A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors so as to render them more healthfull to the body and agreeable to nature, and to keep them longer from souring, with less trouble and charge then generally practised, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravel, gout, and dropsie : together with easie experiments for making excellent drinks with apples, currans, goodberries, cherries, herbs, seeds, and hay &c., and the way to preserve eggs five or six months from being musty or rotten : wih an appendix how to make fruit trees constantly fruitful : also a way how every one may purge themselves with common salad herbs and roots, and a method how to prevent constiveness in the body / by the author of The way to long life, health, and happiness &c.
- Title
- A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors so as to render them more healthfull to the body and agreeable to nature, and to keep them longer from souring, with less trouble and charge then generally practised, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravel, gout, and dropsie : together with easie experiments for making excellent drinks with apples, currans, goodberries, cherries, herbs, seeds, and hay &c., and the way to preserve eggs five or six months from being musty or rotten : wih an appendix how to make fruit trees constantly fruitful : also a way how every one may purge themselves with common salad herbs and roots, and a method how to prevent constiveness in the body / by the author of The way to long life, health, and happiness &c.
- Author
- Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for Tho. Salusbury,
- 1690.
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To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
- Subject terms
- Brewing.
- Beer.
- Ale.
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"A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors so as to render them more healthfull to the body and agreeable to nature, and to keep them longer from souring, with less trouble and charge then generally practised, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravel, gout, and dropsie : together with easie experiments for making excellent drinks with apples, currans, goodberries, cherries, herbs, seeds, and hay &c., and the way to preserve eggs five or six months from being musty or rotten : wih an appendix how to make fruit trees constantly fruitful : also a way how every one may purge themselves with common salad herbs and roots, and a method how to prevent constiveness in the body / by the author of The way to long life, health, and happiness &c." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A63802.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
- title page
CONTENTS of this BOOK. -
A NEW ART OF Brewing, &c.
- Of Cold Gruel.
- Cautions against certain Foods that Generate the Stone and Gravel.
- A good Drink against the Stone and other Stoppages.
- A good and profitable way for the Poor, and wholsom for the Rich, to make Cherry∣wine, or Drink of Goosber∣ries, Currans, Apricocks and Plumbs, being easie and wholsom, pleasant and cheap. There being but one way and manner in the making and operation, therefore one Ex∣ample will serve for all.
- AN APPENDIX, SHEWING The Natural Causes why Fruit-Trees do so frequent∣ly fail Bearing, and Offer∣ing Expediments to make Orchards almost constantly fruitful. With a new Ex∣periment of preserving of Eggs sweet and good for several Months.
AN EXPERIMENT For keeping of EGGS.
- The Natural Way how eve∣ry one may in the Spring and Fall purge themselves with Ease and Pleasure to considerable Advan∣tage, with the Common Sallad Herbs that are generally eaten in these Seasons, and also with Roots. One Example will serve for all.
- A Method how every one may with Ease and Pleasure keep their Bo∣dy open, and prevent Costiveness, and being too much bound in their Bo∣dies.