Clerk. They esteem it next door to Sacri∣lege, for a Gown-Man to condescend to the La∣bours of the Laity. They would pull my Cas∣sock over my Shoulders, should they catch me in this Honest Crime; forgetting, that the Pri∣mitive Professors of their Religious Orders, got their Bread by making of Baskets.
The Box I send thee, contains some of my Merchandize; being designed as Presents for some of the Ministers of the Port, and my o∣ther Friends at Constantinople. I desire thee to take Care in sending it safe, that the Watches may receive no Damage by Water.
It is reported here, That the Emperour is Sick; thou wilt do well to inform me of the Truth. I hear also, That Prodigies have been lately seen at Vienna, which the French inter∣pret, as Fore-runners of his Death, and Signs of approaching Desolations in Germany. I am not credulous of all Things, which the Vulgar say on such Occasions. Yet I cannot deny, but that the Angels who preside over King∣doms and Empires, may be the Monitors of Mankind, and by raising unusual Spectacles in the Elements, may warn Mortals of future Alterations. This was the Opinion also of thy Country-man Josephus, who says, That immediately before the Destruction of Jerusa∣lem, there was a Voice heard in the Templs of Solomon, supposed to be uttered by Angels, say∣ing, Arise, let us go hence; as if the Guardian Spirits of that City, were then forsaking their Charge.