A declararation [sic] of the twelue articles of the christen faythe with annotations of the holy scripture, where they be grounded in. And the righte foundation and principall comon places of the hole godly scripture, a goodly short declaration, to all Christians profitable and necessarye for to come to the right vnderstondynge of holy Scripture compyled for the commodite of al christen people. By D. Vrbanum Regium.

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A declararation [sic] of the twelue articles of the christen faythe with annotations of the holy scripture, where they be grounded in. And the righte foundation and principall comon places of the hole godly scripture, a goodly short declaration, to all Christians profitable and necessarye for to come to the right vnderstondynge of holy Scripture compyled for the commodite of al christen people. By D. Vrbanum Regium.
Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.
[[London] :: Imprinted [by S. Mierdman] for Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng vpon Somers kaye, by Byllinges gate. In the yeare of oure Lorde. M.D.XLVIII. And they by to be solde at Poules churche yarde at the north doore, in the signe of the Bybell. By Richard Iugge,

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Apostles' Creed -- Early works to 1800.
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"A declararation [sic] of the twelue articles of the christen faythe with annotations of the holy scripture, where they be grounded in. And the righte foundation and principall comon places of the hole godly scripture, a goodly short declaration, to all Christians profitable and necessarye for to come to the right vnderstondynge of holy Scripture compyled for the commodite of al christen people. By D. Vrbanum Regium." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A10573.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The fyfth Article. He ascended into hel: and the thyrd daye he rose agay∣ne from the death.

Christe is our redemer and sauiou∣re, therfore ouercometh he all, whatso¦euer is contrary to oure saluacion is synne, death, hell, & the deuyl, through whose enuie, death is come into the worlde. Christ also descended into hell, that he shoulde suppresse, all po∣wers and subtelties of the deuyl, to the faythfull. And he is rysen agayne for to geue a newe lyfe to the beleuyn¦ge, that we here after may lyue inno∣cently and godly.

Dauid speaketh thereof on thys wyse. Thou shalt not leaue my soul in

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hell. Here is it cleare, that he descēded into hell. For he sayth not. Thou shalt not leaue the work of my soule in hel∣lethe sayth, my soule, so that the soule of Christ dyd truely descende into hel, after her substaunce, or beynge, not o∣nely after the worke. And although we do not knowe properly, what ma∣ner of descendynge into hell the same be. Yet neuerthelesse wyll we surely & truely beleue the wordes of the Pro∣phetes: whan he hadde commended hys blessed soule into the handes of God hys father, than laye hys holye body styll, but the soule went downe to hell. Oh the mercyfull Lorde hathe ouercome for vs euery fearful thyng.

¶ The resurrection of Christe is a great article. For it hath made the pai¦nes and sufferynges of all martyrs lyght, and is the triumphe and ioye of all Christians. Hys resurrectyon is oure righteousnes, and worketh also oure resurrection bothe of bodye and soule. Euen so sayth saint Paul. Chri∣ste is rysen agayne. If the spirite of hym that raysed vp Iesus from death,

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dwell in you, euen he that raysed vp Christe from death, shal quicken your mortall bodyes, because that hys spiri¦te dwelleth in you. And to the Corin∣thians, as by Adam all dye, euen so by Christ shall all be made a lyue, and euery man in hys owne ordre. The fir¦ste is Christe, then they that are Chri∣stes.

The inuincible glorye of the glori∣ous resurrection of Iesu Christe, de∣clareth and glorifieth al that was we∣ake & feareful before, dryueth awaye the feare of death, and exalteth into great ioye the hertes of all faythfull Christians. Vvhat ioye is greater, thē that, Christe is rysen in euerlastynge glorye and honour. He dyed ones for vs, and shall dye no more, death shall haue no more power ouer hym, Nowe be we hys membres, and he is oure o∣nely heade, wheresoeuer then the hea∣de becometh and reygneth there shall also the membres become. There is oure ioye and reioysynge. Therfore sayth Paule, That the Christians shoulde comforte themselues one ano∣ther

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with suche wordes. They are cō∣fortable wordes truely to all true be∣leuers.

This is the summe of the gospel. Christe is a kyng of glorye, he is bor∣ne and geuen vnto vs. Vve haue syn∣ne and death, but he hath righteousnes and lyfe, yf thou beleue in hym, then be hys goodes thy goodes, hys resur∣rection thy resurrectiō, And it is thy∣ne also whatsoeuer he hath wrought by hys glorious triumphāt resurrecti¦on, God hath geuen vs, hys sonne & all thynges with hym, as saynt Paule sayth.

Vvhat hath he wrought by hys re∣surrection? Truely great thynges, he hath destroyed synne, raysed righte∣ousnes, abolysshed death brought a∣gayne lyfe, ouercome hel, and he hath geuen eternall glorye and honour. Therfore syngeth the churche with great gladnes, not without inspiratiō of the holy goost. Christe is rysen and yf he were not rysen, then were all the worlde perysshed.

In the old Testament is the resur∣rection

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of Christe signifyeth the pro¦phete Ionas. He laye thre dayes and thre nightes in the bely of a great whalle, after that was he delyuered, as Christe hym selfe bringeth in the same. The scribes and the Pharisees would see but a signe. Then sayde the Lorde vnto them. The euyl & aduou∣trous generation seketh a signe, but there shall no signe be geuen to them, than the signe of the Prophete Io∣nas. For as Ionas was thre daies and thre nyghtes in the whalles belly, so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the herte of the earth. And in Iohn speaketh he also of thys hys resurrection, saynge. De∣stroye thys temple, and in thre dayes I wyl rease it vp agayne. There spea∣keth he of hys owne body.

Reade more there of in Osee, and in the psalter. I haue slept and am ry∣sen, That is asscrybed vnto Christe.

Item thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, neyther wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption.

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Here sheweth Dauid clearly the bo∣dely resurrection of Christe. For Christe is properly called in scripture the holy one of god, and he sayth, thou shalt not leaue hym in hell, that is as muche to saye. Thou shalt sone bryng hym from theus. Item thou shalt not suffre thy holy to see the corruption That is, Thou shalt make haste to brin∣ge me abroade agayne to the bodely lyfe. The continual readyng in the Bible shall bryng before the more su∣che lyke saynges.

Vvitnesse of the newe Testament.

Mathei. xx. He shall ryse agayne the thyrde daye. That is the worde of God, that can not lye nor faile. Mar. x. Luce. xviij. Mathei. xxviij. Mar. xvi Luce. xxiiij. Iohan. xiiij. xvi. xx. Act. i. ij. iij. iiij. v. x. xiij. xvij. xxiiij. xxvi. Paule Roman. i. iiij. v. vi. vii. viij. x. xiiij. xv. i. Corinth. vi. xv. and ij. Corinth. v. xiij. Galat. i. iij. iiij. v. Ephes. i. ij. iiij. Phil. i. ij. iij. Colloss. i. ij. iij. i. Thessalo. iiij. v. ij. Thess. i. ij: iij. i. Tim. i. iij. ij. Tim. i. ij Titu. ij. Ebre. i. ij. iiij. vi. vij. x. xiij. Petrus. i. Pet. i. iij. v. Iohan. i. Iohan

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i. ij. iiij.


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