Gospel reconciliation, or, Christ's trumpet of peace to the world wherein is shewed (besides many other gospel truth) ... that there was a breach made between God and man ... to which is added two sermons / by Jeremiah Burroughs.

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Gospel reconciliation, or, Christ's trumpet of peace to the world wherein is shewed (besides many other gospel truth) ... that there was a breach made between God and man ... to which is added two sermons / by Jeremiah Burroughs.
Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
London :: Printed by Peter Cole ...,

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Subject terms
Reconciliation -- Religious aspects.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
Theology, Doctrinal.
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"Gospel reconciliation, or, Christ's trumpet of peace to the world wherein is shewed (besides many other gospel truth) ... that there was a breach made between God and man ... to which is added two sermons / by Jeremiah Burroughs." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A30581.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Use, 2. The Great honor of Ministers that are Faithful.

SEcondly, Hence appears the great honor of the Ministers of the Gospel in their Ministery; we wil not attribute to our persons, but to

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our work, certainly, if they are committed to the Mi∣nistery of reconciliation, they are sent about the most honorable business that ever was in the world; to dis∣pence unto the Children of men the great mistery of Salvation by Jesus Christ. So if a Minister be faith free in it, it may be said of any one that God uses in this; Happy that ever he was born, and blessed be the womb that beare him and the paps that gave him suck, if so be he be faithful in this his work; for he is imployed about the greatest business that is in the world; never did God employ Angels in a work of greater consequence, and in a work wherein they are more honored they are called in scripture Angels of the Churches, for indeed their work is Evangelical, and when he speaks of them in 1 Cor. 4.1. Therefore let a man account of us as of the Ministers of Christ, and stewards of the misteries of God. Bretheren, we could be willing, that for our persons they should be never so contemptible before you if so be the contemptibleness of our persons might fur∣ther the glory of our work, But we know ordinarily, that the contempt of persons hinders the honor of the work, and therefore saith the Apostle, let a man so ac∣count of us as of the Ministers of Christ, and stewards of the Misteries of God: we are appointed stewards of the misteries of God, we are stewards to deal out unto you the misteries of life, and Salvation, Joseph was accounted highly off, when he did deale out the Corne in Egypt, and now this work of reconciliation is that that the Angells prie into, the Angels learne instruction from this mistery of reconciliation, it doth, not only beseem the greatest men in the world to attend upon it: but the Angels themselves honor it, and learne by it. I wil give you a text for this because it may seem to be hard unto you, the text is in Ephes. 3 verse, 10. To the intent, that now unto Principalities, and Powers in Heavenly places might be known by the Churches the manifold wisdom of God; that (not only men) but the

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very Angels in heaven might come to understand further the wisdom of God in Christ, made knowen to the Church, certainly; if the Angels come to know further by the Church, then specially at their Church meetings when they are together, and when there is the dispensa∣tion of the Ministery of the Gospel among the Saints; then when the Church is in their exercises of the ordi∣nance of the Church; then they come to know the manifold wisdom of God (howsoever some think it is foolishness) yet God saith, it is a manifold wisdom of God and the Angels think so too. Certainly, there is no place so ful of sinners, as of Angels heareing; therefore, you may wel come to heare, for the Angels they come to heare, and therefore the Apostle saith to women, that they should beheave themselves wel be∣cause of the Angels, and the scripture tells us, that the Angels prie into this mistery of the Gospel. Ministers need not seeke honor to themselves any wai••••, but by their faithful administration of the Gospel, and there∣fore in the primitive times, the Ministers of the Gospel were mightily honored of the people, let a soul come to understand what it is to have peace with God through Jesus Christ, through any Ministers, Ministery, and that soul wil honor that Ministery enough; hee needs not cal for any honor and respect from that poor soul, It is said, that in the former times there were wooden challices and golden Ministers: but afterwards there were golden cupps, and wooden Ministers. It was a great deale more honor to the Church when there were golden Ministers, but afterwards when there were golden cups & ministers were gallants, and had great means, may they not wel be called wooden in respect of their opening of the misteries of Salvation to the pople? It is not now so much for to preach morallity, (these are good things to be preacht on) but where is the great point of recon∣ciliation? The great point that al Ministers ought to aim at is the great point of Reconciliation, and that is to be

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preacht, and it is their commission to preach that especi∣ally. Oh, how is it to be received, to be accepted? To us is committed the ministery of reconciliation; what is it? It is such a ministery, of no less consequence then your reconciliation with God; Oh how gladly should you take in this ministery? for they come about a work that is worthy of al acception, as the Apostle saith Tim. 1.1.15. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of al acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; This is the sum of the ministery of recon∣ciliation, when we come to bring this unto you, we do not expect al acceptation, to open your hearts and hands to receive in this work of reconciliation into you: as we read of Noah, when he was tossed up and down the Sea) after many dayes he put forth a dove, and she brought in an Olive branch, Now this you know is an Embleme of peace, Noah opened the window of the Arke, and took in the Dove with the Olive branch, and al those that come to preach the Gospel unto you, they come with the Olive branch in their mouths, and the truth is, you are, as it were upon the Sea floting up, and down, and we come unto you: with an Olive branch in our mouthes like Noahs Dove, Oh, then open your win∣dows and receive it, saith the prophet, Oh how beauti∣ful are the feet of them that bring good tidings of peace, and as you read in Rom. 10.15. Their very feet should be beautiful unto you; It is so prophecied of among the Prophets, and it is made use of in the new Testament, and if you find your hearts opened and accepting of it, and rejoyce and bless God for it, then you fulfil that prophesie, and then the feet of those messengers are beautiful in your eyes; that is the work that you should come for when you come to hear a Sermon; You should think, this day am I comming to hear somewhat of the work of reconciliation between God and my soul, and when people come to the word to expect somthing con∣cerning this peace with God, and when they heare any

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such thing, Oh, then they should bless the name of God. Some come to the word to hear some witty sentences, and for discourse (though the maine thing is that you should come to hear somthing about the reconciliation of God to your souls, and you should watch for such a word al: the while the minister is opening the point, Oh! but when wil the word of peace be opened from God to my soul? And when you hear that word, Oh! you should embrace it, and receive it as in Psal. 58. I wil hearken what the Lord wil say, for he wil speak peace unto my soul; so should every poor afflicted conscience say, I wil hearken this day when Christ wil speak peace to my soul. The Lord by his word speak peace unto you and make that which we preach in opening the things of the Gospel to bee a powerful mi∣nistery of reconciliation unto your souls.

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