A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word.

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A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word.
Downame, John, d. 1652.
Printed at London :: By Felix Kingstone [and William Stansby] for Ed: Weuer & W: Bladen at the north dore of Pauls,

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Christian life -- Early works to 1800.
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"A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A20762.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


§. Sect. 4 Secondly, as it is the Sacra∣ment of our new-birth.

Secondly, Baptisme doth inable vs vnto the duties of a godly life, as it is the Sacrament of our Regeneration and new-birth, not onely signify∣ing, but sealing and assuring, yea powerfully conueying to the worthy re∣ceiuer (by the inward operation of Gods Spirit, which powerfully work∣eth together with his holy ordinances) the spirituall life of grace, poten∣tially to the elect Infants, as they potentially haue faith, and by Gods De∣cree are ordained to beleeue, and actually to those who by faith apply vn∣to themselues Christ and all his benefits. By which spirituall life and quic∣kening power, they are inabled, according vnto their age and growth in Christ, to moue and worke in the duties of holinesse; euen as the child which is new-borne moueth as soone as it liueth, first more weakly, and af∣terwards more strongly, as it increaseth in age and growth, in strength and stature. Neither is the vertue of Baptisme thus quickening vs to new∣nesse of life, to be limitted and restrained to the time past, or to the pre∣sent act of administration, as though it did no more but purge and cleanse vs from the guilt and punishment of our sinnes past, and morti∣fie our originall sinne in which we were borne, or raise vs who were dead in trespasses and sinnes, vnto the first beginnings of spirituall life and mo∣tion, bringing vs (as it were) to the birth, and then vtterly leauing vs to be nursed and nourished by other meanes; but the power and vigour of it continueth and extendeth it selfe to the whole course of our liues; and is an effectuall meanes, being recalled to our minds, and afresh applyed by faith, both to assure vs of the pardon of all our sinnes, as it is the seale of the Couenant, whose vertue continueth not onely at the first act of sea∣ling, but as long as the tearme specified in the writing, and therefore must continue in full vertue for euer, to our vse, seeing it is a seale affixed to an euerlasting Couenant; and also with no lesse efficacy to mortifie daily more and more, all our sinfull corruptions, and to quicken vs vnto holi∣nesse and new obedience, when vpon any occasion wee apply vnto vs the death and Resurrection of Christ, signed and sealed vnto vs, and for our perpetuall vse in our Baptisme; and doe reuiew our spirituall euidences, and the great Charter of Gods Couenant, wherein he hath not onely gi∣uen Christ vnto vs, and all his benefits, but also hath promised and assu∣red vs that he will giue his holy Spirit to continue with vs vnto the end

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of the world, who will apply vnto vs the efficacie of Christs death and re∣surrection, not onely for the pardon of our sinnes, in respect of their guilt and punishment, but also for the washing away daily of the pollution of it, and subduing of the flesh and the lusts thereof, and for our conti∣nuall quickning and further growth in all duties of holinesse and righte∣ousnesse.

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