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The I. Sermon. (Book 1)
The Work of an imperious Whorish Woman.
NOt to chill your ears by keeping you long at the doors; not to detain you one minute with a cold unprofitable Preface: This Chapter is the exactest History of the Spiritual estate of the Jews, i. e. The elect of God, and the powerfullest exprobration [ D] of their sins, that all the Writings under Heaven can present to our eyes. From the first time I could think I understood any part of it I have been confident, that never any thing was set down more rhetorically, never more 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, more affection and sublimity of speech, ever concurred in any one writing of this quantity, either sacred or prophane. 'Twere a work for the solidst Artist to observe distinctly every part of Logick and Rhetorick that lies concealed in this one Chapter, and yet there [ E] is enough in the surface and outward dress of it, to affect the mean∣est understanding that will but read it. For our present purpose it will suffice to have observ'd, 1. That the natural sinful estate of the Jews, being premised in the five first Verses: 2. The calling of them in this condition, in their pollutions, in their blood, and bestowing all manner of spiritual ornaments upon them, following in the next ten Verses; the remainder is most what spent in the upbraiding and ag∣gravating their sins to them in a most elevated strain of reproof; and [ E] the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 or highest pitch of it, is in the words of my Text, The work of an imperious Whorish Woman.
For the handling of which words, I first beg two postulata to be granted and supposed, before my discourse, because I would not trou∣ble you to hear them proved.