HEre is represented one of the biggest Male worms, in which all its parts are very neat∣ly and distinctly represented, as its
A. Eyes double in size to those of the Female.
BB. The horns with their dif∣fering Articulations or Ioynts.
C. The Sheeres, Beak, or toothy Cheek-bones, wherewith they root up the earth.
DD. The First, Second and Third pair of legs with their joints.
E. The Cases of its Wings in which the first pair are inclosed, like a tender flower in its bud.
FF. The always moving or trembling Gills which are shining and pure white, and beset with thousands of fine hairs like Fur, the same are here very neatly re∣presented. The Finns in this Fi∣gure are not visible (being co∣vered by the Gills) but are al∣ready represented in the first and third Figure of the first Table.
G. The three Tails, beset with Brushie hairs, with their Tag-like appendices.