A letter sent from a worthy divine to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the city of London being a true relation of the battaile fought betweene His Majesty and His Excellence the Earle of Essex : from Warwicke castle the 24 of October 1642, at two a clock in the morning : together with a prayer for the happy uniting of the King and Parliament, fit to be used by all good Christians daily in their houses.

A letter sent from a worthy divine to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the city of London being a true relation of the battaile fought betweene His Majesty and His Excellence the Earle of Essex : from Warwicke castle the 24 of October 1642, at two a clock in the morning : together with a prayer for the happy uniting of the King and Parliament, fit to be used by all good Christians daily in their houses.
Byfield, Adoniram, d. 1660.
London :: ... Printed for Robert Wood,
Octob. 27, 1642.

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Subject terms
Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649.
Essex, Robert Devereux, -- Earl of, 1591-1646.
Warwickshire (England) -- History, Military.
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"A letter sent from a worthy divine to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the city of London being a true relation of the battaile fought betweene His Majesty and His Excellence the Earle of Essex : from Warwicke castle the 24 of October 1642, at two a clock in the morning : together with a prayer for the happy uniting of the King and Parliament, fit to be used by all good Christians daily in their houses." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A48137.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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