The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe ministers of the peace wherevnto be also adioined the seuerall offices of church-wardens, of surueiors for amending the high waies, of distributors of the prouision for noisome foule and uermine, of the collectors, ouerseers, and gouernors of the poore, and of the wardens and collectors for the houses of correction / collected and penned by William Lambard ... 1582.

The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe ministers of the peace wherevnto be also adioined the seuerall offices of church-wardens, of surueiors for amending the high waies, of distributors of the prouision for noisome foule and uermine, of the collectors, ouerseers, and gouernors of the poore, and of the wardens and collectors for the houses of correction / collected and penned by William Lambard ... 1582.
Lambarde, William, 1536-1601.
Printed at London :: By Roger VVarde,

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Constables -- Great Britain.
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"The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe ministers of the peace wherevnto be also adioined the seuerall offices of church-wardens, of surueiors for amending the high waies, of distributors of the prouision for noisome foule and uermine, of the collectors, ouerseers, and gouernors of the poore, and of the wardens and collectors for the houses of correction / collected and penned by William Lambard ... 1582." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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