, nevertheless the sense is very obscure, and chiefly as I suppose by the faults of the impression, all what I can tell you here, is, that Hes∣peria in Latine, is Spain, and Insubria, is Savoy.

LXVI. French.
Par grand dangers le Captif eschapé, Peu de temps grand a fortune changée, Dans le Palais le peuple est attrapé, Par bonne augure la Cite assiegée.
The Prisoner escaped through great danger, A little while after shall become great, his fortune being changed, In the Palace the people shall be caught, And by a good Sign the City shall be besieged.


All this is plain, both in the words and the Sense.

LXVII. French.
Le blond au nez forche viendra commettre, Par le Duel & chassera dehors, Les exiles dedans fera remettre, Aux lieux marins commettans les plus forts.

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The fair one shall fight with the forked Nose, In Duel, and expel him out, He shall re-establish the banished, Putting the stronger of them in Muritine places.


Both the Sense and the words are plain.

LXVIII. French.
De l'Aquilon les efforts seront grands, Sur l'Occean sera la Porte ouverte, Le Regne en l'Isle sera re-integrand. Tremblera Londres par voiles descouvertes.
The endevours of the North shall be great, Upon the Ocean the gate shall be open, The Kingdom in the Island shall be re-established, London shall quake, for fear of Sails discovered.


This is a very remarkable one, which hath been fulfilled since the happy restau∣ration of his sacred Majesty King Charles II. now Reigning: For the endeavours of the North, (viz. the Dutch) have been very great. The Ocean; like a gate, hath been open to all kind of Armies, to play their pranks upon. His Majesty, and Kingdom, have been happily restored.

LXIX. French.
Le Roy Ganlois par la Celtique dextre, Voiant discorde de la grand Monarchie, Sur les trois parts fera fleurir son Sceptre, Contre ta Cappe de la grand Hierachie.
The French King, by the Low-Countreys right hand, Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy, Upon three parts of it, will make his Scepter to flourish, Against the Cap of the great Hierarchy.

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This signifieth, that the French King, through the discord that is in the Spanish Monarchy, shall cause his Scepter to flourish upon three parts of the Netherlands; not∣withstanding the assistance of the King of Spain, who is called here the Cap of the great Hierarchy; that is, the great defender of the Popedom ann Popery.

LXX. French.
Le Dard du Ciel fera son estendue, Morts en parlant, grande execution, La pierre en larbre la fiere gent rendue. Brait Humain, Monstre purge expiation.
The Dart of Heaven shall make his circuit, Some die speaking, a great execution, The stone in the tree, the fierce people humbled, Humane noise, a Monster purged by expiation.


All this Stanza signifieth nothing but a fearful Thunder and Lightning, called here, the Dart of Heaven, that shall do a great deal of mischief; for as he saith, some shall die speaking, there shall be a great execution, the Thunderbolt shall stick in the Tree, the people that was fierce, shall be humbled. and a Monster purged by expiation, that some notorious wicked person shall be consumed by that Coelestial fire.

LXXI. French.
Les exiles en Sicile viendront, Pour delivrer de faim la gent estrange, Au point du jour les Celtes luy faudront, La vie demeure a raison Roy se range.
The banished persons shall come into Sicily, To free the forrain Nation from hunger, In the dawning of the day the Celtes shall fail them, Their Life shall be preserved, the King shall submit to reason.


It is hard to judge what he meaneth by that Forreign Nation, which shall be re∣lieved in Sicily, by the banished, nor what King is that which shall submit to reason; let it be left to every body's private judgement.

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LXXII. French.
Armée Celtique en Italie vexée, De toutes partes conslit & grande perte, Romains fuis O Gaule repoulsée, Pres du Thesin, Rubicon pugne incerte.
The French Army shall be vexed in Italy, On all sides fighting, and great loss, The Romans run away, and thou France repulsed, Near the Thesin, by Rubicon the fight shall be doubtful,


A French Army shall be distressed, if not destroyed in Italy. The Romans, that is, those under the Pope, that shall take their part, shall be put to flight, and this battle shall be fought by the River Thesin. Another shall be fought by the River Rubicon, whose event shall be doubtful, that is to say, it shall hardly be known who got the victory.

LXXIII. French.
Au Lac Fucin de Benacle Rivage, Pres du Leman au port de Lorguion, Nay de trois Bras praedit Bellique Image, Par trois courones au grand Endymion.
At the Fucin Lake of the Benacle Shore, Near the Leman, at the Port of Lorguion, Born with three Arms, a Warlike Image, By three Crowns to the great Endimion.


There is a Lake in Italy called Lacus Fucinius; the Lake of Geneva is called La∣cus Lemanus; the meaning then of this obscure Stanza, is, (if I understand any thing) that a Monster shall be born with three Arms, near one of those Lakes, which shall be a sign of great Wars: what he meaneth by the three Crowns to the great En∣dymion, is unknown to me.

LXXIV. French.
De Sens, d'Autun viendront jusques au Rhosne, Pour passer outre vers les Monts Pyrenee, La gent sortir de la Marque d'Ancone, Par Terre & Mer Suivra a grand trainées.
They shall come from Sens and Autun, as far as the Rhosne, To go further to the Pyrenean Mountains, The Nation come from the Mark of Ancona, By Land and Sea shall follow speedily after.

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Sens and Autun are two Cities in France, the Pyrenean Mountains, are those which divide France from Spain.

LXXV. French.
La voix ouie de l'Insolit oiseau, Sur le Canon du respiral estage, Si haut viendra du froment le boisseau, Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.
The noise of the unwonted Bird having been heard, Upon the Canon of the highest story, The Bushel of Wheat shall rise so high, That man of man shall be Antropophage.


This is a prediction of a mighty Famine, wherein men shall eat up one another, when an unwonted Bird shall be seen and heard to cry, being perched upon one of the biggest pieces of Ordinance.

Antropophage is a Greek word, signifying a Man-eater, from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, homo, and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, comedens, of which sort of men there be too many already.

LXXVI. French.
Foudre en Bourgongne avec cas portenteux, Que par engin oncques ne pourroit faire, De leur Senat Sacriste fait boiteux, Fera Scavoir aux ennemis l'affaire.
Lightning in Burgundy, with marvellous accidents, Which could never have been done by art, Of their Senate Sacriste being lamed, Shall make known the business to the enemies.


The Senate or Parliament of Burgundy, sits at Dijon, among them there is always a Church-man, that is one of the Judges, to see that nothing be done to the preju∣dice of the Church. I suspect that it is he, that is called here Sacriste, and who shall reveal the business to the Enemies. The two first Verses need no explication.

LXXVII. French.
Par Arcs, Foeux, Poix, & par feux repoussez, Cris hurlemens sur la minuit ouys, Dedans sont mis par les rempars cassez, Par Canicules les Traditeurs fuis.

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Being repulsed with Bows, Fires, and Pitch, Cries and howlings shall be heard about midnight, They shall get in through the broken Walls, The betrayers shall run away through the Conduits.


It is a Town Besieged, where after a repulse given to the Besiegers, they shall get in by the Treason of some within, who shall run away through the Conduits or Channels of the Town.

LXXVIII. French.
Le grand Neptune du profond de la Mer, De sang punique & sang Gaulois meslé, Les Isles a sang pour le tardif ramer, Plus luy nuira que loccult mal celé.
The great Neptune in the middle of the Sea, Having joyned African and French blood, The Islands shall be put to the Sword, and the slow rowing Shall do them more prejudice, than the concealed evil.


To understand this, you must know that Henry the II. King of France, having re∣newed his Alliance with the Grand Seignior Sultan Solyman, he asked him succours for to take Nice, which he pretended to belong to the Earldom of Provence. To that purpose the Marshal of Brissac went from Court with the Kings Army in the year 1557. to set upon Nice, Savona, and Genoa, and so to hinder the Spaniard from coming by Sea in Piemont, and the Milanese. The Turk sent him a good Fleet, consisting of 105. Galleys, and 14. Galliots.

The French Fleet consisted of 26 Galleys, of which the great Prior was Admiral, who went with them from the Castle of Tf, the 9. of June 1558.

Being at Sea, and not knowing where the Turkish Fleet was, he went to and fro to seek it out, at last he found it pillaging and plundering the Island of Minorica. The Turks had already taken the chief Town, where 800. Turks were killed, which so incensed the rest, that they set the Town on fire; then going up and down the Countrey, they took 5000. Prisoners, and if the Lords of Carces and Vence. had not stayed them, they would have ruinated the whole Island.

Then forsaking the Island, they joyned with the French, but the perfidious Bassa being bribed by the Genoeses, and those of Nice, went slowly to work, and at last re∣treated without doing any thing for the French. This is the relation of Caesar Nostra∣damus, in his History of Provence under Henry the II. and according to this the Au∣thor saith, that the great Neptune in the middle of the Sea, shall joyn French and African blood. Neptune signifieth the Mediterranean Sea.

The Islands shall be put to the Sword, by the taking of Minorica, after which the Turks being brided, went slowly to work, and in conclusion did nothing of conse∣quence.

The third and fourth Verse adds, that this Bassa's slow rowing, shall do them more pre∣judice then the concealed evil; that is, shall do more damage to the French by his hid∣den

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design of the Bassa of not serving the French; because this slowness of the Bass spoiled the French activity, lessened their provisions, and at last discouraged them; whereas if the Turks had not come, the French Galleys alone were able to take Nice.

LXXIX. French.
La Barbe crespe & noire par engin, Subjuguera la gent cruelle & fiere, Le grand Cheyren ostera du longin, Tous les Captifs par Seline Baniere.
The frizled and black Beard by fighting, Shall overcome the fierce and cruel Nation, The great Cheyren shall free from Bands, All the Captives made by Selyne Standard.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the year 1571. upon the seventh day of October, when that famous Battle of Lepanto was fought between the Christians and the Turks, the General of the Christians being Don Juan of Austria, whom he calleth here the frizled and black Beard.

In this Battle the Christians lost 7566. men, and the Turks about 32000. besides 220. Ships of all sorts, and all the Christian slaves released that were in them. By the Selyne Banner is understood that of the great Turk, whose name at that time was Selyne. By the great Cheyren is understood Henry the II. King of France, who re∣deemed many slaves, for Cheyren by transposition of Letters is Henry.

LXXX. French.
Apres conflit du laese l'Eloquence, Par peu de temps se trame Saint repos, Point l'on admet les grand a delivrance. Des ennemis sont remis a propos.
After the Battle, the eloquency of the wounded man, Within a little while shall procure a holy rest, The great ones shall not be delivered, But shall be left to their Enemies will.


After the Battle of St. Laurence, the Prisoners taken by the Spaniard were the Constable of France, the Dukes of Montpensier, of Longneville, the Marshal S. Andr, Ludovic Prince of Mantua, the Rhingrave Colonel of the Germans, the Earl of la Rochefoucaud, and several other persons of quality.

They were Prisoners from the 10th of August 1557. to the third of April 1559. that is, one year and eight Months; during which time the Pope's Nuncios, Christierne Dutchess Dowager of Lorraine, the Constable, and Marshal St. André endeavoured to make the peace.

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Among them the Constable was chief, and Philip the II. King of Spain gave him leave to go to and fro upon his Paroll; and of him it is our Author speaketh in the first Verse; After the Battle the eloquency of the wounded man, that is after the Battle of Saint Laurence, where the Constable of Monmorency was wounded in the hip. His eloquency procured the peace, which was concluded in a short time, for had it not been for the death of Queen Mary of England, that happened upon the 15 of No∣vember 1558, it should have been concluded three Months after the conference that was begun in the Abbey of Cercamp near Cambray.

The third Verse saith, that the great ones shall not be delivered, because during the Treaty of Peace, Philip the II. would not hearken to take any Ransom, but they were kept Prisoners till the Peace. It is the meaning of the fourth Verse, when it saith, but shall be left to the Enemies will, viz. the Spaniards who gave them liberty after the Peace.

French. LXXXI.
Par feu du Ciel la Cité presqu'aduste, L'Urne menace encor Dencalion, Vexée Sardaigne par la punique fuste, Apres le Libra lairra son Phaeton.
By fire from Heaven the City shall be almost burnt, The Waters threatens another Deucalion, Sardaigne shall be vexed by an African Flect, After that Libra shall have left her Phaeton.


All is plain but the last Verse, the sense of which is, that the things before spoken, shall happen when the Sun is newly come out of the sign of Libra.

LXXXII. French
Par faim la proye fera Loup prisonier, L'Assaillant lors en extresme detresse, Lesnay ayant au devant le dernier, Le grand neschape au milieu de la presse.
By hunger, the prey shall make the Wolf prisoner, Assaulting him then in a great distress. The eldest having got before the last, The great one doth not escape in the middle of the crowd.


The two first Verses signifie, that an hungry Wolf seeking for a Prey, shall be caught in some trap, where being almost famished, the Prey shall assaule him. The last two Verses being obscure and not material to any thing I have neglected them.

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LXXXIII. French.
Le gros Traffic d'un grand Lion changé, La pluspart tourne en pristine ruine, Proye aux Soldats par playe vendangé, Par Jura Mont, & Sueve bruine.
The great Trade of a great Lion alter'd, The most part turneth into its former ruine, Shall become a Prey to Soldiers and reaped by wound, In Mont-Jura, and Suaube great Foggs.


This Prophecy is concerning the City of Lion in France, which is a Town of an exceeding great Trade, and is threatned to suffer an alteration, and a decay by War.

The last Verse is concerning a great Mist or Fogg, which shall be upon Mont-Jurs and in Suabeland.

LXXXIV. French.
Entre Campagne, Sienne, Pise & Ostié, Six mois neuf jours ne pleuvra une goute, L'Estrange Langue en Terre Dalmatie, Courira sus vastant la Terre toute.
Between Campania, Sienna, Pisa and Ostia, For six Months and nine days there shall be no rain, The strange Language in Dalmatia's Land, Shall overrun, spoiling all the Countrey.


All those places mentioned, in the first Verse are seated in Italy; the Author saith that in that Countrey it shall not rain for the space of six Months and nine days, which if it be past, or to come, I know not.

The two last Verses signifie, that a strange Nation shall come into Dalmatia, and overrun and spoil all that Countrey.

LXXXV. French.
Le vieux plein barbe soubs le statut severe, A Lion fait dessus l'Aigle Celtique, Le petit grand trop outre persevere, Bruit d'Arme au Ciel, Mer rouge Ligustique.

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The old plain beard under the severe Statute, Made at Lion upon the Celtique Aigle, The little great persevereth too far, Noise of Arms in the Skie, the Ligustrian Sea made red.


I could scrape no sense out of the first three Verses; the last signifieth, that a noise of Arms shall be heard in the Skies, and that the Ligustrian Sea, which is that of Genoa, shall be made red with blood, when the former prodigy hath appeared.

LXXXVI. French.
Naufrage a classe pres d'Onde Adriatique, La Terre tremble emeue sur l'Air en Terre mis Aegypt tremble augment Mahometique, L'Heraut soy rendre a crier est commis.
A Fleet shall suffer Shipwrack near the Adriatick Sea, The Earth quaketh, a motion of the Air cometh upon the Land, Aegypt trembleth for fear of the Mahometan increase The Herald surrendring shall be appointed to cry.


In the two first Verses is foretold a great storm by the Adriatick Sea, in which a Fleet shall be dispersed, and many suffer Shipwrack.

The two last Verses relate the great fear Aegypt was in, when the great Turk Sultan Selyn went to conquer it.

The last Verse is concerning a Herald, which was surrendred to the contrary party, and by them was appointed to perform that office in their behalf.

LXXXVII. French.
Apres viendra des extremes Contrées, Prince Germain dessus Throsne d'Oré, La servitude & les Eaux rencontrées, La Dame serve son temps plus n'adoré.
After that shall come out of the remote Countreys, A German Prince upon a gilded Throne, The slavery and waters shall meet, The Lady shall serve, her time no more worshipped.


This Prophecy is concerning Gustavus Adolphus King of Swedeland, who is called German Prince, because his Ancestors came out of Germany, he came out of a remote Countrey, that is Swedeland, he came upon a gilded Throne, that is a Ship gilded, he shall make slavery and waters meet, because as soon as he was Landed he began to conquer, and to subdue that Lady (viz. Germania) that was no more worshipped since as she was before.

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Le Circuit du grand fait ruineux, Le nom septiesme du cinquiesme sera, 'Dun tiers plus grand l'estrange belliqueux, De Ram, Lutece, Aix ne garentira.
The circumference of the ruinous building, The seventh name shall be that of the fifth, From a third, one greater, a Warlike man, Aries shall not preserve Paris nor Aix.


The Circumference of that ruinous building, was the French league against Henry III. and Henry IV. which numbers being joyned together, make seven, mention∣ed in the second Verse.

By the strange Warlike man, in the third Verse, is understood Henry IV. because he was not born in France, but in Navarre, and therefore called a stranger, who sub∣dued both Paris and Aux, seated under the constellation of Aries. If you had not rather, by the name of the Ram, or Aries, understand the Duke of Mayenne, who who was head of the league.

LXXXIX. French.
Un jour seront amis les deux grands Maistres, Leur grand pouvoir se verra augmenté, La Terre neufue sera en ses hauts estres, Au sanguinaire le nombre raconté.
One day the two great Masters shall be friends, Their great power shall be increased, The new Land shall be in a flourishing condition, The number shall be told to the bloody person.


We must suppose here three Kings of Europe, two of which shall become friends, and by their agreement, the new Land, that is, either the Plantations, or the Trade either in the East or West Indies, shall flourish, their prosperities shall be related and told to the third King, who shall be a bloody and cruel man.

XC. French.
Par vie & mort changé Regne d'Hungrie, La loy sera plus aspre que service, Leur grand Cité d'Urlemens plaine & crie, Castor & Pollux ennemis dans la Lice.

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By Life and Death the Kingdom of Hungary shall be changed. The Law shall be more severe than the service. Their great City shall be full of howling and crying, Castor and Pollux shall be enemies in the List.


There shall happen a great change in the Kingdom of Hungary, caused by the birth of one, and the death of another.

The meaning of the second Verse is, that it will be more tolerable to go to War, than to Law.

The last verse signifieth, that this dissention shall happen between two Brothers; because Castor and Pollux were such.

XCI. French.
Soleil levant ungrand feu lon verra, Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendans, Dedans le rond mort & cris Jon orra, Par Glaive, Feu, Faim, mort les attendans.
At the rising of the Sun a great fire shall be seen, Noise and light tending towards the North, Within the round death and cries shall be heard, Death by Sword, Fire, Hunger watching for them.


These are Prodigies that shall be seen, a little before that a great Calamity shall happen,

XCII. French.
Feu couleur d'or, du Ciel en terre veu, Frappé du haut nay, fait cas merveilleux, Grand meurtre humain, prinse du grand Neveu, Morts de spectacles, eschapé lorgueilleux.
A fire from Heaven of a Golden colour shall be seen, Stricken by the high born, a wonderful case, Great murder of Mankind, the taking of the great Neven, Some dead looking, the proud one shall escape.


This is a continuation of the former, relating more Prodigies that are to happen.

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XCIII. French.
Aupres du Tybre bien pres la Lybitine, Un peu devant grand Inondation, Le chef du nef prins, mis a la sentine, Chasteau, Palais en conslagration.
Near the Tyber, going towards Lybia, A little before a great Innundation, The Master of the Ship being taken shall be put into the Sink. And a Castle and Palace shall be burnt.


This is plain.

XCIV. French.
Grand Pau, grand mal par Gaulois recevra, Vaine terreur au Maritin Lion, Peuple infiny par la Mer passera, Sans eschaper un quart d'un Million.
Great Pau shall receive great harm by the French, A vain terrour shall seize upon the Maritine Lion, Infinite people shall go beyond Sea, Of which shall not escape a quarter of a Million.


The first Verse signifieth that the Countrey about the Pau, (which is the greatest River in Italy) shall receive great damage by the French.

The second, that the Maritine Lion, viz. the Hollanders shall fear in vain. The third and fourth are plain.

XCV. French.
Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables, Pour Champs avoir grande division, Regnes livrez a prudents incapables, Lors les grands Freres mort & dissension.
The populous places shall be deserted, A great division to obtain Fields, Kingdoms given to prudents incapable, When the great Brothers shall die by dissention.

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This needeth no interpretation.

XCVI. French.
Flambeau ardant au Ciel soir sera veu, Pres de la fin & principe du Rhosne, Famine, Glaive, tard le secours pourveu, La Perse tourne envahir Macedoine.
A burning shall be seen by night in Heaven, Near the end and beginning of the Rhosne, Famine, Sword, too late succours shall be provided, Persia shall come against Macedonia.


This is easie.

XCVII. French.
Romain Pontife garde de taprocher, De la Cité que deux fleuves arrouse, Ton sang viendras aupres de la cracher, Toy & les tiens quand fleurira la Rose.
Roman Pontife take heed to come near To the City watered with two Rivers, Thou shall spit there thy blood, Thou and thine, when the Rose shall blossom.


Although there may be many Cities watered with two Rivers, yet I know none more famous than Lions in France, where two famous Rivers, the Rhosne and the Saone meet together, and I believe this is the place that our Author forewarneth the Pope to come to, for fear of his death, and that of his attendants.

XCVIII. French.
Celuy du sang resperse le visage, De la Victime proche du Sacrifice, Venant en Leo, augure par presage, Mis estre a mort alors pour la fiance.
He that shall have his face bloody, With the blood of the Victim near to be sacrificed, The Sun coming into Leo shall be an Augury by presage, That then he shall be put to death for his confidence.

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I suppose this to be spoken of a Jewish Priest, who going about to practice the Ceremonial Law, in a Countrey where it is forbidden, shall be put to death for his bold confidence.

XCIX. French.
Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit Augure, Par gent Gauloise par trop sera vexée, Mais Nation Celtique craindra l'heure, Boreas, classe trop loing l'avoit poussée.
The Roman Countrey in which the Augur did interpret, Shall be too much vexed by the French Nation, But the Celtique Nation shall fear the hour, The Northwind had driven the Navy in too far.


Since the Reign of Henry the II. King of France, the Historians do not mention that the Countrey about Rome hath been troubled by the French Armies. It was only in the time of Paul the IV. who was assisted by the French Troops, under the conduct of the Lord Strozy, and Captain Monluc, therefore this Stanza belon∣geth to the time of that Kings Reign.

And indeed what he foretelleth here, came to pass in the year 1556. for the Countrey about Rome was vexed by the French Nation, who went about then to take the places, which the Duke of Alba had taken from the Pope, and there∣by caused those disorders, which commonly are incident to War.

The second Verse saith, the Countrey shall be too much vexed, and not a little, be∣cause Monluc, whom the Author calleth the quick Gascon, did continually torment the Enemies, which could not be done without a great prejudice to the Countrey; Moreover, his Troops being for the most part Gascons, and consequently active men; the Soldiers did more harm than ordinary.

In the first Verse he saith, that this Countrey about Rome was marked by an Au∣gury, to be the place upon which the sad effect of the Augury should fall, which proved true; for the first of March 1556. appeared a Blazing Star, which did pre∣sage to that Countrey of Rome, its disaster.

Roman Countrey in which the Augur did interpret, that is to say, which the Augur did signifie, and presage should be vexed by the French Nation.

Afterwards the Author saith, that the same French Nation, or Celtique, shall fear the hour when Boreas should drive to far the Fleet, that is to say, shall fear much, when the Baron de la Garde was so troubled with the storm (as we have said) and in truth it was Boreas, or the Northwind, that drove him into St. Florents road.

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C. French.
Dedans les Isles si horrible tumulte, Rien on n'orra qu'une bellique brigue, Tant grand sera des predareurs l'Insult, Qu'on se viendra ranger a la grand ligue.
In the Islands shall be so horrid tumults, That nothing shall be heard but a Warlike surprise, So great shall be the insult of the Robbers, That every one shall shelter himself under the great League.


This is plain, if by the the great League, you understand the soundest and most powerful party.

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