The boke of keruynge

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The boke of keruynge
[[London] :: Enprynted by wynkyn de worde at London in fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne,
The yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.xiij. [1513]]

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Subject terms
Table etiquette -- Early works to 1800.
Courts and courtiers -- Food -- Early works to 1800.
Table service -- Early works to 1800.
Carving (Meat, etc.) -- Early works to 1800.
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"The boke of keruynge." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


¶ The chaumberlayne.

THe caumberlayne muste be dylygēt & clenly in his offyce with his heed kembed & so to his souerayne that he be not recheles & se that he haue a clene sherte breche petycote and doublet / thā brusshe his hosen within & without & se his shone & slyppers be made clene / & at morne whan your souerayne wyll aryse warme his sherte by the fyre / & se ye haue a fote shete made in this maner. Fyrst set a chayre by the fy¦re with a cuysshen an other vnder his fete / thā sprede a shete ouer the chayre and se there be redy a kerchefe

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and a combe / than warme his petycote his doublet and his stomachere / & than put on his hosen & his shone or slyppers than stryke vp his hosen manerly & tye them vp than lace his doublet hole by hole & laye the clothe a¦boute his necke & kembe his heed / than loke ye haue a basyn & an ewer with warme water and a towell and wasshe his handes / than knele vpon your knee & aske your souerayne what robe he wyll were & brynge hym suche as your souerayne cōmaūdeth & put it vpon hym than doo his gyrdell aboute hym & take your leue ma∣nerly & go to the chyrche or chapell to your soueraynes closet & laye carpentes & cuysshens & lay downe his bo¦ke of prayers / than drawe the curtynes and take your leue goodly & go to your soueraynes chambre & cast all the clothes of his bedde & bete the federbedde & the bol¦ster / but loke ye waste no feders than shall the blanket¦tes & se the shetes be fayre & swete or elles loke ye haue clene shetes / than make vp his bedde manerly than lay the hed shetes & the pyllowes / than take vp the towel & the basyn & laye carpentes aboute the bedde or wyndo∣wes & cupbordes layde with carpettes and cuysshyns. Also loke there be a good fyre brennynge bryght / & se the hous of hesement be swete & clene & the preuy borde couered with a grene clothe and a cuysshyn / thā se there be blanked donne or cotton for your souerrayne / & loke ye haue basyn & euer with water & a towell for your so∣uerayne / than take of his gowne & brynge him a man¦tell to kepe hym fro colde / than brynge hym to the fyre & take of his shone & his hosen than take a fayre kercher of reynes & kembe his heed & put on his kercher and his bonet / than sprede downe his bedde laye the heed shete and the pyllowes / & whan your souerayne is to bedde

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drawe the curtynes / than se there be morter or waxe or perchoures be redy / than dryue out dogge or catte & loke there be basyn and vrynall set nere your soueray¦ne / than take your leue manerly that your souerayne may take his rest meryly.

¶ Here endeth of the chaumberlayne.
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