Davvnings of light wherein the true interest of reformation is opened in generall, and in particular, in this kingdome for the establishment of weaker judgements, and many other things impartially hinted, to a further discovery of truth and light in many of our present controversies : with some maximes of reformation / by John Saltmarsh ...

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Davvnings of light wherein the true interest of reformation is opened in generall, and in particular, in this kingdome for the establishment of weaker judgements, and many other things impartially hinted, to a further discovery of truth and light in many of our present controversies : with some maximes of reformation / by John Saltmarsh ...
Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647.
London :: Printed for R.W. and are sold by G. Calvert ...,

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Church of England -- Controversial literature.
Liberty of conscience -- England.
Great Britain -- Church history -- 17th century.
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"Davvnings of light wherein the true interest of reformation is opened in generall, and in particular, in this kingdome for the establishment of weaker judgements, and many other things impartially hinted, to a further discovery of truth and light in many of our present controversies : with some maximes of reformation / by John Saltmarsh ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A60972.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Trials of God amongst us.

THat which is an argument of trou∣ble, and distraction to carnall judgements, ought to be the only confirmation and strengthening to Gods people, who live in a higher region, and stand on the vantage ground above the men of the world, and see how the designes of Heaven are managed, and are able to dis∣cern that in the creature, which o∣thers are not, even a providence work which shines sorth in the con∣texture of things and affairs, like the Sun beams on the wall and first let it be no wonder that God is in the midst of troubles and tumults, I will

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shake all Nations, sayes God, and then it follows, the desire of all Nati∣ons (or Christ) shall come before me; and when he was with Israel he was in a cloud and fire at one time, in lightning and thunder at another; and when with his Prophet, there went a whirlewinde and fire before kim, and the Spirit of God which knowes Gods manner of presence best, sets him forth thus, Our God shall come, a fire shall devoure him, and it shall be very tempestuous round a∣bout him: when he was with Gideon and his people, it was so, as he could see little of him, If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? when, with his people in captivity, it was so as the Prophet could say, Can these dry bones live? When with his Disciples, it was so, as there was no comelinesse in him, he was not desira∣ble: when with his Apostles, he strook the room with a whirlewinde, and enlightned it with fire.

See Gods method and goings be∣fore amongst his people, and you shall trace him now in the same spiri∣tuall

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and providentiall impressions.

First, in our Parliamentary & Di∣vine Assembly, and the rising of peo∣ple to build the Temple of God; so it was before, when the Temple in type was raised, and the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the sonne of She∣lathiel, Governour of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Josedech the high Priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came, and did work in the house of the Lord.

In the beginnings of the war, when a few Delinquents drew in so great a party to the Kings party, & when so many revolted from the work; so it was before in that of Gibe••••, which got in the Tribe of Benjamin to their quarrell against all Israel. And in that of Abijah and Jerobo∣am, when Jeroboam was four hun∣dred thousand men more then Judah: but there were gathered to them vain men, the children of Relial, who thought to withstand the kingdom of the Lord, with whom was a great multitude, and golden Calves, who cast out the Priests of the Lord But

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with Abijah was the Lord God, and the Priests which minister unto the Lord, and they which burn sacrifice morning and evening, and which soun∣ded trumpets to cry alarm against ye, O children of Israel.

In the Contributions brought into the work of the Lord, as the Plate, Money, Jewels, Levies, Loanes. So it was before, when some of the chiefe of the Fathers gave unto the work, and the rest of the people, twenty thousand drams of gold and silver.

In the divers successe the enemies had in the proceding of this War: So it was before when the Sons of Belial in Gibeah involved a whole Tribe into their quarrel, and got the better of it in divers battels.

In the battels and victories we had in many places, as Edge kill & York, where our multitude did not deliver us. So it was before in Gideons, when God took off his Army to three hundred, and then gave him the suc∣cesse against his enemies.

In other particular deliverances of

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besieged places, as Bradford, Hul, Lime, Glocester. So it was in Ziph. in Keilah, in Jerusalem, when God caused Saul and Senacheib to hear a rumour of war to divert them from the siege.

In our divisions about some crip∣ture truths, in our murmurings and disputings, and our wayes of conci∣liation by an Assembly. So it was before amongst the Brethren, till a Councell at Jerusalem reconciled them: So amongst the Grecians and the Hebrewes, till the Brethren were called together to consider of it.

In the discoveries of Conspiracies and Plots against Parliament, and City, and Armies. So it was with Israel, when Elisha discovered the councels of the Syrians: So with Nehemiah, when Sanballats and To∣iabs plots were revealed: So with the Iewes, when Hamans was disco∣vered and defeated: So with Abso∣lons, when Achitophels was tu••••••d into folly. The Lord is known by the judgements that hee executes: the wicked is snared in the works of their own hands.

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In stirring up the younger sort in∣to attempts against the Armies and enemies of God. So it was before, when Ahab said, By Whom? And he said, Even by the young men of the Princes of the Provinces.

In raising up new Armies after dis∣comfitures and losses; as in the ge∣nerall rout we had throughout the Kingdome not long since, when our Southern, Western, and Northern Armies were scattered. So it was be∣fore when Israel had losse after losse in their way to Canaan, and still re∣cruited by the power of their God.

In carrying on the cause through windings & turnings through losses and victories, making us a mutuall scourge to one another, dashing us both in pieces, and repairing us a∣gain, and thus keeping up a standing affliction amongst us, till his work be finished on Mount ion, & his judge∣ment on his enemies. So it was be∣fore, when Israel and Iudh were engaged against each other: o it was with Ionahs ship, when they rowed hard to shore, but they could

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not, for the winde blew and was tem∣pestuous against them.


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