Several sermons and discourses of William Dell Minister of the Gospel; sometimes attending both the generals in the army: and now Master of Gonvil and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. Heretofore published at several times, and on several occasions; and now gathered in one volumn, for the benefit of the faithful, and conviction of the world.
- Title
- Several sermons and discourses of William Dell Minister of the Gospel; sometimes attending both the generals in the army: and now Master of Gonvil and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. Heretofore published at several times, and on several occasions; and now gathered in one volumn, for the benefit of the faithful, and conviction of the world.
- Author
- Dell, William, d. 1664.
- Publication
- London :: Printed [by R. White] for [Hen. Cripps, Lod. Lloyd and] Giles Calvert, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle, at the West-end of Pauls towards Ludgate,
- 1652 [i.e. 1651]
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- Subject terms
- Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"Several sermons and discourses of William Dell Minister of the Gospel; sometimes attending both the generals in the army: and now Master of Gonvil and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. Heretofore published at several times, and on several occasions; and now gathered in one volumn, for the benefit of the faithful, and conviction of the world." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
- A Preface to the Reader.
- title page
- To the Right Honorable the Lady ELIZABETH Countess of BULLINGBROOK.
- The Contents.
- Christs Spirit a Christians strength, OR, A plain discovery of the mighty and invincible power that all Believers receive through the Gift of the SPIRIT.
- title page
- Vniformity Examined.
- title page
- To the Reader.
- AN EXPOSITION Of the 54. Chapter of Isaiah, from Vers. 11. to the end.
- title page
- To the Reader.
- Right Reformation: OR, The Reformation of the Church of the New Testament, represented in Gospel-Light.
- A REPLY To Mr. LOVE'S. Contradictions.
- title page
- To the Honourable the Commons of England Assembled in PARLIAMENT.
- To his Excellency the Lord General FAIRFAX, And the Honorable Lieutenant-General CROMWEL, Together with the Councel of VVar.
- The Contents.
Way of true Peace and Vnity,
in the true Church of CHRIST.
- The second bond of the true Churches unity, is, ONE SPIRIT.
- The third bond of the true Churches unity, is, ONE HOPE OF OUR CALLING.
- The fourth bond of the true Churches unity, is, ONE LORD.
- The fifth bond of the true Churches Ʋnity, is, ONE FAITH.
- The sixth bond of the true Churches unity, is, ONE BAPTISME.
- The seventh bond of the true Churches unity, is, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL, AND THROUGH ALL, AND IN YOU ALL.
- part