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THE FIRST VISION OF THE Algouazil (or Catchpole) possest. (Book 1)
I Was going t' other day to hear Mass at a Convent in this Town, but the door it seems was shut, and a world of people pressing and begging to get in; I ask'd, What was the matter? They told me that there was a Demoniac to be exor∣cised (or dispossest): Whereupon, I thrust into the Crowd for company, to see the Ceremony; but to little pur∣pose: for after I had half smothered my self in the throng, I was e'en glad to get out again, and bethink my self of my Lodging. Upon my way homeward, at the streets end, it was my fortune to meet a familiar friend of mine of the same Convent; who told me over again what I had heard before, and taking notice of my curiosity, bad me