A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discours, of Samuel Harshnet. entituled: A discouerie of the fravvdulent practises of Iohn Darrell wherein is manifestly and apparantly shewed in the eyes of the world. not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562.

The day after that So.* came to S. Ioanes, he did counterfeyt himselfe (saith Nicholas Shepherd) to be in a fit, because (as I think) certain we men were come thither vnto him to see him, who did greatly bemoae him: where vppon I remouing the said weomen from him, tould him whilest hee was in his tricks and in Iohn Coopers presnce: that if he would not leaue & rise vp, I would set such a payre of kp-knaps vpon him as should make hī to rue it: & there vpon So. did presently rise, and left his said tricks, & had no more fits, whilest he continued there, being the space almost of a monneth. The next day I falling into some better acquaintance with him, (be vppon my promise that I would be his frend, and procure him fauour from M. Mae¦ior & his brethren) did confesse vnto me, that all he had done in the course of his former tricks, were but counterfeyted, and said, that when I woulde. I should see all his said tricks, and how he did them. The same day I tould Iohn Cooper, what So. had confessed vnto me, and willed him that when they were in bed togither, he should talke with him thereof, sayinge, that I verily thought, he would confesse all vnto him at large. And accordingly it fell out. For as Iohn Cooper hath deposed, So. tould him, that all the tricks he had done in his said possession and repossession were all of them counter∣feyted.